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Return Of Pain

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#1 DivaDonna55



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Posted 04 June 2018 - 10:04 AM

Has anyone experienced a return or worsening of pain from fibro or athritis since weening off Cymbalta. I bead counted slowly and last dose was on May 10th, 2018. Still experiencing some tolerable symptoms but my pain level is incredible. I have trouble even drressing myself.. can't keep up on the housework. I feel like I am dying. I am 63 years old and am usually quite dynamic. I am currently not on anything for pain control except the occassional Aleve. I dont know how to handle this... it is making me more depressed. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and want to demand something for the pain control. But the last thing that I want is narcotics. Has anyone else seen an increase in body aches and pains since withdrawing ? What have you done ?



Thank you in advance...



#2 fishinghat


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Posted 04 June 2018 - 10:18 AM

Welcome DD55


The drs call this rebound pain and it is quite common during withdrawal. I have a compendium of things people have tried on the forum and will do a search to see what has worked for them. I will be right back.

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#3 fishinghat


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Posted 04 June 2018 - 10:42 AM

This is all I could find. I hope it helps.


Heartfeatherss - Try taking 4 ( yes 4) Advil LIQUID BLUE GELCAPs with a Coke. It has to be the blue gel caps and it cannot be a diet Coke. My neurologist told me to do this and I was so miffed, thinking he was just not understanding how bad it hurt... but dang! It works!! Hope this gives you relief. Contains ibuprofen and dihydramine. Should not be taken with other amines like benadryl.


Indian J Exp Biol. 2003 Nov;41(11):1322-4.
Influence of acidic beverage (Coca-Cola) on pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen in healthy rabbits.
The Cmax and AUC0-alpha of ibuprofen were significantly increased after single and multiple doses of Coca-Cola, thereby indicating increased extent of absorption of ibuprofen. The results warrant the reduction of ibuprofen daily dosage, frequency when administered with Coca-Cola.


Note - This sure sounds like it puts a lot of Advil into the system. The articles I read from migraine users all say the same thing it must be coke a cola and name brand Advil liquicaps.
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar


Used for detox, fibromyalgia, arthritis, zaps, fatigue, shakes, muscle aches and pains.

Tfaff - I'm trying to " detox" by eating well, finding foods that help detox the liver. I drink that apple cider vinegar/ honey/cinnamon mix that came up in another post here.

Fivenotions - I took myself off completely a few months ago and went back to home remedies (ginger tea and ginger slices, as well as Bragg's vinegar) ... the home remedies work pretty well (not perfectly) for the acid reflux ... but the "stomach worms"/anxiety every so slowly started to ratchet up ...

Another "home remedy" that really helped me (still does, I'm still taking it) is Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar ... it's also available in most health food stores, as well as from the internet (Amazon, and Bragg's directly) ... can be put in water, with honey, etc.... during early withdrawal, I drank it straight ... my food cravings were totally weird, and at the time it actually tasted great just like that ... blech ... there've been studies (which I now can't find, typical) that indicate it's a food that naturally increases serotonin levels ... it also cured my arthritis ... (Grandma knew more than I gave her credit for!)

The Bragg's ACV, which is unpasteurized and has what they call the "mother" in it...weird term, but that's the stuff that would otherwise be pasteurized out ....what starts to form when apple cider begins to go "hard" ....

Here's the link ...

I started taking it early in withdrawal ... totally by self-discovery ... I was having an amazing craving for vinegar tasting stuff...like dill pickles...actually, the juice they come in...so I did some googling...

It was very helpful to me with the withdrawal ... seemed to help with the zaps, my constant tiredness and the body "shakes" I got .... now, I've found that it's pretty much cured my arthritis...


Fishinghat - By the way some have had very good success with Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar for their fibro. There is some medical research that supports this. If you do a search on this site you will find several discussions about it. Be aware it is acidic so it can upset the stomach. The reason the Bragg's is the only Apple Cider Vinegar that works is that it is unpasteurized and therefore has all the original components. If you have any questions about the Braggs let me know and I will try to answer them.


Lady Nancy - I could not resist the urge to search and found several references to Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar which is an unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. Many are unable to take it due to stomach issues in which case a good alternative is Malic Acid/Magnesium in pill form as it works the same.


The dose for the Bragg's is two teaspoons in a cup of water. It is much stronger than regular Apple Cider Vinegar which is probably why it causes stomach aches for some even with some sugar or honey added. I know that I would not be using sugar at all if possible as it actually adds to joint pain and feeds the inflammation. .


Fishinghat - A little caution on the vinegar, which has been shown effective, added vinegar ingestion by women has been linked to increases in vaginal infections due to changes in blood and vaginal pH.


katrand - I also add Bragg's apple cider vinegar to my orange juice every morning to aid in absorption of my thyroid meds and supplements.


TFL - Are you taking anything for the joint pain? I found that Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs is the best - natural!) is a great help - you can mix a couple of spoonfuls in a cup of warm water with 1 spoon of honey and some cinnamon - almost tasty! I have arthritis and fibro and this really helps - give it a couple of weeks...


BJinFl - I have tried ACV, fishinghat, thank you. Unfortunately, I have one of those stomachs that can't stomach anything.


Fishinghat - For fibromyalgia I would try Braggs brand Apple Cider Vinegar. The dosage is 2 tablespoons in about a cup of cold water once a day. There has been some medical research that this juice has benefit for fibro and arthritis pain. This brand is the only one that works because it is the only one that is unfiltered and not pasteurized. Many find this solution to be too acidic for their stomach to handle, if you have that problem then buy some malic acid/magnesium tablets at your local health store. Malic acid and magnesium are the active ingredients in the Apple Cider vinegar.


Gail - ....each capsules contains 500mg apple cider vinegar powder, 300mcg potassium and 4mcg bore.


Fishinghat - He said to use a 50/50 blend of Braggs (sp) apple cider vinegar and water on the area on her back where the nerves are pinched. It may take a couple months to make a difference but will reduce the arthritis and the pain greatly. He recommends it to many of his patients as a way to reduce there use of pain meds for arthritis. I asked him if he has ever heard of using it on fibro and he said that the ACV worked better on the fibro than it did the arthritis.


This article explains the basics of using ACV to treat Fibro. I found maybe 50 articles or so that say basically the same thing and many forums that say it works.

This research article demonstrates that malic acid is very beneficial in treating fibro. AND malic acid is one of the main ingredients in ACV. It is suggested that there must be magnesium present for it to work and there is nagnesium in ACV.


Natural diuretics include:
⦁ Apple cedar vinegar- it regulates the level of potassium in the body

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is the type most often mentioned on the forums.

Gonnamakeit - Well, I decided to give this a try and started this morning with this recommended by Whycee a while back: "A cup of hot water, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey every morning" minus the cinnamon as I'm allergic and I have to say that it seems to be working! I had two servings this morning and this is the first good day since last Friday and I even woke up with my period in full force AGAIN--it just ended Sunday (apologies to the men!) and even those cramps are so much better.


FiveNotions -
Drinking to Cure: Apple Cider Vinegar and Cherry Juice for Arthritis?

This isn't an article, but a collection of links to info about the ACV arthritis connection...also, we had an interesting discussion here a while back about tart cherry juice as a remedy for withdrawal... https://www.cymbalta...l=+tart+cherry

The healing powers of vinegar


Serotonin/tryptophan connection mentioned . . .

This is an interesting discussion about ACV from the Social Anxiety Forum....


Wagtail - I think it was Fivenotions that recommended the apple cider vinegar , so I decided to try it . I can't say if it's a coincidence or not , but I do feel better since I've been taking it ... Less s/e's & more energy .. I'm happy with that !..:-)


Carleeta - Holy Moly...Apple cider vinegar...wow...I use it daily with Iceberg lettuce...I use it on my fish and on my potatoes..Also, I mix apple cider with fresh caused garlic and fresh ground black pepper, place it in a small bowl and dip pieces of meat (steak, pork chops) on it and eat them...I also soak crispy friend pork rinds in the bowl mixture and eat them...I guess I use apple cider vinegar a lot. It's possible this is what keeps me going forward...I like that it does burn fat also... So great to know it's helping you out with your cymbalta withdrawl....


JBhibbard - Drink lots and lots of water. Have you tried the apple cider vinegar detox? I believe it helps.


Andreamarie - For supplements I'm taking B Complex, Omega 3s, and apple cider vinegar.


Whychee - A cup of hot water, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnimon, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (Braggs) and a teaspoon of honey every morning.


plezhelp - i cannot say what will work for you but i continue to try different things = being open to change as the *** side-effects change too! the best thing i am still doing is tepid Epsom-salt baths with baking soda, and apple cider vinegar - which has helped a lot with the itching; i have no idea which one of those things are the best/better 'healing' but know that they are all currently helping me.


happyzappynot - I found that adding a teaspoon of cider vinegar to a glass of water helped my gut.


andie - I have bought some omega 3 6 9 and taking apple cider vinegar. everything has been very bearable so far so good xx
Nmood2talk - I started taking apple cider vinegar over a week ago to help with metabolism and weight issues - it does - more energy than ever - less appetite but amazing result is how I didn't know it helped get off Cymbalta - I tried before becasue when I didn't have money for meds at times I had terrible brain zaps(like elctric shocks in my head) and terrible nightmares- and the pain in my legs got so much worse -
the apple cider vinegar has worked 3rd day off minimal leg discomfort - no brain zaps - no nightmares - have felt better than I can remember ever - look up apple cider vinegar on Web MD and other places - don't drink straight as it will irritate throat - harsh to teeth - look to see if any side effects - says it could interact with meds ... just research it - but I'm telling you - it's an answer for me so far when I thought there were no answers - apple cider vinegar - look it up - nothing fancy although they say organic is better - got mine at the dollar store and like I said took it initially for weight loss - which it is curbing my appetite and making me feel so much better and I'm losing weight but the off cymbalta without terrible withdrawals was the unexpected unbelievable finding - look it up - research it - and let me know


IamwhoIam - Prepare a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey. Consume this mixture; this home remedy is highly effective in relieving vertigo.
CatLeeJones - What I've come across for the pain is absolutely amazing. It is called 'oil pulling'. Oil pulling is putting about a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, gently swishing it through for about 20 minutes. Then you spit it out. I did this for the first time yesterday with 3 sessions and it is nothing short of a miracle in how it released my pain. I've just started this process, with others I've read up on stating their pain is completely gone. There are so many more benefits from this process. This is something Im sure big pharma doesn't want too popular. The oils recommended are sesame seed oil, olive oil and coconut oil. I used organic sesame seed oil. I've read that sesame seed oil has properties that is most beneficial for fibromyalgia sufferers. It will take a bit to get used to but I'd rather do this than take pills that poison my body.





Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in 1922. Since originating in Japan, Reiki has been adapted into varying cultural traditions across the world. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is allegedly transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.


Reiki is pseudoscience. It is based on qi ("chi"), which practitioners say is a universal life force, although there is no empirical evidence that such a life force exists. Clinical research has not shown Reiki to be effective as a medical treatment for any medical condition. The American Cancer Society, Cancer Research UK, and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health state that Reiki should not be a replacement for conventional treatment.

sk8 - also started reiki... I noticed since reiki i have been able to wean way easier (not sure if it is a coincidence or not but anything helps)...


ExCymbaltaUser - i am a reiki student, and received an attunement august 19, which sent me into a massive detox (like the worst flu ever) after which all my withdrawal symptoms completely evaporated over the next week or so, while I continued giving myself reiki healing every day.


Christene - I have some wonderful Reiki music to plug into and used visualization with this process. I know this has keep me centered and help in the cleansing and healing process.
and others

Although the number of studies is limited, based on the size Cohen's d statistics calculated in this review, there is evidence to suggest that Reiki therapy may be effective for pain and anxiety.

As this included only 25 people with anxiety and 17 with depression and 20 more with either anxiety or depression, but which was not specified, the results could only be reported narratively. They show no evidence that Reiki is either beneficial or harmful in this population.

The results of this study indicate that Reiki may decrease pain, anxiety and fatigue in oncology patients.

Significant differences were observed between the experimental and treatment groups on measures of pain, depression, and anxiety; no changes in heart rate and blood pressure were noted. Content analysis of treatment notes and interviews revealed five broad categories of responses: Relaxation; Improved Physical Symptoms, Mood, and Well-Being; Curiosity and a Desire to Learn More; Enhanced Self-Care; and Sensory and Cognitive Responses to Reiki.

and many many more.
Note - Suntheanine is the pure ingredient and that is what you want. That is the pure L-theanine. D-theanine is not absorbed by our bodies.


L-theanine is an amino acid precursor to glutamate and glutamine.
200mg L-Theanine in the morning with a full glass of water on an empty stomach, you can take again in late afternoon 100 to 200 mg if needed (make sure it is suntheanine - it helps with headaches and pain as any painkiller I had just did not cut it)
Lion's Mane Mushroom


(AKA Yamabushitake or H. erinaceum )
This study demonstrates novel characteristics of H. erinaceus in reducing nociceptive (pain) behavior and blocking the functional activity of P2R (calcium binding receptors).


Caution - Most Excedrin contains caffiene and may make anxiety worse.
Extra Strength Excedrin - Acetaminophen 250 mg, Aspirin 250 mg, and Caffeine 65 mg.
Excedrin Migraine - Acetaminophen 250 mg, Aspirin 250 mg Caffeine 65 mg
Excedrin Tension Headaches - Acetaminophen 500 mg Caffeine 65 mg

Naproxin, advil, tylenol, ibuprofen, aleve, aspirin, motrin, acetaminophen, excedrin and other over the counter analgesics do not fair well for body aches and headaches. Just as many say they don't work as say they help. No clear cut option here.

#4 DivaDonna55



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Posted 04 June 2018 - 11:59 AM

Wow ! Thank you so much... I will definitely be looking into and trying some of these suggestions ! 


Thank you again, fishinghat !

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#5 CrochetKaleidoscope



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    Was taking for fibro, went off and entered cymbalta hell. Hoping to learn coping skills & to also help others who have been affected by this horrible drug.

Posted 06 June 2018 - 05:37 AM

Hi Diva,
I too have had an overwhelming recurrence of fibro pain since coming off cymbalta (18 May). What I have found is extra strength ibuprofen does seem to help as well as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for relieving brain zaps and sinus symptoms. Hope this helps you.
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