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#1 Spm7782



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Posted 31 July 2018 - 06:54 PM

I was on here not too long ago. So I've been on Cymalta 120mg for almost 9 years. It's helped me greatly for depression. Nothing else has ever worked for me. But, now, I get extremely weak and tired from the medication. I use to go through periods of time where i felt this exhaustion but now it's much more frequent. I have tried tapering off cymbalta, unsuccessfully. I was hoping to atleast try and lower the dose but my symptoms of depression return and get bad after only reducing 12 beads. Was thinking of possibly switching to Pristique. Any advice/comments would be appreciated.

#2 gail


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    5 months on cymbalta, scary side effects, to get help and to return the favor if I can.

Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:25 AM

Welcome back Spm,

Well, I would say to this, have you ran a complete blood test lately?

This Cymbalta is working so well for you, perhaps weakness and exhaustion may be caused by something else?

Besides suggesting this, I can't really help but Fishinghat should be in soon.

#3 fishinghat


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 08:48 AM

I have no experience myself with Pristiq but I was hoping some of the following information might help.


Desvenlafaxine (brand name: Pristiq) is a drug closely related to Effexor.

Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) - is a synthetic form of the major active component of venlafaxine (Effexor). It is approximately 10 times more potent at inhibiting serotonin uptake than norepinephrine.

It has a reputation of as bad or worse withdrawal than Effexor or Cymbalta.

15,653 people reported to have side effects when taking Pristiq.
Among them, 475 people (3.03%) have Nausea and vomiting
15,653 people reported to have side effects when taking Pristiq.
Among them, 731 people (4.67%) have High blood pressure
15,653 people reported to have side effects when taking Pristiq.
Among them, 1,129 people (7.21%) have Exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy, tiredness, weariness

Member Comments

Matt123 - Things were going fine until I began to get a constant dizzy/off balance feeling in February while on Pristiq and it has not gone away, even after swapping tablets to Paxil. In fact now the dizziness becomes intolerable if i try to up any anxiety tablet above a small dose.

albergo11 - To give a brief background, in January of 2013 I was prescribed 50mg of pristiq, had a bad reaction to it,

Mrs301 - My doctor first had me on Pristiq 100mg. Well insurance won't pay for it so it cost me well over $100.00.

Pups4Life - I have a family member who is on Pristiq and happy with it.

vonmarie - (because I had a really bad experience with going off from Pristiq and didn't want to relive that nightmare!)

AaronSD - I eventually started taking Pristiq, which was moderately effective,

sk8mom - By January 2009 I had tried about 7 different antidepressant and had major side effects and bad reaction to them all (I remember trying Paxil, pristiq, celexa,- my psychiatrist tried to combine these with seroquel, risperdal and zyprexa.. zyprexa was the only one I could tolerate..

windupbird - I've been off Cymbalta since Sunday now and have taken Pristiq for 3 days. I'm feeling really sleepy and a lot of dizziness and light headedness. How long will this last? I think its to late to go back to Cymbalta and wean off slowly. I just wanted to be done with it and on Pristiq cause I want to feel better.

My wife was put on Pristiq and weaned off Cymbalta in one week. The results were horrendous. You must wean off Cymbalta very, very slowly. See the post on the official protocol by Professor Healy. The side effects of Pristiq are similar to Cymbalta but it works amazingly well in some patients. See if your doctor could give you a small dose of Prozac whilst you come off Cymbalta and then try the Pristiq. Hope this helps. DonMH.

beachmama - To Kylie, I see that you are going to go to Pristiq. Be advised of the side effects including but not limited to, Increase in BP. I was on it for a short period of time and my normal hypotension (low blood pressure) jumped to stroke status. this is another seratonin drug and you will need to wean off of it.

rigby941 - Easiest.... um - none, really. I've been on so many... Pristiq is pretty bad, I remember - but not as bad as Cymbalta...

Nola - I work nights/weekends at a hospital. I have four consecutive days off. Last Monday, I went to sleep and didn't wake up again till Tuesday night. At that point I decided not to continue taking the Pristiq. I pretty much slept until I had to come to work on Friday night.

Marcia - Feeling like the floor is not solid beneath my feet. (way worse with Pristiq, though)

TinyTimmyTom - I took my Pdocs advice and started taking Pristiq. Apparently I'm sensitive to medications, and I had to get off it ASAP because I was having blurred vision.

rosie - I am a totally different person today. After one day on Pristiq, my mind is clear, my mood is great and the nausea, dizziness and those annoying brain zaps have gone. I will never forget that feeling and the sound when I moved my head too quickly ("ch, ch, ch" sound). I hope this lasts as I have to say, I am excited and optimistic about my future.

sandy63 - My Psychiatrist said it was fine to and do on Pristiq-I have to quit because gave me bad stomach pain which they want my Drs, records from that ordeal of eight months-I have been through hell with this-so sick with vimiting-sweats-chills-severe neck pain--severe depression which Has not ended--after several day my dr. put me on 20mg of Prozac to help-it does but not alot yet been on it for one week- still have alot of sadness,worry and want this to end.

Angela - I was originally on 60 mg but they stopped working for me so a dr prescribed me a new A/I, Pristiq. I took that for a week and a half and was weaning off the Cymbalta too. I started losing weight, no appetite, nauseous and diarrhea. He said to stop taking the Pristiq because that was a side effect, which I never had on the Cymbalta.

Kim - After Pristiq came on the market, he thought it would be a wise decision to switch me from Cymbalta to 50mg of Pristiq right away and should have had "no symptoms at all". WELL I call BS within 2 days I was out of work for a week, vomiting, diahrrea, fever, brain zaps like crazy, every thing I've read about people basically going cold turkey. He upped my Pristiq to 100mg and still it did nothing. Crying all the time, thinking I didn't even want to live like that anymore. I stopped going to him, stopped taking the Pristiq and went back to my 60 of Cymbalta and have been back to that routine for the last year and a half.

really nervous - The Pristiq dosage hasn't been working and I've been anxious and feel like my body is made out of lead! I've also had an upset stomach.

Christy - I am experiencing the same problem. I have been taking Pristiq for 1 yr and half. I recently asked to switch to Welbutrin because I gained 30lbs while taking Pristiq.

saratty45 - I am in Day 5 off Cymbalta. My doctor switched me to Pristiq because I wasn't feeling well and felt the Cymbalta was not working. While I feel relatively mentally clear... able to work productively, etc. physically I feel TERRIBLE. I first experienced nausea, diahrrea, headaches (not extreme) and feelings like mild electric shock going through my body. The intestinal issues are calming down. However, the feelings of electrical shocks seems to be increasing.

wmaraionet - The doctor had put me on Pristiq but my blood pressure is out the roof.

isabell - Now I'm on the new anti-D Pristiq no side effect for me at all and for me it has been like a wonder drug. been on it for 3 1/2 months and I finally feel great, like the old me I haven't been in over 15 years.


#4 Spm7782



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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:10 PM

Thank you for your replys. I have been to the my regular doctor and also an endocrinologist. Had multiple blood tests and everything comes back perfect. The only thing i can think is that it is the cymbalta. I eat fairly healthy. Drink plenty of water. Exercise. Get enough sleep.
Unfortunately cymbalta has worked great for me but the exhaustion is just getting worse and it's starting to effect my life in a negative way.
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#5 Spm7782



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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:12 PM

I am very nervous though about switching medications. Cymbalta was the only one that has worked for me. I wish i didn't have to take anything at all but this damn depression is debilitating. It sucks.

#6 fishinghat


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:52 PM

I don't know if this means anything but extreme fatigue during withdrawal is common.

It is a tough ride. Stay strong Spm.

#7 ILoveLife



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Posted 02 August 2018 - 02:11 PM

I think Spm is saying that the fatigue is there when on the full dose of cymbalta, fishinghat.  I don't think it's starting during the withdrawal....am I right, Spm?

#8 ILoveLife



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Posted 02 August 2018 - 02:18 PM

Spm, I also want to say, I feel you & I relate when you say you are very anxious about trying any other med.   I come from the same place.    Have you had any success trying any of the options listed in the Nutritional Support section for your depression? 


I want to say maybe you can try a Functional Medicine doctor.  Try youtubing "functional medicine for depression." to begin researching this idea.  You can also watch youtubes by Dr. Eric Berg or Dr. John Bartemus, and others. 

#9 fishinghat


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Posted 02 August 2018 - 05:02 PM

ILoveLife, you might try reading the thread "Summary of Cymbalta Withdrawal" in the Medical Support section. IS discusses all the things people have tried (good and bad), meds, and research.

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