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2 Questions - Hot Flashes And Also Cbd Oil

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#1 kikala



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Posted 07 January 2019 - 09:07 AM

I'm at what, I have read as the hardest part of the process, about 2.mg, well actually 24 beads.

So my two questions are about HRT and CBD oil.


I've been on bio identical hormones for years and my hot flashes have been well controlled all that time.  Not so much for the past 4 weeks or so.  I think I started having problems ad around the 40-50 bead mark.


Our thermostat goes down to 64 degrees at night and now I'm back to sleeping in shorts and a cami and most nights I sleep with no sheet or blankets.  I start the night with blankets but at about 2:30 and 3:00 I wake up a hot sweaty mess and of course I can't fall back asleep because of the insomnia (not sure if it's menopausal or just the withdrawal).  I feel like I did years ago when I started the bio identical HRT.  This issue came on really fast and with a vengeance.  Like at the beginning of December I had no hot flashes and was actually sleeping in normal pjs, by the middle of the month I had started having hot flashes and not sleeping through the night. 


The hot flashes are not like the feelings I ever got when I accidentally forgot a dose either, these are full on full body hot sweaty mess menopausal hot flashes.  


I'm seeing my gyno today but thought I'd ask if anyone mentioned that their hormones had to be adjusted during or at the end of the taper.  I know that Cymbalta messes with so many things in your brain but I thought that reproductive hormones were not one of those.  


Also, I think I tapered in December too fast and since the middle of last month I've been dealing with med head, a little dizziness and a little nausea.  Some days I started the day with a Dramamine, other days I didn't need one until 7:00 pm (I take mine at night because of fatigue).  A friend of mine on FB said I should try CBD oil for the withdrawal symptoms.  Has anyone tried this?  If so did it help?  I'm losing my mind a little. :)




#2 fishinghat


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 10:18 AM

Welcome kikala

The hot flashes are fully to be expected. Very com mon. They will pass with time.

I am afraid I am not an expert of CBD oil but I do know many have used is with some success. Another member, IU N, will chip in on this later. He is much more knowledgeable than me.

I would also suggest you start reading the thread "Summary of Cymbalta Withdrawal" in the Medical Support section. It is a summary of things that members have tried and their success and failures. Also a lot of medical information. As Cymbalta withdrawal can alter the reproductive hormones )this is called PSSD) I would suggest you get them checked to see if a dose adjustment is needed.
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#3 invalidusername


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 06:35 PM

Hi Kikala.


As 'Hat said, I can help you out with CBD oil. I have used a few variants and know of a number who have tried. I would first direct you to a write up I did for the members here a while ago;




This will give you a good introduction and some unbiased information. 


It has helped a lot of people with sleeping when taken close to bedtime. I will often take some if I feel wired and I know I might have difficulty. For most, it relaxes the body substantially, but doesn't always quieten thoughts - each person's reaction will be different.


But start with a small dose - don't be too worried if you find that it does nothing to begin with - better that than have something react, which at low doses is perfectly managable. I take around 10 drops of 15%, but I started with just 2, then 5... until I reached a therapeutic dose. However, the chances of reaction are so minimal. All the scaremongering on the Internet is there to protect the big pharma companies! They don't want people going near CBD, kratom and the like because they (in most cases) are so much better than drugs! But please bear in mind those who abuse, as this is the case with all such things - medical or otherwise.


Please feel free to ask any questions you might have,



#4 kikala



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Posted 07 January 2019 - 10:34 PM

Thanks for the info IUN.

My gyno is changing my hormones around to try to help with the sleep and will recheck again in 8 weeks.

I had already bought some CBD oil from my cousin before I posted and am hoping that I can sleep more than 2 1/2 hours tonight.


I also am going to add some beads back to my capsules as well.  I had a bad day and it's just not worth feeling like this.  I'd rather take another 6 months to get the last few beads than have another 2-3 weeks like I have had.


FH I'm going to go back and reread the summary of withdrawal again.  I'm sure you can relate that my memory isn't what it used to be.  LOL


Thanks again for all your support this site has been the my saving grace.



#5 fishinghat


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Posted 08 January 2019 - 08:57 AM

There is a section on "How to sleep netter" in that thread Summary of Cymbalta Withdrawal. It may give you some tips on how to get more rest, especially the part about melatonin.

#6 invalidusername


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Posted 08 January 2019 - 10:01 AM

Yes - this is a useful document Hat refers to. Well worth a read to implement some very simple ideas to aid sleep.


Please let me know how you got on last night with the oil, what strength you have and how many drops. I will be able to guide you better from there.

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