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20 Mg To 0, I Just Want To Get Through The Worst Of It!

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#1 wooshesandsleep



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Posted 19 February 2019 - 11:09 PM

I was prescribed Cymbalta while I was going through a depressive episode, and despite my usual anti-pharma stance (if I could do it naturally, I wanted to try!) I was at a point where I just didn't care.  So I went on 30 mg Duolexine.  It did help with anxiety, but it did not help with the depression.  I recently had a breakthrough with meditation and what I wanted to do with my future (and why I mattered at all).  So, I stopped taking Cymbalta.  A few days from 30 mg to 20 mg (with no negative effects) and then to 0.  I know this is not a very smart thing to do, but I really wanted to be off Cymbalta by the time school started.  The first 4 days were ok, though I did have brain wooshes and dizziness.  Days 6 and 7 have been pretty hard.  I'm hoping by next week the worst of the withdrawals (chills, headache, brain "wooshes," and I got a cold within one day of stopping the dose) are over.  I've been in bed pretty much all day due to dizziness.  Is this the worst of it, 7 days out from my last dose?  I also have a 103.3 degree fever - could that be the Cymbalta?


Yesterday, I held it together until I got home at 9.  Then, I went immediately to bed and have basically stayed there since.  I hope I feel at least a little bit better soon.


Thanks for having this site to read about everyone else's experience -- it reminds me that I am not, in fact, dying :P


When was the worst for you?

#2 invalidusername


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Posted 20 February 2019 - 08:07 AM

Hi Wooshesandsleep and welcome,
Whilst 30mg is not a strong dose, it can still have some nasty withdrawal effects. You didn't mention how long you were on it for? This can also impact.
The first few days will often be OK as the blood levels balance, and then it hit soon after as you have noticed. What you have experienced is textbook withdrawal, although the fever could be something else, so I'd keep an eye on that. 
To say you have reached the worst of it at 7 days is very difficult to say. Everyone is different and thus will have different lengths and severity of symptoms, but for now, the best thing you can do is rest and take care of yourself. There is plenty of resources on the site which can give you ideas of supplements that can help you through this point.
My very worst were the first 2 weeks - after this point it is stamina to put up with the ongoing symptoms. 

#3 gail


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Posted 20 February 2019 - 09:44 AM

Welcome Whosshe,

I see that you have cold turkeyed the #$!$ Cymbalta. Take a tournament of the site. You will! Find many treasures about what people take for this and for that.

As for the fever, as IUN said, this is a pretty high fever and should be tended to.

The worst is around day 2/3/4 and continuing for a while.

Should you feel that you can't make it, you can also reintate to 20 mg and bead count.

Whichever way you decide, we'll be here for you. With love!

#4 wooshesandsleep



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Posted 20 February 2019 - 10:23 AM

Thank you so much for sharing your experience.  It is so so reassuring that most of my symptoms are indeed "textbook withdrawal."  The fever has gone down a bit (102) but I will be resting at home until I absolutely have to get out into the real world (or at least until my fever goes down more).  It really means a lot to have support from people who know what it's like!  I was on 30 mg for 5 months, so not too long thankfully.

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 20 February 2019 - 10:33 AM

I am afraid that I am a little bit more pessimistic. It is possible that the worst symptoms are the first week for you but in all honesty they tend to last for months after the last dose. I would say that 6 to 8 months before seeing breaks in the suffering. Having said that there are indeed several who only suffer for a few weeks but they are rare.


Supplements to try are.


Omega 3 (high in epa and dha)  2,000 to 3,000 mg/day

Suntheanine at 100 to 200 mg 3 or 4 times per day

Vitamin C OR NAC at 500 mg /day (both are antioxidants)


That would be my suggested supplements. There are others to try if these do not work out.


The fever is not normal. Are you already taking anything for the withdrawal symptoms?

#6 invalidusername


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Posted 20 February 2019 - 02:27 PM

Hat is right to give you possible scenarios. Withdrawal from Cymbalta can be cruel for many. If you read posts on the forum you will see where people have suffered for some time. I would like to think that the length of your treatment will have some bearing on the length of withdrawal, but no-one can be sure - we just hope and pray for the better.


I was only taking it for 10 weeks - my last dose was end of October, and I am still having issues, but I have also switched around a bit since, so my case isn't the best to consider.Just remember that this is withdrawal and nothing else. Sometimes this is the hardest part. When I read people who have stopped for 1 week and say "I cannot take any more", it does make me think how much perspective is required. 


But to end on a positive, I hope you are in the group of those that have a less protracted withdrawal - we also see these come and go on the forum just as much. Whatever it throws at you, we are here...

#7 wooshesandsleep



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Posted 21 February 2019 - 12:31 PM

Luckily, my fever broke and I am back at a normal temperature.  I have not been taking anything for the withdrawal but I will definitely take a look at those supplements - for a while I was taking Omega-3 just because, I'm sure it can't hurt for this!  I have been noticing a bit of a craving for oranges, etc, I think my body may indeed be asking for some vitamin C.  Thank you so much!  I'll be prepared if it lasts months and months, though of course I hope it is not so brutal.  Now, I am not sure if my brain fogginess, disorientation, etc. is from getting over the cough/flu/whatever I had, or Cymbalta withdrawals.  Either way, hopefully these symptoms end soon :)

I am afraid that I am a little bit more pessimistic. It is possible that the worst symptoms are the first week for you but in all honesty they tend to last for months after the last dose. I would say that 6 to 8 months before seeing breaks in the suffering. Having said that there are indeed several who only suffer for a few weeks but they are rare.


Supplements to try are.


Omega 3 (high in epa and dha)  2,000 to 3,000 mg/day

Suntheanine at 100 to 200 mg 3 or 4 times per day

Vitamin C OR NAC at 500 mg /day (both are antioxidants)


That would be my suggested supplements. There are others to try if these do not work out.


The fever is not normal. Are you already taking anything for the withdrawal symptoms?

#8 wooshesandsleep



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Posted 21 February 2019 - 12:37 PM

Thank you!  It means a lot that you have contributed so much on this site despite your more limited time on Cymbalta itself -- though not, unfortunately, with its withdrawals :(.  I hope you get to 100% soon.  It definitely was hard to not cave, especially on Monday when I wasn't sure if I was getting sick or just suffering withdrawals (turns out I was sick.  My mucus was, indeed, green).  Now though, I think I'm probably through the worst of it, because any withdrawals can't possibly be worse than withdrawals with a 103 degree fever.  Right?  I'm hoping?  


Anyways, hope all of it is over for both us (and everyone on this site) as soon as possible :)

Hat is right to give you possible scenarios. Withdrawal from Cymbalta can be cruel for many. If you read posts on the forum you will see where people have suffered for some time. I would like to think that the length of your treatment will have some bearing on the length of withdrawal, but no-one can be sure - we just hope and pray for the better.


I was only taking it for 10 weeks - my last dose was end of October, and I am still having issues, but I have also switched around a bit since, so my case isn't the best to consider.Just remember that this is withdrawal and nothing else. Sometimes this is the hardest part. When I read people who have stopped for 1 week and say "I cannot take any more", it does make me think how much perspective is required. 


But to end on a positive, I hope you are in the group of those that have a less protracted withdrawal - we also see these come and go on the forum just as much. Whatever it throws at you, we are here...

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#9 invalidusername


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Posted 21 February 2019 - 04:16 PM

I sincerely hope that the fever is the worst of it for you, but is a picnic compared to the seizures caused by Cymbalta during the early days of my withdrawal. I am on first name terms with some of the ER crew round here - not kidding. It hurts when it gets to this level.


I would for sure go with the Vitamin C and the Omega 3 - make sure you get high EPA - it is expensive, but anything less would be wasted on the withdrawal as you would not see any results. Regarding the NAC and Suntheanine, I would go with one or the other so you can decide which is better. It may even be that the Vit C and Fishy oil is enough - but if not, supplement further with either of those that Hat has suggested, depending on your symptoms at that point. We can help you at that stage, but give the vits a go for a few days - maybe even pick up some apple cider vinegar when you are next at the grocery store - it is cheap as chips and has helped many in the past (myself included). But make sure it is unpasturised/organic - referred to as having "the mother". Braggs is a good brand, but 'spensive. Plenty of cheaper alternatives.

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#10 wooshesandsleep



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Posted 02 March 2019 - 03:36 AM

Hi invalidusername!!!!!


I just wanted to thank you again for all of your support.  I think I may be finished with Cymbalta withdrawals, just 2 and a half weeks after stopping cold turkey from 20 mg.  I feel so lucky.  I haven't noticed any dizziness or brain wooshes for the past few days.  Of course, I have been taking it easy because of being sick (I still have a pretty obnoxious cough), but it finally feels like I have my head on straight.


I can't imagine what it would be like to have seizures multiple times a day.  I am so sorry you had to go through that, especially after taking cymbalta for so short a time.  I am ready to join the crusade against Eli-Lily; allowing this to be so widespread with not even doctors knowing the consequences is unacceptable.  If you ever do organize a protest or need a petition signed, let me know!


Best of luck to everyone one the site,


Kristina Laue

I sincerely hope that the fever is the worst of it for you, but is a picnic compared to the seizures caused by Cymbalta during the early days of my withdrawal. I am on first name terms with some of the ER crew round here - not kidding. It hurts when it gets to this level.


I would for sure go with the Vitamin C and the Omega 3 - make sure you get high EPA - it is expensive, but anything less would be wasted on the withdrawal as you would not see any results. Regarding the NAC and Suntheanine, I would go with one or the other so you can decide which is better. It may even be that the Vit C and Fishy oil is enough - but if not, supplement further with either of those that Hat has suggested, depending on your symptoms at that point. We can help you at that stage, but give the vits a go for a few days - maybe even pick up some apple cider vinegar when you are next at the grocery store - it is cheap as chips and has helped many in the past (myself included). But make sure it is unpasturised/organic - referred to as having "the mother". Braggs is a good brand, but 'spensive. Plenty of cheaper alternatives.

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#11 fishinghat


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Posted 02 March 2019 - 09:00 AM

Absolutely fantastic. Great to hear.

#12 invalidusername


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Posted 02 March 2019 - 10:26 AM

Thanks for the update Kristina, and as Hat said, great to hear.


I sincerely hope this continues for you, and it wouldn't hurt to have the supplements on stand by - or just as a preventative measure. 

#13 gail


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Posted 02 March 2019 - 10:56 AM

Hello Kristina,

We so appreciate updates, thank you, it's looking good!

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