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New Depression After Long Term Cymbalta Use...

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#1 Lutzy99



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Posted 24 October 2019 - 01:22 PM

I stopped taking Cymbalta about 9 months ago after 5 years of use.  The rebound anxiety and depersonalization I've experienced has been horrible, but with a lot of work I've been able to sort of function. I exercise daily, meditate, take supplements like lions mane and ashwagandah, do weekly therapy, eat a perfect diet with no sugar,gluten, dairy, etc.  Ive lost 60lbs and am probably as healthy as I've ever been.  Still, I can't really find enjoyment in anything.  I'm still struggling with weekly panic attacks, random bouts of anxiety, and short episodes of terrible depression/despair.  The depression is something I never experienced before taking Cymbalta.  I'm afraid to deviate from my daily schedule too much for fear of triggering panic attacks, especially with extremely social or disorienting activities.


I feel like my brain is still adjusting to not having the Cymbalta, so I don't want to jump onto another SSRI until I've truly reached baseline. For others who have stopped Cymbalta, did you eventually start on another SSRI?  At what point am I going to be completely recovered from the Cymbalta?    

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 24 October 2019 - 02:18 PM

Welcome Lutzy

Some gave up and others just waited it out. For most who have this type of serious withdrawal it is usually 6 to 8 months to start to see a tern around. Slow at first with the good spells slowly getting longer and the bad spells slowly getting shorter. Usually in about a year they feel pretty decent but are still susceptible to stress. Two years off sees then nearly fully recovered. Of course that differs from person to person.

I would like some feedback from you if you don't mind. What do you think of effectiveness of the Ashwa… and the Lion's Mane Mushroom? Is the Lion's Mane Mushroom you use a water extraction or an alcohol extraction. Your feedback helps us provide more help to others in the future. Thanks.

#3 invalidusername


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Posted 24 October 2019 - 02:38 PM

Hi Lutzy and a welcome from me.


Hat has given you a good idea of the average from what we have seen on the forum with regards to recovery periods, but as you will no doubt be aware, this procedure is very much subjective and has a lot to do with personal circumstances and experiences during the withdrawal. Personally, I was only on Cymbalta for 10 weeks, but almost a year later and my stress tolerance is still affected - but I have had a lot of stressful circumstances to deal with at the same time. 


Very difficult to establish exactly where the baseline is - and ultimately it is only you that can call this. There is no harm on starting another SSRI from where you are, but 5 years is a long time on cymbalta and it wouldn't surprise me if you were still in the throw of recovery. You clearly have a good handle on what needs to be done to expedite a recovery, so I would suggest hanging on a little longer to hopefully see things improve. Keep a daily journal so you can get a good idea of the progress and any potential triggers that could account for any symptoms.


Also very interested to hear your opinion of the aforementioned supplements in Hat's message if you'd be so kind...



#4 Wagtail


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Posted 24 October 2019 - 07:45 PM

Hi Lutzy,
Any advice from Fishinghat is well respected and always spot on .
I was experiencing the same side effects as you’re mentioning but @ 9 months out they hit me so hard that I was admitted to hospital & with much regret I was instated on a tricyclic antidepressant.
In hindsight & if I know what I know now , I would have held on & with the withdrawals.
I didn’t know & the doctors never told me that this happens , it’s like the Cymbalta is doing it’s best to make you reinstate.
Please try to ride it out , as fishinghat said , it can take longer for some people than others .
I’m currently doing a very slow taper from the tricyclic that I mentioned . When I say slow I mean SLOW ... I don’t care if it takes me years but I want to get this crap out of my body once & hopefully for all .
What you’re experiencing is to be expected with withdrawing from Cymbalta , but you’re doing it & you will soon be seeing many good days & less bad ones .
I send you strength & encouragement & pray that you don’t make the same mistake that I did .... Be strong , you can beat this .
Much love from Australia and hello dear friend , fishinghat !...

#5 fishinghat


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Posted 25 October 2019 - 08:42 AM

Hey there Wagtail!! Long time no see. I know most of you aren't familiar with this wonderful lady but she went through a real hell during her withdrawal but came out the other side stronger and wiser. I have no doubt she has the stength to handle the tricyclic withdrawal as well.

Best wishes my friend and prayers.

#6 Lutzy99



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Posted 25 October 2019 - 10:16 AM

First off thank you all so much for the replies.  It is reassuring to know there are others out there who care.  I will say that the good periods have gotten longer and the bad spells shorter, but unfortunately they have not really lessened in severity.  Still, I have to try and step back sometimes and see how far I have come in the last year, even if I'm not exactly where I want to be yet.  I'm going to start journaling again to try and get a more objective picture of things.  


With regards to supplements, it can be difficult to know what's really working.  Lions mane, however, definitely helps.  I have had persistent issues with muscle twitching, spasms, and cramps that predated my Cymbalta use.  Since I started the lions mane about 4 months ago I have seen a significant decline in these symptoms, and have actually been able to start doing some weight training again.  It also seems to help my short term memory a bit.  The powder I use is from the company Host Defense.  I still take Ashwagandah daily in the evenings to help relax before going to sleep.  For the first few months after stopping Cymbalta the anxiety was unbearable, and I was taking the Ashwagandah several times per day.  It seemed to make me less anxious but also made me feel somewhat lethargic and out of it.  


I'm going to try and give it a couple of additional months before starting a new SSRI.  I'd really like to get to the one year mark, but we'll see how things pan out.  


Another thing I want to mention that has been really helpful for me is the Wim Hof breathing methods.  When I'm really feeling bad I will do 1-2 cycles of the breathing techniques and it usually helps a lot.  

#7 fishinghat


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Posted 25 October 2019 - 11:58 AM

That product, Host Defense Lion's Mane Mushroom, is the dried powdered whole mushroom, as such it contains the chemicals from both water soluble and alcohol soluble but because it is not an extract it is not as concentrated it is weaker. The reason I asked was that I tried Lion's Mane for my benzo withdrawal and the powder and the alcohol abstract did little but when I tried the water extract it was very helpful.

Thank you very much for your feed back. It helps a lot.

#8 Lutzy99



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Posted 25 October 2019 - 12:06 PM

fishinghat, is there a specific brand of water extract that you use?

#9 fishinghat


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Posted 25 October 2019 - 12:14 PM

I used …

If you try this please let me know how it compares to what you used.
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#10 invalidusername


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Posted 25 October 2019 - 03:55 PM

That Wim Hof is amazing - and I first discovered him when I was watching Karl Pilkington when he tried to do the breathing out in the Antarctic somewhere - hilarious! I will attach here so people can get some idea - but please take it seriously people. This chap has a lot of knowledge under his belt.


Lutzy, I am glad you are going to try and ride this out. I was not here during Wagtail's ordeal, but having read many posts on the site in my aiding other members and compiling the eBook with Hat, I can tell you that you are doing the right thing. It is so tough, and we can often question what we are putting ourselves through, but it is the right way forward.


May I also ask about your ashwagandha dosing schedule? How long have you been taking it - do you use KSM-66, or another brand? Do you find that you need to take a tolerance break in order for the efficiency to be maintained?


#11 Lutzy99



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Posted 28 October 2019 - 10:50 AM

invalidusername the Ashwagandah I use is KSM-66 from Jarrow.  It's only 300mg and I currently take it once at night before bed as it seems to help prevent the panic attacks I was having before falling asleep.  Sometimes ill will mix half a capsule with some water during the day if Im having a particularly challenging time.  I havn't felt a need to stop it because of tolerance but I was taking like 3 capsules a day at one point and found it made me feel more depressed.  I'm gradually trying to reduce some of the supplements I'm taking to see what impact they are really having.  

#12 invalidusername


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Posted 28 October 2019 - 03:12 PM

Thanks Lutzy - the KSM is the superior form of the root so is a good choice. Oddly enough, I noticed a little depression coming on if I took too much.


Remember that for it to be correctly absorbed, Ashwagandha needs to be taken with some form of fats like milk or a little chocolate. Taking it with just water will not give you the full effect.

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