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#1 Benedict22



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Posted 06 September 2020 - 10:45 PM

Hello everyone. I've been coming to this forum the last couple weeks for reassurance that I'm not alone, I'm glad this forum is here. Im looking for some assistance and help please If you have the time.

I've been on cymbalta and buspar for about a year and a half. About two months ago I spoke with my doctor about coming off the two to see how I am without them. He suggested to taper one medication at a time.. drop down 1 pill every two weeks until I was done. I was taking 45 mg buspar and 90 mg cymbalta. I came off buspar just fine but I tapered cymbalta too quickly I think. I dropped down a pill every two weeks so 90 to 60 then 30 then 0 every two weeks per doctor guidance. Within four days of taking my last cymbalta I started getting this unbearable itch all over my body. It's like a stinging itch and sometimes my arms will tingle/prick but primary this annoying intense itch in random places. I have no rashes it anything just this itch. While coming off cymbalta I had irritability, increased anxiety and the horrible whole body whooshes. Weird to explain but it felt like my body was in the ocean everytime I turned my head. About 7 days ago I started taking 30 mg cymbalta again considering I think I need the medicine for my anxiety after all but the itching is very very slowly getting there..

Does anyone know anything about this itching with cymbalta? And how long on 30mg will it take to help get rid of the withdrawal itch.. I'm thinking I need to go back on my original 90 mg. Please any advice/ guidance is greatly appreciated I am literally losing my mind and my doctor does not seem to understand the situation I'm in

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 07 September 2020 - 08:13 AM

Hello Benedict


The idea to go back up to 30 mg and stabilize is a good one. It would normally take 3 to 7 days to see a significant improvement but some folks more or less. The symptoms you mentioned are very common for Cymbalta withdrawal. As far as how fast you weaned, well it is not unusual for members to take 3 to 8 months too wean depending on how severe the symptoms. I would suggest the 30 before going back up to 60 or 90 mg. The further up you go the farther down you will have to taper. As far as the itching, members have had success with diaper rash cream and a few with epsom salt baths. Our ebook has details on how to prepare an epsom salt bath.


Please feel free to come back with any questions or just to complain. We are here to listen and help anyway we can.

#3 Benedict22



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Posted 07 September 2020 - 09:30 AM

Thank you for the quick reply. I really appreciate you taking be time to read my mess of a post. I've been back on 30 mg for about 8 days and this morning I took 60mg. I still have my random bouts of itching and I notice it's relatively worse at night. I was prescribed hydroxyzine to help counter the itching and it's only helped a little bit. I'm just starting to feel hopeless regarding the itching, I hope it goes away soon

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 07 September 2020 - 10:01 AM

What dose of hydroxyzine are you on? The good news is that hydroxyzine is often prescribed for Cymbalta withdrawal (anxiety, heart pounding, etc.).


Keep us posted on how well you adapt to going back on the higher dose. Most that return to a higher dose within a month respond well but those who updose after a month often have issues (head spinning, fatigue and much more). 

#5 Benedict22



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Posted 07 September 2020 - 10:07 AM

Thank you for the help. I was given 50 mg of hydroxyzine take it every 6 hours. I've only really been taking it at night to help with sleeping. I have a telephone appointment with my doctor tomorrow maybe he can give some further reassurance and give me the complete go ahead for using my cymbalta dose. When I saw him a few weeks ago he was really against bthe idea that cymbalta can cause itching, maybe he hasn't came across many patients with anxiety medication withdrawal I'm not sure.

Thanks for responding to me, this has been such a difficult past couple of weeks trying to understand my cymbalta withdrawal and then going back on it. Especially when my doctor isn't much help.

#6 fishinghat


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Posted 07 September 2020 - 12:08 PM

The drug insert by the manufacturer as well lists itching as a possible side effect while taking it as well as during withdrawal. 


I am a little surprised. That is a normal dose for itching but most drs usually only give 25 ,mg which is worthless. Hang in there, things will get better they just take time.


Edit - Remember it takes Cymbalta 4 to 6 weeks to reach full effect.

#7 invalidusername


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Posted 07 September 2020 - 03:55 PM

Hi Benedict,
Apologies for my late arrival - busy day and unforeseen circumstances, but Hat has done his usual bang up job in my absence.
For sure the 30mg is a good idea to reinstate as it was done quickly, but to go back to the 90mg I would advice advise against as it will only unbalance things further. 60mg is a possible to go for a slower taper.
From what you have said, you have been doing what a lot of doctors do in saying you have to go down the available pills of 90, 60 and 30, but you need to bead count through this to prevent the itching and so forth. I will tell you now that your doctor will be dead against this, but it is the way we have used since day 1 here and it WORKS. Dropping 30mg at a time is a receipe for disaster - especially the 30 to 0mg.
Again, as Hat said, you might have to give the updosing a bit more time to come through with the feeling better, but it will get there. You have simply been guided badly in coming off. You are now at the right place and we can help.
Take solace in the fact that you have taken the right steps that over 10,000 people have over the years and got help for themselves.
Keep in touch dear friend

#8 Benedict22



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Posted 07 September 2020 - 04:05 PM

Thank you very much for helping. I didnt think at the time that going from 90 to 0 in 6 weeks was quick until after i came off of it. I was on Cymbalta for almost a year and a half so coming off that quickly was not a good idea, i just did what my doctor told me to do.Boy the withdrawal symptoms are terrible, only symptom im left with now is itching and severe irritability. I went up to 60 MG today and i think ill stay at this dosage for a long time and try to wean off again in a few months. Im going through a very stressful point in my life and i dont think coming off anxiety medication is wise, not really sure why i decided to come off during this time (im not the brightest) I will stay on 60 for a few months then wean again this time ill do it with bead counting because i do not want to deal with this horrible itching ever again ( once it goes away)  


Thank you again for responding to this post. Im happy i found a place where others have experienced similar issues, i feel less alone with this struggle. I just wish this itching would F*&^ off LOL, ive been back on cymbalta for 9 days 8 of those days was 30 MG, do you forsee this itching going away in the next few weeks with a stable dosage of 60 MG? Again thank you so much for taking the time to help and read my post

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#9 invalidusername


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Posted 07 September 2020 - 05:05 PM

I think ill stay at this dosage for a long time and try to wean off again in a few months. Im going through a very stressful point in my life and i dont think coming off anxiety medication is wise


You are very wise to do just that. A withdrawal needs to be approached from a position of strength if it is to go well. As Hat is always saying, time and patience... there are no prizes for winning this race. Coming off anxiety meds when the time is right is fine, but you are wise to carefully consider when that will be. I am due to be coming off Citalopram, and was about to start around February, but had concerns over COVID. Bloody hell, was I glad I didn't start tapering!



Ive been back on cymbalta for 9 days 8 of those days was 30 MG, do you forsee this itching going away in the next few weeks with a stable dosage of 60 MG? Again thank you so much for taking the time to help and read my post


You are more than welcome for our help. That is what we are here for. If you have been only 1 day back on 60mg, then I would brace yourself for a few days of odd stuff as your brain will be going through a shi*storm having been pulling in every which direction. But I would say that you should expect improvements within 2-3 weeks of a stable 60 mg. 


We have SO many reports of itching and burning skin, ants under the skin - you name it. But one thing they have in common, for the very most part, it GOES AWAY.


I am just sorry you have been subject to this doctor who has put you in this mess. I hope for your own sake that you aren't in the UK - our health system is really taking a battering.


P.S. Happy to give you your first "like" as you have done well to get on top of this today and get the stuff moving in the right direction. Keep that spirit up...

#10 Benedict22



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Posted 07 September 2020 - 05:23 PM

Thank you so much for helping. And it's okay my doctor means well but he isnt specialized in mental health, im guessing he is just overworked and dosn't have the time to really give each patient alot of face time (im in the US). I will give it a few weeks on 60 MG and see how i feel. Im hoping this will subside the itching and i can get on with my normal self again, one day LOL. Thank you again for all the help, very much appreciated.



#11 invalidusername


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Posted 07 September 2020 - 05:49 PM

Overworked is not an excuse. If a primary/GP does not know the correct procedure for something, they KNOW they are doing wrong. But they cannot be seen to lose face in front of a patient.


I know a lot of them have a lot to do, but they all have an oath and that must be maintained at all costs. How many more will a doctor put through this hell before deciding to ask for help?

#12 Iknowthiswillgetbetter



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Posted 20 September 2020 - 07:02 AM

Yes, I also have the crazy itching and my doctor didn't think it had anything to do with the Cymbalta withdrawal but I know it does.  I made the mistake of thinking I could reduce my dose by going to every other day dosing and it almost made me crazy I had so many side effects from nausea to dizziness and all over malaise. Honestly, it was as bad as the illness I take it for.  I'm now trying to taper from 30mg to 20mg and then hopefully off all together but I now know what side effects to look out for.  My doctor once again said he could cross taper me onto Wellbutrin and then I could stop taking the Cymbalta in a week. Fortunately I now know better.  Honestly, the doctors can't know because they only know what the drug companies have told them and they were lied to.


Take care and trust your intuition on this.

#13 fishinghat


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Posted 20 September 2020 - 07:17 AM

Hi iktwgb


The wean off of 30 mg normally is done over a 3 to 6 month stretch and the last 5 to 10 mg can be real tough. After weaning is complete it can take 5 to 8 months to really start feeling better. 


A normal wean from Cymbalta to Wellbutrin takes around 4 to 6 weeks. and there is still a lot of issues even at that. 

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#14 Benedict22



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Posted 20 September 2020 - 09:39 AM

Yes, I also have the crazy itching and my doctor didn't think it had anything to do with the Cymbalta withdrawal but I know it does. I made the mistake of thinking I could reduce my dose by going to every other day dosing and it almost made me crazy I had so many side effects from nausea to dizziness and all over malaise. Honestly, it was as bad as the illness I take it for. I'm now trying to taper from 30mg to 20mg and then hopefully off all together but I now know what side effects to look out for. My doctor once again said he could cross taper me onto Wellbutrin and then I could stop taking the Cymbalta in a week. Fortunately I now know better. Honestly, the doctors can't know because they only know what the drug companies have told them and they were lied to.

Take care and trust your intuition on this.

My doctor thought it was anxiety causing the itching or a possible skin issue but I've never had skin issues before going on cymbalta. I went back on my original dosage to try and wean again in a few months from now and the itching has gotten significantly better, now my skin just feels strange and numb/prickly so in almost positive it was the cymbalta. I really wish I never got off of the cymbalta so quickly I just did not know and my doctor miss guided me. I really hope you get feeling better this drug Is absolutely insane what it can do to our bodies

#15 invalidusername


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Posted 20 September 2020 - 05:49 PM

Great timing Benedict. It really helps when others are going through the same as another member at the same time as it really helps rather than crawling through the older post (which is still useful in itself).


iktwgb - Hat has said it all. That is still a very fast taper. You need to give yourself time...

#16 Benedict22



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Posted 21 September 2020 - 09:17 AM

Guys I'm two weeks on my original dosage of cymbalta and buspar.. the itching has gotten better but it's still happening and I'm still having prickly/yucky feeling skin. The itching has gotten a bit better though as it is not as intense. Is this a normal timeframe and do you think it's a good sign it's gotten better? Do you think a few more weeks it will get much better ?

#17 fishinghat


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Posted 21 September 2020 - 11:29 AM

Cymbalta takes 4 to 6 weeks to fully kick in. You still have a way to go. Don't worry you will get there.

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