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Weaning Starts Today!

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#1 ta2edredhead



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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:57 AM

Today starts day one of weaning. Sunday was my last day of 60mg. Did not take a pill yesterday.

Today I took out 33 itty bitty balls (which is about 10 mg) so I am now at 50mg Cymbalta. Will do that until Friday, and beginning Saturday, I will take out 7 balls out daily. That will put me at a drop of around 2.3mg daily, or about 16 mg a week. At this rate, pending rebound disaster, I will be Cymbalta free in about 3 1/2 weeks.

Wow - that sounded so mathematical!

On top of all that, I plan on taking:

1. Omagea 3 FA for my lovely brain function.

2. Dramamine to help with the zaps/spins.

3. Anti-nausea for...duh. Nausea.

4. B12 Complex to sustain my brains current level of Acetylcholine (Acetylcholine is used for memory and concentration. You burn more when you are under stress.)

5. Choline, as well as extra egg yolk, spinach, and peanuts (which are all rich in Choline) to help maintain my Acetylcholine level.

6. Benadryl at bedtime to help me sleep.

Today I feel “slightly” goofy. No zaps to speak of, but feel groggy in the head. I’m craving water like crazy and have a tad bit of GI troubles but this could be because I drank too much Sat/Sun and I’m still recooping. :(

I’m really hoping this process goes smoother than the last 100000000 times I stopped SSRI’s because I live on my Harley and to not be able to ride is going to be hard. Wind therapy is some of the best therapy in my opinion! I’ve never added supplements before to my weaning process, so I hope all the advice I’ve received off other web sites will help me through. I’M POSITIVE!!

Here’s to hoping I make it through this hell!

Update at 4:00 - I've got slight tunnel vision and for some reason, colors in the office seems so much more vivid and bright, like my eyes are being affected somehow. Not debilitating, just odd.


#2 ta2edredhead



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Posted 06 June 2012 - 08:34 AM

Today is day two of my wean. I was SO tired last night that I fell asleep by 9. I don't know if it had anything to do with the wean or if it was just me. I was okay energy wise yesterday until about 5, and then I became pretty sluggish. Didn't even stay out riding that long. This morning I woke up with a sore throat. I'm sure it's just because I snored, being that I was so tired.

Taking out 40 balls today (13.3mg) so I have stepped down to approx. 47 mg from 50. Starting my Omega 3 this morning, and the B Complex tonight (I hear it's best to take it at night as it messes with your sleep cycle a bit)

Will update as the day goes on as to any new symptoms.


NOTE: I took a pill apart and counted out the balls just to be sure. In my 60mg capsule I counted approx. 210 balls. So essentially 3.5 balls = 1mg (although you cant count 1/2 a ball so I will round to 4 balls = 1mg)

Taking out 40 balls this morning, I essentially took out 10mg so if all my math and counting is right (and let me tell you, math is NOT my strong point!), and assuming each capsule holds the same amount of balls to begin with, I am technically down to 50mg this morning, from 50.75mg yesterday morning (vs. the 50 I thought it was).

Totally just confused myself! I think I shall go have some coffee now :lol:

1:46p.m. - just went through a major hot flash. So much so that I soaked through my pants. UGH

#3 ta2edredhead



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Posted 07 June 2012 - 08:34 AM

Day three. Down to 48.25mg today from 60mg. No noticeable symptoms yet other than the hot flash yesterday and the sore throat. Don't know if either of those really have anything to do with weaning but hey,maybe they do! Other than burping up fish taste (stupid Omega-3...they need to make better "tasting" supplements), nothing to report.


12:00 - I have a little bit of "tunnel vision" and I'm getting quite sluggish. Really want to go home after work and sleep.

12:23 - starting to feel light headed and dizzy and I can tell my mood has changed. I'm finding myself getting irritable at the smallest things. I have some "stress" going on with my boyfriend and I'm "reading into things" and "it's all in my head" kinda thoughts. I know I'm like this normally in a way, but this is a little bit more than normal thoughts.

Oh boy! Here it comes....

#4 freeme2


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 09:51 AM

Keep posting. I am going to the doctor today to see about getting help from weaning off C. Really I want to be able to get different dosage, so I don't have to count all those balls. I haven't open up a capsule yet. How in the heck do you sit and count all these balls. I can't imagine counting them during a brain fog.

The withdrawals symptoms have a way a creeping back.

I will be starting to weaning right behind you. I can't handle the dizziness the most. I just can't drive or do anything. I haven't had the brain zaps yet. I have had other stuff.. flu symptoms sore throat when into a severe cold. I was down for 4 days in bed.

#5 ta2edredhead



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Posted 07 June 2012 - 10:06 AM

I use a post it note. The sticky in the back side kinda acts like static cling with those little balls. Really not too hard to count out actually :) Just dump a little bit of the guts in your hand and drop a few at a time on the sticky til you get the right number out and scoop the rest back into the capsule. If you anticipate brain fog, try putting the capsules together ahead of time and store them in a medication thing that has the day of the week on them. You can get the larger ones that can store a month of medication at a time, too.

Yeah, this sore throat thing sucks. Thankfully the weekend is coming up and I can pretty much zone out all weekend.

Good luck at the dr's!


#6 freeme2


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 01:48 PM

It seems my doctor thinks that the dizziness is either caused by low sugar or low blood pressure. This is even after I explained to the doctor I went from 90 to 60mg. He doesn't want me to come off of it. He thinks I will have anxiety issues. I told him I will not know unless I get off this drug and had a month after the drug leaves my body to find out WHO I AM..

No help at all. So I am going to do this by myself and just count balls and put them in ziplock bags and mark the dose. Since my husband is going to be gone, I thought I would try just 3 balls the 1st week.

The doctor told me not to read any forums because all these people are having anxiety problems and should not go off their drugs. Even my husband who works for a unnamed drug company told me the reps will say " if your patient is going to go off these drugs, the patient will have a relapse and not have them go off. "

The reps even say "they probably (the patient) will have to be on the drug for the rest of their life.

Oh well, I am going solo... without my doctor permission.

#7 ta2edredhead



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 08:32 AM

Day 4 - woke up with a headache. Eyes are really heavy. No energy. Sore throat still. Thank god it's Friday cuz I plan on going home and laying in bed til sometime tomorrow night. Down to 46.5mg today.


#8 freeme2


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 09:11 AM

Have you ever gone back to the previous dose to see if the symptoms disappear.

You are tapering so slow.. You go a few mg down for 5 days?

#9 ta2edredhead



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Posted 11 June 2012 - 09:14 AM

Weekend wasn’t too bad withdrawal wise. I had a few moments of tears. Some anxiety. Felt pretty nauseated and dizzy out of nowhere last night but that only last about 10 minutes. Still have a very sore throat and a headache. So far I’m doing pretty well. Am down to 41.25mg from 60mg, on day 7 of my wean.


#10 freeme2


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Posted 11 June 2012 - 10:58 AM

Keep on going! I am going to start my wean after I get through all my kids graduation and parties. I don't want to fall apart in front of all these moms. Nobody knows that I take AD.
I went and got so many supplements. I am getting ready. I did so much research to understand what cymbalta does to the body. I am hoping that I will get minimal withdrawals. WISHING!!!
It just bugs the heck out of me that even with how slow you are tapering that you still get bad symptoms.
You are doing great.. Be good to yourself.

#11 freeme2


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Posted 11 June 2012 - 10:08 PM

You are doing marvelous! When I started having a sore throat, the next day I got a full blown flu/cold bug. You are doing so well on your tapering. You must be so happy. Time is ticking and you are getting closer to weaning.
I can take most of the bad symptoms except for the dizzy spells where I stuck in bed and can't move because I feel like the walls and floors are shifting all around me. It sounds like your side effects come and go.

I did run out and get the 5-HTP sp? to help increase the sertonin. This is what is so bad that we are left without any serotonin.

I will be so pissed out of my mind if my receptors do not grow back, otherwise I would be stuck on super low serotonin levels.

You are doing it!... yipee!!! ; ]

#12 ta2edredhead



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Posted 12 June 2012 - 09:21 AM

Day 8 - down to 39.5mg from 60 mg and feeling good! Sore throat is still there but not too bad this morning. Still a little bit of anxiety but nothing I can manage by counting to 10. No headache so far this morning. No spins, zaps, zings, etc. Sleeping good. Good mood today :) Continuing to eat healthy, working out 30 minutes each workday morning, taking my supplements. Even my FB post this morning was positive!

I absolutely love my life! I love my life because I always have somewhere to come home to. Because I have an amazing boyfriend who is always waiting for me with a smile and a kiss. I love my life because now, more than ever, I know that I am not alone. Problems are not something I have to face alone, but something I will overcome. I love my life because I have two amazing children who have brought me joy for the last 18 years and a beautiful grandson with big, brown eyes that are full of innocence. I love my life because each day has something to be learned. I love my life because even when it sucks, the sun always comes up tomorrow for another try. Because I have seen the moon rise and slept beneath the stars. Because I know hardships and perseverance. Because I survived. I may not have all the answers, but I have the answers I need and that’s enough for me.

Here's to being almost halfway through my weaning and doing GOOD!


#13 ta2edredhead



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Posted 13 June 2012 - 12:40 PM

Day 9 - down to 37.75mg from 60 mg. Doing good. Noticed, however, that I am really constipated, which really isnt good for me since I have IBS. UGH! Headache gone. Sore throat 90% better. Still sleeping good. Hope this continues :)


#14 freeme2


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 01:27 PM

Nothing that a few or more gummy bears would handle. This is what they told me when I was pregnant and it works.
You are doing so well. Are you taking the balls out of the 60mg pill or 30mg X2.
I even noticed a small change just going from 60mg to 2 x 30mg. Strange to be affected by what would seem like no difference.
Watching your journal everyday to give me inspiration and hope for a better tomorrow.

#15 freeme2


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 01:29 PM

Okay, I reread your posts.
Are you taking Dramamine everyday or if you get the spins or ???? I know dramamine can make you tired. Does this make you tired?

#16 ta2edredhead



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Posted 13 June 2012 - 03:21 PM

Okay, I reread your posts.
Are you taking Dramamine everyday or if you get the spins or ???? I know dramamine can make you tired. Does this make you tired?

No, I haven't taken any Dramamine. My spins really aren't that bad. You can try ginger root in place of the Dramamine. Wont make you tired.


#17 ta2edredhead



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Posted 20 June 2012 - 09:13 AM

This week has been by far, the worst week in my entire 40 years. This withdraw has finally got the best of me. I have no control over my emotions anymore. I go between so depressed that I’m curled up on the couch crying, to so angry that I’m throwing things. Except I’m not angry over anything in particular. Everything is setting me off. I have had really bad dizzy spells which I know are normal but these are the most severe I’ve ever had. I also have extremely bad body temperature episodes. One minute I’m ice cold and the very next minute I am burning up and sweating. I can’t sleep because of the legs cramps and on top of it all, I am SO extremely bloated that I can’t even wear my elastic sweat pants. I look like I’m about 7 months pregnant. I don’t know how to deal with all of this! I am a wreck. I feel like I’m about to hyperventilate at any moment. I don’t know how to get a handle on this. I’m crying at the drop of a hat. Hell, the phone rings and I start crying!

I feel like the symptoms have taken mylife and rip it to shreds, mocking my dignity and stealing my freedom. They have ravaged my soul. They have deadened my spirit. In fact, death seems like a blessing because the pain of attempting to end this is so great. If I could impress upon anyone reading this only one thing, it would be this: The symptoms of withdrawal will end. They can’t go on forever. They can’t. I will survive!

This is just a short list of the symptoms I have had while withdrawing. I am ONLY on day 4 of not taking anything - Dizziness, which can be quite extreme at times. Shocks, called the ’zaps’. Sensory sensitivity, especially sounds. Any noise can become a painful experience. Also, being under florescent lights can create discomfort. Touch, motion and even smell can be painful. Nausea. Confusion,
memory problems, and difficulty with concentration. Severe insomnia and/or nightmares, (now there’s a winning combination!)Extreme mood swings, such as intense grief and intense anger. Headaches, sometimes quite severe. Difficulty walking or talking. Reduced or no appetite (Ha! Why didn’t anyone tell me this over the weekend! I ate sooo much!)Intense fear of losing my sanity. Hypersonalization, where nothing seems real; it’s like you are outside your body. Panic attacks. Sweating, sometimes profusely. Blurred vision. Muscle cramps and stomach cramps. Diarrhea. Chills/hot flashes, part of the ’flu’. Fatigue. Painful, swollen eyes or mouth. Hard to swallow. Grinding teeth. Numbness. Itching. Trembling. Hallucinations. Fun life, ain’t it???

Started taking Ativan for the rage I feel, especially when something touches my body or I am just such a tense ball of goo that I want to kill someone.


#18 YAy



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Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:12 PM

Please tell your boyfriend anything you feel or he might misunderstand you

#19 Heartfeathers


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    I no longer trust the medical profession and I will NEVER take another prescription drug again! NEVER!!

Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:12 PM

You weaned down too fast. Try licking your finger and dipping it into some beads of Cymbalta and then take them. Call your doctor and see about being prescribed a low dose of Prozac to help you through this. It does help.
Prozac is easy to quit after you are done with this monster.

#20 freeme2


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 09:53 AM

What happened? Did you drop to zero? Can you try taking some HTP-5 to increase your serotonin. How are you doing? Sorry that you are feeling so bad.. hang in there.

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