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Experiencing Emotions After Cymbalta

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#1 AJH54



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Posted 13 January 2008 - 11:33 AM

I have joined this forum because I have a friend who is on Cymbalta and wants to get off becuase of those feelings you described. I didn't know what to suggest so I figured I would do some research and help find an answer.

#2 jona



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Posted 13 January 2008 - 10:14 PM

Cymbalta is the worst drug ever. I started taking it because of my mom's suggestion to take it after Lexapro was no good. On Cymbalta, I felt like I was in my own world all the time and completely numb. It gives you a nice feeling in your head but I couldn't concentrate on my work because I was so high up in the clouds and there are obviously also the sexual side effects. I stopped it and coming off of it has been hell. I am more depressed, obsessive, and anxious than I was before I started. Thanks Cymbalta..


#3 dizzy



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Posted 14 January 2008 - 07:01 PM

You know the worst part of taking the Cymbalta for me? I gained so much weight. It came on real gradual. I think that I read Cymbalta can change the way your body processes carbs? Can even push you into diabetes? Anyone read this?
So, the weight gain, lack of energy.....yeah, thanks Cymbalta, now I feel great about myself :cry:

#4 hhmomof3



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Posted 15 January 2008 - 11:20 PM

I had actually lost a lot of weight while on Cymbalta. The first 18 pounds or so happened without me even realizing it. That kind of gave me the incentive to start really watching what I was eating and going to the gym.

When I stopped taking Cymbalta...forget it. I think I gained 30 pounds in less than three months. That's no exaggeration.

I'm finishing Day 4 of my Cold Turkey quit of Cymbalta. I only experienced a mild appetite reduction during the time I took Cymbalta, but I was also taking Adderall. (Different rant, but during the 18 months I've seen my psychiatrist due to some stress, depression, anxiety issues arisen from being a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids and being in a less than ideal marriage - this woman has had me on 6 different drugs!) I quit the Addrerall a couple of weeks ago (thank goodness the only side-effect was a few days of fatigue). In the past 2 days sans Cymbalta - I have been eating non-stop. :oops: For dinner tonight, I had 3 bowls of Fruit Loops & 2 Lemon Cupcakes! Holy Moly - I'm going to blow up like a cow. I found this site by Googling "Cymbalta Withdrawal". Some of the other things I read talked about severe reduction in appetite & stomachaches. After my meal this evening - I'm wishing I felt those symptoms!

Good Luck to us all.

#5 ColorfulSheep



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Posted 17 January 2008 - 10:01 PM

This has been really, really hard.

Last August I had an ovary removed due to a cyst inside of it. After that my hormones had trouble stabilizing, but I did ok.. had a couple of rough spots, but was able to get through them fairly well.

I'm on Seasonique, I get a period every three months. I saw that my period was coming up, and I knew things might be kinda hormonal-ly, because they get that way since my estrogen is still figuring out what to do.

I didn't put two and two together that last Thursday I took my last 30mg Cymbalta. This past weekend was horrible, I kept crying and screaming, flying off the handle. This week I have felt horrible, headaches, crying, everything. I've been weaning off the Cymbalta over the last two months with my doctor, and the only symptom was lightheadedness - which I can handle. It was really, really annoying, but I could handle it. But this week, with the two combined things, it's been a living hell. Add to that my GP doesn't want to prescribe me xanax (and I HATE taking it, and when I do I break the smallest dose in half) because he says my GYN should do it, and my GYN won't prescribe me any more until he sees me next week.. it's not been fun. I've been taking very lightweight muscle relaxers to help with the tensing up and stress and headaches, and drinking chamomile tea all day long. My poor boyfriend came home from work today with a gallon of chocolate milk, cause he knew it would make me feel better.

But, it's been a week since I took my last one, so this has to end, sometime or another.

#6 irritable



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Posted 18 January 2008 - 08:17 PM

I thought I was going crazy until I read other peoples experiences withdrawing from Cymbalta. I was given it by my PCP because no other SSRI's were working to help me with my irritability/anxiety. I'm on day 17 with no Cymbalta. I weened from 60mg to 30mg for 1 week, then 20 for a few days and then cold turkey. I couldn't ween any slower as it was causing severe stomach problems (that resulted in lots of stomach meds, ultrasounds, an endoscopy and colonoscopy) which have gotten better off the Cymbalta. Turns out one of the major symptoms of Cymbalta is an inflammation of the stomach lining, which is what my stomach biopsy showed. The first week off I was seriously bloated, however. That has gotten somewhat better. The brain "zaps" are gone, as is the feeling that I'm drunk all the time. I had a buzzing in my ears for the first 10 days and couldn't hear out of one ear for over a week. I took Dramamine, Benadryl, Omega 3's, and clonazepam, as needed the first 10 days off Cymbalta and they were life-savers. Personally, I do not think there is any benefit to weening slower than that, because eventually you have that one day where you do not take the Cymbalta at all and that's when the really bad stuff started for me - but everyone is different. I was only on it for 6 months - it might be harder if you've been on it longer (I had no trouble going off the Zoloft I had been on over a year). My emotions are starting to get back to normal - at least I'm feeling "something", even if it is negative. I've been on and off SSRI's for the last 10 years, but I could not stand being completely emotionless and without energy. It didn't help with my irritability or anxiety, at all! I gained 35 pounds while on these meds (most of it within 6 months). It's like it just slowed everything down - I had no energy at all. No energy for my family, exercising, or doing anything for myself. I was down on myself even more because not only was I still irritable, but I was overweight, and had no mental energy for anyone. Now that I am 17 days off, a new symptom has occured (it began at Day 14)- I'm eating all the time. It's like I just want to stuff food down my throat - even if I'm painfully full! I have never felt this way and it is not a symptom I had on the meds or the reason I gained so much weight while on it. It's like I just can't stop eating. Has anyone experienced this? How long did it last? Has anyone been off the med long enough that their life has returned to normal? I just want to be "normal" again. I was active and happy before I walked into the Zoloft/Cymbalta nightmare. I feel like my life will never be the same. I just want to have hope again, feel some joy again, and quit shoveling food in my face. Please tell me someone has done this successfully :?: :?: :?:

#7 cool_fs4u



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Posted 19 January 2008 - 12:26 AM

In my experience, the benefits were not enough to overcome the side-effects. I'd rather just feel a bit of pain and know I'm alive than feel a bit of pain and not experience emotions, have no sex-drive at all, and really not care. Over the last couple of days, I've cried for the first time in at least 6 months! Yes, I have the negative feelings, but I have positive ones too. Sex-drive is back and that has made this withdrawal worth it to me!
Today I saw that Cymbalta commercial and got so mad! How can they do this to us? I feel like my doctor and pharmacist are so uniformed about this! Because of the irregular heart beat (at least thats what it feels like) I called the pharmacist last week asking about withdrawal symptoms (just before I found this thread!) He said they should be really mild - maybe a couple of days of disorientation but nothing to really comment on. Nice. Really uniformed!

#8 mreaves



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Posted 07 October 2009 - 11:21 AM


I am having the same problems. I can's stop eating even though I know I am not hungry. I am currently at day 11. I feel a little better everyday but if this eating thing doesn't hurry I won't have clothes to wear.


#9 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 07 October 2009 - 11:54 AM

I am not hungry, but what I am eating is going to put the weight on me even
more that the Cymbalta already did 35 lbs.

It totally pisses me off, but all I want to eat is carbs, and sugar
not like me at all.


#10 tiredofcymbalta



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    i have been coming off cymbalta for months now, i have brain zaps, ear problems, dizziness, i am so glad to have found a group like this

Posted 07 October 2009 - 05:48 PM


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 05:14 AM

It's weird..because just a week ago I was the exact opposite! Having gone back ON to my Paxil, I went through a rough back (Deb will remember) where I thought I was sliding into a chemically-induced form of depression, and I couldn't eat. Not only was I not hungry, but it didn't want to seem to go down my throat. The last time I felt like that.. was some... 30 years ago when suffering my very first episode of depression O_O

The good thing is... I've lost 2kg =D


#12 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 08 October 2009 - 12:24 PM

Just really having a hard time still. Only emotions I have are still anxiety, and fear right now.
God I really hate going through this.
I know I have put on weight, and that really pisses me off. I had already gained 35 lbs from
this crap, and now I just don't eat, don't feel like cooking again, so just eating carbs, and fruit.

Also have something really big going on in my life that will change my finances very much, so
that doesn't help either. I already have to live on a fixed income, and have been since my
surgery. I could no more work as a nurse right now if I had to.

I know this will pass, but it still just makes daily living hard to do.


#13 MaureenV



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    Am trying to get off Cymbalta 30mg and wondering about brain zaps.

Posted 08 October 2009 - 04:40 PM

Nothing wrong with fruit, Debbie.

You can only do so much at once. Just focus on getting better, then worry about your weight.


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 04:55 PM

I agree with Maureen. Just try to get a balance of fruit, carbs AND protein - even if the protein is from things like yoghurt or milk. Scrambled eggs is a good one too. Easy to cook (I hate cooking!) :)

Sorry to hear about your financial situation. Geez...haven't you already been through enough??? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( HUGE HUGS ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


#15 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 09 October 2009 - 12:58 PM

Thanks you guys,
This is really making it more stressful the money thing, but I can't do anything about
the girl who duped me. I will just have to some how or another get through all of this

I couldn't eat at all yesterday as my stomach was killing me. I need to keep track of
when I have had my last BM, as I am so messed up, and still getting very constipated.
I guess I will not do another decrease for awhile, and just see what happens to me mentally.

This is the hardest one so far. I wrtoe down how I have been decreasin, and didn't realize
that I had gone from 40 mg, to 30 mg to 25 mg in such a short time!!! No wonder I am a mess
may just have to go up to 30mg, and see if I get relief at all.


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Posted 10 October 2009 - 06:05 AM


I'm sorry this has been so hard for you but if it's any consolation - there are others (at the other forum) who are going through the exact same thing. You are NOT alone. And from what Maureen has mentioned about people at a Lexapro forum, it sounds like it happens to a lot of people, irrespective of which a/d they are withdrawing from.

Take your time. Cymbalta has caused a lot of neurochemical changes and your body needs time to heal - even if only slightly - as you decrease the dose. You are on the right track, that's the most important thing. Think of the Little Red Engine climbing the hill - "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can". You can do it :)

Thinking of you

#17 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 10 October 2009 - 01:18 PM

Thanks for the encouragement. I am so up, and down right now, or this am I don't know what to expect.
I think I will just take it easy, and so nothing at all today. Make a few phone calls as that is what I promises
I would do to reach out to others.

Thansk for just being there for me, and also I know I am not alone in this.


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Posted 10 October 2009 - 07:04 PM


You are most welcome :)

I've been reading a lot of stuff at the Paxil forum about this whole withdrawal thing. Some of the people there are very knowledgeable. I know people deal with things in different ways but for me, I like to educate myself. If I know and understand what is going on, then I can handle it better. I get the feeling that you are the same and that's what I was trying to convey to you - that the healing process can take a long time. It is different for everyone and it probably also depends, at least in part, whether you have been on other drugs (I was thinking anti depressants but I am aware there are others in your case) and what your brain has already had to deal with. Just keep in mind that the human brain is very plastic and can regenerate nerve endings, heal desensitised / or oversensitised / or down-regulated serotonin / norepinephrine receptors, and even create new neural pathways. It is an amazing organ.

I know it is hard but try to be patient and keep reminding yourself that it is going to take time. Maybe keep a journal and document the 'good' changes :)


#19 Bullabulla



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Posted 24 October 2009 - 03:57 PM


Referring to the initial post. I've been completely off of Cymbalta for about 3 weeks. I was titrating down for about 4 months just to be on the safe side. While titrating and since I've been completely off, I've experiencced anxiety (some obsession), I've been really irritable, impatient and I cry at the drop of a hat. Oh yes, and when I initially began titrating, my appetite increase. I gained 10 lbs in 3 weeks. I eventually lost 5 lbs of that.

I'm not sure if it's the MDD returning, but so soon, my body readjusting, emotions that have been kept at bay while on the drug, or some combination of the aforementioned

I wanted to give life a shot without the meds. The side effects of Cymbalta were driving me nuts: the dry mouth, the jerks before I'd go to sleep, sweating, virtual impotence. It seems my psychiatrist never could give me a straight answer about how long I should stay on. I had been since 2002. I have a psychotherapist I've worked with for a long time and still do.

So I'm trying to hang in without Cymbalta and use other means to keep my spirits up which I had even when on meds.

Anyone else experience have similar experiences?

#20 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 24 October 2009 - 04:46 PM

What dose were you on? You say you titrated it slowly, but 4 months is really not that much time at all. I am on my 2 month
of coming of 60 mg x's 3 years, and due to my memory being so bad, I was forgetting, and decreasing way to fast, and having really severe
withdrawl symptoms, that I got on Prozac even.

I am now at 208 beads or 20 mg and 22 beads, and this will take me a few more months to even get off that amount. I will only go down
about 2.5 mg in about 2 weeks, if i feel ready to do so.

I have just learned how to do it all here. I also know that once off it your still going to have withdrawl symptoms, some say 6 mo. to 2 years
but everyone is different. I also know I freak myself out at times over it all too, and just make it worse, that's just what I think, who knows
what is really happening after you look at the withdrawl symptoms you really do feel better, then you know it's normal, no you, but still
what has been done to you by this drug


Oh by the way welcome back!


#21 Bullabulla



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 01:30 PM

Hi Debbie:

60 mg for 2 years. Years ago I had to come down off of Effexor XL 325 mg and I had terrible seratonin syndrome. This is a picnic compared to that. This time, the physicial side effects weren't so bad, but the emotional are far different. Also back then I transitioned to another drug.

When you say withdrawal for 6m-2 years are you referring to physical alone or physical and/emotional? I am currently on wellbutrin and have been to help with the lower end, but it does nothing for anxiety since it's an dopamine agonist.

I love Lilly's messaging "Depression Hurts" NO, YOU'RE DRUG DOES!

Love, Bulla

#22 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 26 October 2009 - 06:04 PM

Glad it's this is easy for you. I have heard that one is just as hard to get off as this one, but
then again it depends on the person. Some who have been on both say this is worse.

Yes it can take 6 mo. -2 years for the withdrawls to come to an end. That does not mean
they will be as intense, or as frequent. I hear that the brain zaps are the ones that seem
to keep coming back, and some of the others too.

This drug, and Effexor both will have class action law suits brought them pretty soon, how
soon I don't really know, but it will.


#23 Bullabulla



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Posted 26 October 2009 - 08:19 PM

Hi Debbie:

Class action suits because of the WD effects? I wouldn't be surprised. No, it hasn't been easy, though, not at all.

#24 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 27 October 2009 - 12:53 PM

No it will be for not telling about the side effects, or the withdrawls, the ruined lives.
If you keep searching, you will find that people have lost their jobs, home, families,
and more.

It totally ruined my life, and still is to this day. I am still weaning off the crap, and have 21mg
to go until I am done, and then to hear what others are saying 6 mo to 2 years more to look
forward to.

I don't know but I do believe in the power of prayer, so I am praying lots right now that I will
come out of this, and I know I will.


#25 Cecile


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    I have been on Zoloft for 6mon. and Cymbalta for almost 1 year. I want to get off Cymbalta the Dr. put me on it for my panic attacks wouldn't stop happening, so the Dr. put me on Zoloft I had bad!!! Side effects on Zoloft, so the Dr. switched me to Cymbalta I haven't had any bad panic attacks since I have been on the drug just maybe 2 or 3 since it's going on 1 year already, to make the long story short! I want off of this meds I have noooo feeling or emotion...only usually during my menestrual cycle and that's usually when my panic and anxiety erupts. Anyway, I want off this med's and back to the life that i use to have a fun life not having to worry when to take a pill, or if i'm gong to have a next panic attack. I only hope and pray to God. once off this drug I wont go back to myself when I had bad panic attacks! what do you think?? do you think once off this drug i will have them again?? Anyway, I want my life back basicly....... Cecile

Posted 28 October 2009 - 01:20 AM

Experienced no emtion for 1 year when i was on Cymb. and YES it was very hard to wean off Cymb. because i was crying all the time!!!!! and the next i was angry for any little thing!!!!!! but be aware that once you are off Cymb. it is not a piece of cake, I have SOOOO may problmes with myself now!! and i didn't even know when i was on Cymb. because i was SOO NUMB with no feeling or emotion. SO please take care of ur body when you are on Cmyb. because it's going to benefit you when you come off Cymb..I didn't know that i was going to have all my problems now that i have now..and it's sooo horrible!! I hope and pray no one has to go through the suffering again once off the Cymb. because it was hard enough on me getting off the damn! Cymb. and now i have to deal with all my complications when i was on the damn medicine!!!!!!!!! SOO mad and sad....... :'(


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Posted 28 October 2009 - 03:57 AM


What you are describing is exactly why I believe medication for depression should be given ALONGSIDE therapy. For many people, depression is what they call 'reactive' - a reaction to life stressors. Therefore, if a person just takes medication, sure it will help to lift the mood disorder but it doesn't solve the problems that were there in the first place.

Also, it seems that in many people, the effects of withdrawal can go on for months. I'm sorry to say that but I think it is better to have an idea of what lies ahead. Drs and drug companies are right in thinking that the drug is out of our systems in a short period of time (3-4 weeks usually) but what they either don't know or dont' WANT to know, is that it can take a lot longer for the brain to go back to its normal functioning. Think of a person who needs a walking stick. Things are fine while the walking stick is there but if it is taken away, then the person has to learn to walk without it again. Our brains are a bit like that.

Hope that helps a little

#27 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 28 October 2009 - 02:11 PM

You know I just don't thin there is anyway around this, but through it, as they say.

for me the supplements didn't help, but i do see a big difference in myself since
being on 60 mg for 3 years, and when I started my much confused decreasing
decrease, either Aug 18, or the 31, that's onething I can even rememer! Then I
also got the doses, and days confused, and was coing down way to fast!!!

This is only Oct 28, and I am at 21 mg as of today, that was not a slow detox
at all. I guess to I got impatient, and wanted to just get of this stuff.

I am not going to do that to myself as I think or fear it might be causing me
more problems, or maybe it will cause me problems further down the road.

The ones who have gone down very slow, and use their bodies to guide them
are the ones who seem to not be havinf such residual problems or withdralws
like those of us who go so fast, go down in large decreases.

I think some of us just want our old lives back so much, and can't stand how
we are right now, so feelings of hopelessness surface, it's only normal after
having had the side effects so bad as I did, and then to still feel so tired,
no motivation, drive still. The Slug Drug is what this has been named as, and
I totally get, and got that from this drug. Did it just create a habit now for the
way I exist? No I don't think anyone want's to not have their passions restored,
their love of life, energy, to do just everday noraml living. It took it all from
me, robbed me like a thief in the night.

Again, I am so grateful I go believe in pray, and a God who loves me, and wants
me to be happy, joyous, and free. I just only have to keep remembering that this
is just a "Temporary Inconvience" That is something I had forgotten, a little
book from when I was in school for my MFCC, "Dennis Whatley" Seeds of Greatness"
Very small, but powerful book, about 98 pages.

There is a story in there about this good looking man top salemans of the past several
years at his company. Then he was in a fire, and his body was burned so badly that it
was hard for poeple to even llok at him. Dennis Whately was interviewing him on this,
and his outlook about it. He had said to him"This is only a temporary inconvience, that's
all" This man never saw himself as scarred, or ugly, and went back to work, in no time
he was again the top sales person at his company.

Wow, I need to buy myself another copy of that little book, as there really were wonderful
stories in there about getting through these really fu@*ed up tomes in our live, and looking
at them differently. I don't know if I can, but I can, "fAKE IT TILL I MAKE IT"


#28 ihatevista



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Posted 29 October 2009 - 11:05 AM

I understand what you mean by feeling numb. I described it as extreme apathy. Yeah the things that worried you don't do so as much but you also stop caring about the things you enjoyed too. I played guitar for 20yrs. I'd say not a day went by that I didn't pick up the guitar. It was a passion, hobby, pastime and pleasure for me. Well for some reason after about a month on cymbalta I just stopped playing. The guitar is out of the case leaning against my wall ready to be picked up and played as it has been for the past 20 yrs. But for some reason, I have no desire to do so. Why? That really bothers me. And the guitar is just the most obvious. What other pleasures have I been missing since on the drug ?

After taking 30mg for about a year and a half the dosage became ineffective and I started experiencing symtoms of withdrawal. I spoke with my doctor and we decided to try to wean off. I cut my dosage in half and am just on day 2. I am bloated and very uncomfortable. While on cymbalta I gained 25 lbs very quickly and changed my diet dramatically just to maintain - plus excercise 4 days a week. Now just as quickly I am lossing weight and went back down 3 pant sizes in under a month.

I can't sleep. My mind is racing at night and no matter what it just wont calm down. I'm agitated, restless, and a little anxious. I really want to get past these symptoms and work on maintining my life without drugs.

#29 nursedeborah



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    I am reallly trying to get off Cymbalta, and not having, well I am having nightmares even with the decreased does, and clanging in my head.

    I just found this site, and I really need help, I can't do this, I fear I willl never get off this brutal medication.

    Deboreah Wesson

Posted 30 October 2009 - 12:34 PM

Just gotta ask is that windows vista that you hate?

Welcome to the form!

I just have to let you know your having somw major withdrawls, and what we all
have learned here is how to go down slowly. You can add some of the beads back
to the cap that you have taken half out. Just go down a little at a time, big drops
will only give you the the harder withdrawl symptoms.

There are 270 beads in 30 mg, = 9 beads = 1 mg there that's easier.

When I first got here it was due to my doc cutting the dose in half, and I felt like
I was going insane, nightmares, sweating, abdominal pain, cramping, and more!

Here is the site with the withdrawl symptoms http://prozactruth.com/cymbalta.htm

Read lots of post, ask lots of questions, read lots of the threads. So much info, and
support here.


#30 sammypuggy



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    Withdrawing from Cymbalta and found this website.

Posted 05 November 2009 - 07:13 PM

I had been taking 30 mg of cymbalta for about two years when I told my doctor I thought I might need to increase the dose. We went to 60 mg for a couple of months and after some discussion with him we decided I could try to get off Cymbalta all together (mind you I was never impressed with Cymbalta). After going to 30 mg again I started the 'every other day' trick. And after a time Itried to go a second day and then a third without it. By the third day I had nausea, brain was fogged up, ringing in my ears, and brain waves. Awful. I called the doctor and he put me on 20mg. I stay on 20 for about two weeks when I tried to come off again, with the same result.
I called my doctor and he wanted me to break the capsule, put it in a glass of juice, stir very well and then drank half one day and then drink half the next (this would mean I would taking 10 mgs a day).

I was not comfortable doing this because it states on my prescription you shouldn't break the capsule. I found a compounder in my area and had the doctor call them and they made 10 mg and 5 mg capsules.

I finally got down to 5 mg a day and then started the every other day trick. This past Sunday I stopped altogether. I did not feel the nausea or my brain fog, but I still have a terrible ringing in my ear and brain waves or zaps....whatever you want to call them.

FYI the whole process of weaing off Cymbalta started around June 3, 2009. I've called Lilly which was NOT helpful. They state these withdrawal are only in 5% of the population coming off Cymbalta.
I will continue to post here so you know how long the ringing in my ears and brain waves last.

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