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#61 ittybittysmitty


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 09:30 PM

Hello family,

Thank you all for your concern, love and support...you all mean the world to me as we fight this fight together...our little family is truly a gift from God.

On Thursday I was too dizzy to drive to see my pdoc so he recommended OVER THE PHONE that I add 10 mg Paxil to reduce dizziness...it DID but (just like on June 9th) I BECAME SUICIDAL...Does that dumb@@ even remember what happened last time? I should have ignored him but was desperate for the dizziness to stop..

This morning I turned violent while helping my mom in the bathroom...I didn't hurt her, just slammed her walker up and down on the floor...I was thinking of ending things so i put a call into the on call doc...She said to STOP Paxil..i started feeling better emotionally but then suddenly felt like i was run over by a truck and slept all day..Now come the buzzes and zaps..

I hope and pray that this withdrawal will be short since i was on the Paxil for two days...I am a Christian and love God and know He loves me but how much can He allow us to take? Yea, we could all have cancer but we don't and our suffering is just as horrid.

Monday I am going to find another pdoc...This one doesn't understand withdrawal...

Have a blessed and safe weekend and I hope you are all feeling better!! xoxoxoxo
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#62 FiveNotions



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Posted 28 June 2014 - 09:39 PM

IBS, have you considered that you might need to spend some time in an inpatient treatment center? This med confusion, the violent reactions and the suicidal thoughts are way too much for you to manage on your own, and with just phone calls to the doc...not to mention, trying to find a new doc.....you can't take care of your mom and yourself simultaneously.....

Please please consider this....several of us here are at the point of needing/considering/getting inpatient treatment....

What you are describing is serious, serious stuff....

#63 Wagtail


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 12:44 PM

Fishinghat are you here ?... It's 3am & the anxiety has me awake & sitting here looking for some advice .
I realized yesterday that I had to get some immediate help .. It was Sunday so my options were very limited .. I took a gamble & called my old doctor / pychologist on her home phone & she answered & talked to me for a good 15 minutes . She remembered me & her first concern was that I was taking Zanax even @ a dose of 0.5 mgs x day , she even suggested that this was what was causing my full body pins & needles when my next dose was almost due .
She advised me to go back to the Valium 5 mgs 3 x day. I had already taken my 0.5mgs Zanax @ 6 am that morning so I waited until 1.30pm & took my first 5 mg Valium , it barely settled me !.
I took my second 5 mg dose @ 9.30 pm before bed.
I've woken @ 2.30am with anxiety & that dreadful full body pins & needles & nausea , I got up & took another 5 mgs Valium feeling desperate for relief
She didn't like me taking any Clonidine because my blood pressure has a history of being low .
Am I ok please ?... :-(((

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 12:53 PM

Wagtail, call her back first thing in the morning....as early as 9 a.m. Or so....your going to be seeing her in person this week, she's your therapist/doc...talk to her, she needs to be the one to walk you throughout this....you trust her, she knows you and your med history...call her!

#65 Wagtail


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:11 PM

I will call her FN , it's just getting though until then ...5 hours !!!!!... And you know that dreadful uncontrollable anxiety / panic feeling can be overwhelming ... I'm waiting for the Valium to kick in but compared to the Zanax it doesn't bring the relief !!!... I know I am panicking but I just hate feeling so bad .
I really thought that @ nearly 7 months I would be feeling so much better . I didn't have the anxiety while I was taking the Cymbalta & it's so scary to be suffering from it again ... I feel so helpless I guess ....

#66 Clara


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:19 PM

Wagtail, I'm so sorry you are having such problems!!! I an not any help in the med dept., but I AM WITH YOU IN SPIRIT AND IN PRAYER!! Hang in there my dear friend! At times I feel like the thread I'm hanging onto is about to break also, BUT we've come this far and will get through this!! Wish we could all come together for group support, hugs etc. hugs and prayers!!

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:22 PM

This is why I think you're showing symptoms of panic disorder/PTSD.....cymbalta is often prescribed for PTSD....ex soldiers, victims of violence, etc....it holds the panic at bay while the person gets intensive therapy to deal with the underlying cause of the panic....the fact that this therapist has worked with you and knows more about your full history is very very important.....you haven't said why you were put on cymbalta, but it may have been for panic/PTSD, not depression? If so, being off the cymbalta is going to allow any unresolved anxiety and panic issues to resurface....with the kinds of effects you've been describing here for quite some time....

I do know how hard it is to sit and wait while experiencing this kind of feeling.....I'm not meaning to be unsympathetic at all...just encouraging you to take control of your health issues and stick to the plan you had decided on yesterday....make the hour and a half trip to go see this therapist again, ASAP...and seriously consider the inpatient treatment....you cannot do this on your own, alone....you can. Not. Do. This. On your own.


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:24 PM

And, if you can't wait this out to talk to this gal, have your husband drive you to the nearest ER.
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#69 TryinginFL


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:25 PM



Just a little longer and then PLEASE make that call!! Make it an emergency to see her ASAP!


My love, hugs and prayers dear friend,


Liz :hug:

#70 tria


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:33 PM

Wagtail - Hang in there!  Read some posts here, write some replies.... times always passes quickly for me when I do that!  Sometimes too quickly, and I end up getting nothing else done haha.  It seems that the Xanax works best for your anxiety, maybe you should discuss using that with your doc instead of Valium?  I think I read in one of your posts that your doc didn't like Xanax, but if it works for you and if you take it as directed, it may help.  I started taking Xanax before Cymbalta during a very stressful time in my life.  I take 0.25mg up to 6 times a day.  I've been on this same dose for over 5 years.  When I was "just" dealing with the anxiety, I took the Xanax at least every 6 hours, some days every 4 if I needed to. (I was able to reduce my dose after a while but am back up to 4 or 6x a day since weaning off Cymbalta.)  Whatever anxiety med you take, make sure you take it regularly.  The way my doc explained it to me is that is the way it works best to control severe anxiety.  If you skip a dose or try to go without it, then you are playing "catch up" trying to calm the anxiety down instead of stopping it before it gets a hold on you.  I know people have differing opinions about benzos, but again I go with what my doc said - that as long as I didn't keep needing more and more to get the same result, I was using the med as it was intended.  If the Xanax works for you and you can find a dose that gives you relief, maybe just go with that?  Or at least stay on it until you can find something else that will work? 


All that said - you will get this sorted out!! I know every second feels like an eternity when you are in the midst of an anxiety attack. IT WILL PASS - remember this!!  One quote I read somewhere comes to mind - When there's nothing you can do, save your energy.  You can't "fix" this anxiety right now, so don't work yourself up trying to.  Posting on here is a good outlet, or pace around your house if that helps.  Distract yourself if you can - tv, music, catalogs, clean your kitchen - take that anxious energy and put it to use if you can.  And don't be afraid to sit down and have a crying fit.  It does serve a purpose sometimes - you cry and cry, exhaust yourself and your body finally lets go and relaxes.  You have lots of friends here pulling for you, you'll get thru this.  Sending good thoughts your way.......

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#71 tria


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 01:58 PM

IBS - how are you doing today?  I agree with FN - your symptoms are serious.  I know how I've reacted to other anti-depressants (hysterical crying, laughing, fits of rage, etc) - often after just one or two doses.  In addition to whatever medical problems you're dealing with plus the Cym w/d, the other anti-depressants may just be making things worse.  I'm sorry for asking, but I don't remember - how much Cymbalta are you on?  Maybe you should consider going back up to where you felt more stable on the Cymbalta and give up on the other meds for now?  The Cym w/d maybe torture but I think the other meds are making it worse for you.  I don't know, anyone else want to weigh in on this?  I have not had good experience with mixing anti-depressants but that's just my personal experience.


I think you do need to see a doctor and very soon.  Even if you go back to your old doc just for now.  But go, and have a plan.  Tell him/her all the stuff you're telling us here and tell him that something needs to be done about it.  You cannot live like this and you should not have to!  If you need something to get you thru the Cym w/d, there were other meds listed somewhere here - I know FH listed several of them - that worked for anxiety.  Xanax and Valium are the obvious ones but there are other good choices - propranolol and atenolol are 2 bp meds that work well for anxiety. Clonidine is another one.  Also hydroxyzine is another med FH mentioned to me that I plan on asking my doc about.  Something that keeps you calm thru the w/d may be helpful.


I don't know, I'm just writing off the top of my head here.  I hope I don't sound "preachy"  - that is not my intention.  I know how awful my symptoms have been and yours sound even worse, so I just can't imagine how much you're suffering.  I'm sending good thoughts and prayers to you.  Keep us posted on how you're doing please!

#72 Wagtail


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 02:06 PM

FN , you're right it is more of a panic attack & I will seek help today as soon as it's possible . I'm just trying to get through until help is possible ... Clara , Tria ,& TFL thank you all for answering my feeble cry for help.. I guess that's what this forum is all about isn't it ?....
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#73 fishinghat


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 04:52 PM



Sorry to be so late but I see you have already got the right answers. Now I know why the clonidine h such a groggy effect. Your blood pressure already runs low.


Get into see her and let us know what happens.

#74 Wagtail


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 05:08 PM

Fishinghat & everyone else ...important question !!!.
If you absolutely had to go back on a antidepressant which one would you choose.....?

#75 fishinghat


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 05:15 PM

Because of my age Celexa And Lexapro are out. I would want one with a long half life, probably Zoloft (which is the one I am using now) or Prozac.

#76 thismoment



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Posted 29 June 2014 - 06:40 PM



I would say the Prozac (brand name) too, and it's perhaps an easier one to withdraw from than some others. It's time to get dedicated professional help to address your problem, and I sincerely hope you will find some relief. Take care Gail.

#77 ShadyLady


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:18 PM

NONE!! I would rather die now than to go back on an anti-depressant...day 8 off Cymbalta & peeking out from the windows of my mind & soul at what has been taken from me on this long, numb & dumbed state of mind for 10 years. I don't care if I get negative replies, I know for today the drug(s) took a helluva lot more away than they gave to for some quality of normal living & thinking for myself.

Is today better than 8 days ago? Yes, but only when a small fragment of mental clarity can override the horrible side effects of this withdrawal. Still experiencing electrical brain zaps but not as constant. Neuropathy pain is excruciating at times...I cry until there are no tears left & some sleep washes over me for a few hours. Panic attacks have been a close companion since my 30th birthday...would never leave home without X's & a paper bag to breath in before. I stopped the 1mg Xanax at bedtime (taken the same dose for 28 yrs) when I started weaning off this Cym crap...big mistake! Prescribed meds a whole other story, but in short Psych had me on insane amounts (still does according to last rx's as of 5/1) ...120 mgs Cymbalta, 3-4mgs Xanax (as needed;)), 2mg Luniest, two 25mg Adderall ER. Walking disaster, you betcha...I refuse to see him again other than to get copies of my medical records. Pain management prescribed meds is another story for another post...as of today, meds are Synthroid, 1mg Xanax before bed, 1 10/325 Percocet when the neuropathy pain is unbearable. This old, Irish broad is just stupid (or smart enough:/) to fight the devil head on...today anyways.

#78 tria


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 09:50 PM

Wagtail - I would prefer NO anti-depressants, as I've had bad luck with them in the past.  If I had to choose, I'd try Prozac or Zoloft.


CymSik - I see in your meds that you take Synthroid.  How closely are your thyroid levels (TSH & T4 & maybe T3 also) monitored?  I'm on Synthroid and Cytomel because I had a thyroidectomy due to thyroid cancer.  I had a terrible time getting on the right dose of thyroid meds and a lot of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are similar to those of Cym w/d (anxiety, heart pounding, headache, sweating, etc.).  If your thyroid levels are off, it could be making you feel even worse.  When I started weaning off the Cymbalta, I drove my poor endocrinologist crazy.  I was sure my thyroid levels were off because of the symptoms I was experiencing.  He ran labs and I was a bit hyper so he lowered my Synthroid.  I can't say it made a huge improvement but I did notice a difference.  Just a thought......

#79 Wagtail


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:30 PM

Because of my age Celexa And Lexapro are out. I would want one with a long half life, probably Zoloft (which is the one I am using now) or Prozac.

Fishinghat I've been trying to research benzos & cam across one called Klonopin !... Is this one familiar with you ?..:-)

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:41 PM

What a day , it's now 1.30 pm & I have an appointment with a GP @ 3.45 pm . I have to get a referral so I can see the psychiatrist , I don't like my chances of seeing one today .
So far today I have had to take @ 3.15 am 5 mgs Valium
@ 5.45 am 0.5 mgs Ativan ( half of 1 mg )
@ 10.30 am 0.5 mgs Ativan
That means I've taken 5 mgs Valium & 1 mg Ativan up until now .

The Valium didn't work @ all , the first 0.5mgs Ativan allowed me to close my eyes siting on the lounge for about an hour .
I was still trembling & panicking when I took the second dose of 0.5 mgs Ativan @ 10.30 am .
I'm holding on & doing everything I can to distract myself right now ...
My daughter is coming to take me ..

#81 FiveNotions



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Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:45 AM

Wagtail, FH and I cautioned you...do not take two kinds of benzos at the same time....don't take the Valium...and the Ativan...very dangerous.....

Keep us posted!
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#82 Wagtail


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 02:35 AM

Just got home , couldn't see my regular GP it was his day off so I had to see a new one ... He believes that the Cymbalta would have been out of my system in weeks ...hadn't heard of the discontinuation or the brain needing to repair itself ... He gave me a referral to see a psychiatrist but warned me that it could take a long time to get an appointment . It was quite obvious that I was in the throes of a panic attack so he recommended a book for me to read ... My God I can't even write my own name ATM .
Struggling to type !...
He agreed that I should take 1mg of Ativan straight away & then another 1mg before bed with 1/2 a tablet of Clonidine ...hopefully that should help me get through most of the night .
Tomorrow I will see how long I have to wait to see a Pychiatrist .. If it's too long I will go back to my old doctor in Sydney & see what she can do ..
I just need to calm this anxiety down & get through the night ...

I ran out of my magnesium last week does anyone think that could have aided in my condition worsening ?...:-)

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:00 AM

Wagtail, FH and I cautioned you...do not take two kinds of benzos at the same time....don't take the Valium...and the Ativan...very dangerous.....

Keep us posted!

I am sorry, but I do have not the same opinion on mixing benzos.Those 2 at least.


Valium and ativan can be taken together. Like valium in am, ativan in afternoon and valium at night. Or vice versa.

Phamacist advised me on this.


She did mention it is preferable to separate the dose, at least on those two benzos.



When I got a prescription for Klonopin, now that was another matter, never take those at the same time. If it did not work, I had to wait for at least 4 hours to take the ativan.


Now on valium, and rarely, but in case of great and I mean great anxiety, I do take a .5 ativan to lower the panic. But, like I said, this is very seldom.


Klonopin did not work on me, but many people use them and have great results.

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:02 AM

Wagtail, are you on Xanax (alprazolam) or lorazepam (Ativan) in addition to Valium (diazepam)?

in your post further up this thread, and your other posts, you have been saying Xanax....

But now you're saying that you've taken Ativan.....

Xanax and lorazepam are two very different benzos....

Which one are you taking in addition to the Valium?

Or are you taking all three?

This is important! Exactly which benzos are you taking?

Also, your old therapist, with whom you spoke on the weekend, didn't want you to take Clonidine, because you have a history of low blood pressure. Did you tell this to the new GP yesterday?

She also didn't like that you were taking the Xanax, and told you it could be causing you some of the problems you're having...

Did you tell this to the new GP yesterday?

Why didn't you call your old therapist back like you said you would?

#85 fishinghat


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:50 AM

I am with FN here on this one. If you run low blood pressure normally why would he put you back on clonidine.


Klonopin works well for most people. Tough withdrawal and very addictive.

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 09:54 AM

Wagtail, I think I've posted these links for you before....here they are again....panic hotline and treatment resources in Australia





#87 thismoment



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Posted 30 June 2014 - 09:57 AM

 "He believes that the Cymbalta would have been out of my system in weeks ...hadn't heard of the discontinuation. . ."


Dear Wagtail's doctor: After stopping, Cymbalta is out of your system in less than a week. Everything else is discontinuation- the brain needs to alter in order to function without the drug- the period of adjustment is discontinuation. Otherwise all symptoms would end when he half-life hits near-zero in 6 days. 


The doctor's advice is to read a book! OMG!! If you had broken legs he'd recommend you enter a marathon race!! 


The doctor needs to read a book or two.

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 11:03 AM

You got that right TM. How sad.

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 11:10 AM

I shudder to think what the title of the book is.....Wagtail, please do tell us.....

Idiot doc.....

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 11:15 AM

IBS, how are you doing? Please check in and let us know!

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