Yet another cymbalta cold turkey
Posted 16 February 2010 - 10:46 AM
Just like to add i have spent 10 hours researching and thumbing through sites (this one included) and have a clear understanding to why i have failed to come off this drug so many times. This cold turkey thought is a very un educated one, im not saying anything negative to the people that are quitting cold turkey or have no choice but too. Simply stateing with the antiD's i have been on and the constant of cymbalta through it all from day one cold turkey is not the answer for me. I have read many post by junior and nurseD and would love more insight from you and any others who may have it. I have decided to go and buy a supply of 30mg caps, From here i would love to know how to ween from that no matter how long. I have lost so much in my short life and rebuilt and lost and rebuilt and lost, i do not want to lose what i have now expecially the relashionships i have made. My Fiance has been very understanding but lets face it we all need happiness, i dont want to give any reason for her to think its not right here were it always has been. ( no an iminent worry) only 30mg are avail to me at the moment so the proper and safe way to decrease these dosages would be awesome! and maybe a little bit of fellow support from peers in the same boat.
Thankyou again!
Btw Maverickx was what i used for a guest name until I decided to member up.
Posted 16 February 2010 - 03:45 PM
Just like to add i have spent 10 hours researching and thumbing through sites (this one included) and have a clear understanding to why i have failed to come off this drug so many times. This cold turkey thought is a very un educated one, im not saying anything negative to the people that are quitting cold turkey or have no choice but too. Simply stateing with the antiD's i have been on and the constant of cymbalta through it all from day one cold turkey is not the answer for me. I have read many post by junior and nurseD and would love more insight from you and any others who may have it. I have decided to go and buy a supply of 30mg caps, From here i would love to know how to ween from that no matter how long. I have lost so much in my short life and rebuilt and lost and rebuilt and lost, i do not want to lose what i have now expecially the relashionships i have made. My Fiance has been very understanding but lets face it we all need happiness, i dont want to give any reason for her to think its not right here were it always has been. ( no an iminent worry) only 30mg are avail to me at the moment so the proper and safe way to decrease these dosages would be awesome! and maybe a little bit of fellow support from peers in the same boat.
Thankyou again!
Btw Maverickx was what i used for a guest name until I decided to member up.
If you've been taking 30mg regularly and haven't tried stopping yet, you could start by just taking out a few beads from your 30mg capsules (you can use these later for lower dose days) and stay at that dose for a week or so and see how you feel. The great thing about this method is that you can adjust as you go, if you feel terrible, you can up the dose and it will work fairly quickly, if you feel no consequences after each drop, you can try going a bit faster.
regards, Maureen.
Posted 16 February 2010 - 07:12 PM
Have some confidents to a very unsure subject to myself for once. I am def gonna try the method described here, The times i have tried before I went back to the medication because the people around me were scared shitty with how i was feeling. I was "cold turkeyed" for 5 days but that no new thing for me i have had many occasion were the prescription was unavailable to me. Yet another part of why i want freedom from the bonds of cymbalta, The constant worry that if i missed a dose or accidently doubled one would effect my next day or even next 3. Now taking a simple pills sounds just that "simple" but we all get so busy and caught up that after taking a pill for so long, "forgetting" doesnt seem so rare. Now im off to go find some gel caps so i dont waiste any of the "beads?", Just cause i could buy them now doesnt mean i can keep doing it. That was an incredible amount of money for a months worth of sanity.
The anxiety of being in a room just to buy cymbalta, not even for a visit just to buy....i felt like i was going to be attacked and told "That i was giving the pill to much power again." If i can make it thru this with some respect left for the phyciatric community in my area i swear i will do what i can to help others local to me to become informed.
Thankyou again
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