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Apple Cider Vinegar Is Definitely Helping Me Get Off Cymbalta

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#31 scared60


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Posted 18 July 2014 - 11:21 PM

I was all over the place today trying lemon water with honey for nausea had small success then took l-lysine then did the acv at about 3 today. I think it made a difference! I also ate my way through the day. Oh lordy was Soooo nauseated kept eating thinking it would make it go away.

Tomorrow am going to start doing the acv 3x day. I have several issues that others have had success with using the acv! I'm excited... Great topic! And cinnamon, didn't think of that. Wooohooo I'm excited!

#32 thismoment



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 12:16 AM



You've been very active and that's great! Try these supplements and you might find something you really like- and something pleasurable is half-way to relief!


Just a heads-up- some of the nausea can come from over-eating, but you probably know that. Also eating late into the evening can lead to gastro problems like reflux, heartburn, and esophageal burning (many of us have done it). Go slow, and drink plenty of water, but eat sparingly.


Best wishes!

#33 Carleeta



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 10:54 AM

scared60. In my opinion I feel the cider will not work very well during nausea.  It is very acidy.....Please try room temp ginger ale... the real ginger ale...and take sips of it with some saltine crackers..... 

#34 Carleeta



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 10:57 AM

scared60...opppps...I meant lemom...its very acidy....Honey is ok, cinnamon is calming...and please the ginger ale is a must......

#35 scared60


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 06:14 PM

thanks thismoment and carleeta.. eating sparingly is the problem.  I've had low-blood sugar most of my life and when I get that nauseated light headed dizzy thing going, it always signals me to eat something ... so I don't pass out.  Now however, going off the Cymbalta, I'm not sure what is what you know?  I'm dizzy, nauseous hot cold tired wired up down  and then searching for relief.


I have gained a lot of weight since cymbalta and hope to loose some of that, but right now ... I'm just gona focus on getting off this crap.


I've been doing ginger ale for like 2 yrs now because I've had the nausea for a while.  As it was listed as another wonderful side affect from C-Sh*t . I found a wonderful one at the HFS - GUS Extra Dry lightly sweetened with real ginger root.  Also found bigelow Lemon-ginger tea to be helpful.


the dizzieness is what's making me crazy.  I guess this too shall pass. We are a gluten free household, so no soda crackers around here.  We have light rye wasa flat bread, may give that a try.  I'm finding black rice, green chili with some protein has helped a little today.  nothing seems to be helping for more than an hour of so, been craving spicy food too (hence the green chili - chuckle).  guess it's just what it is and it will pass, after all, it's only day 5 so I'm hoping by day 10 some of this stuff with be history.  I'm having MRI on Tuesday to see if there's something there re: my 24/7 headachs and have upper gi appointment in september for the nausea.  Oh the joys of it all ... chuckle.


I value all and any input.  thanks!!!!! :)

#36 scared60


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 06:35 PM

Oh yeah Carletta, as a note.  I think the reason ACV works for so many things is that it balances our alkalinity.  The research I did said acv is okay for nausea.  I didn't do 3x's today cause just wasn't up to it, spent most of day in bed. la te da ...


Thanks again for all your input!  Appreciate it soooo much! Mega hugs your way :hug:

#37 gail


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Posted 01 January 2018 - 10:12 AM

I started taking apple cider vinegar over a week ago to help with metabolism and weight issues - it does - more energy than ever - less appetite but amazing result is how I didn't know it helped get off Cymbalta - I tried before becasue when I didn't have money for meds at times I had terrible brain zaps(like elctric shocks in my head) and terrible nightmares- and the pain in my legs got so much worse - worse than it had been before I began medicine - just tried to stay up and not sleep - took 3 or more baths - terrible feeling when missing meds- and the reason I started taking it in the 1st place was I already took depression meds but the doc said that cymbalta would not only help depression but would help with my leg pain that was fibromyalgia or restless legs - I've had pain in my legs - tingling burning like electric current in my legs as long as I can remember in my teens and probably all my life - I'm 49 and I've been to general docs, internists, neurologists, had MRIs, massage therapy, vein therapists, meds, physical therapy - Requip that is advertised on tv for restless legs caused verbal tics - making noises in my sleep over and over and when going to sleep - so didn't continue - anyway - wish I'd never switched to cymbalta - helped at first but still had leg pain and didn't want to increase dose and then when missing a dose or two I had such terrible withdrawal effects it scared me - so I looked up cymbalta web sites heard words like brain zaps and heard about nightmares everything I was experiencing and it was because it was the middle of the night and I felt so terrible and was so hopeless about it that I looked at site had to start taking cymbalta again because symptoms of getting off so bad - anyway - the apple cider vinegar has worked 3rd day off minimal leg discomfort - no brain zaps - no nightmares - have felt better than I can remember ever - look up apple cider vinegar on Web MD and other places - don't drink straight as it will irritate throat - harsh to teeth - look to see if any side effects - says it could interact with meds ... just research it - but I'm telling you - it's an answer for me so far when I thought there were no answers - apple cider vinegar - look it up - nothing fancy although they say organic is better - got mine at the dollar store and like I said took it initially for weight loss - which it is curbing my appetite and making me feel so much better and I'm losing weight but the off cymbalta without terrible withdrawals was the unexpected unbelievable finding - look it up - research it - and let me know - God bless - oh and I saw on one site maybe web md that it supposedly helped with depression and detoxing - sooooo finding out after what I didn't know before starting to take it .... oh I also take 2 cinnamon supplements a day helps with other things but look up apple cider vinegar and God bless Libby

Interesting to know! So I brought it up!

#38 Bongchaaa



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Posted 25 November 2019 - 03:46 PM

Tbird, I agree on the home remedies!

Many/most of our modern medications are based on natural remedies....big pharma figures out why they work, replicates the chem or bio compound, makes it a zillion times stronger ( and more dangerous/addictive) and then sells them to us for big bucks.... At the same time, they make sure to publicly denigrate home and naturopathic remedies as archaic, old wives tales, ineffective....thereby increasing the market for their version of what mom, grandma, and all generations prior were using with great success....


#39 LeVana


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Posted 01 March 2024 - 10:10 AM


that's true. thinking of gaba-->gabapentine-->pregabaline. strong-->stronger-->deadly withdrawal ;-)

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