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life at the beginning of week 2 cold turkey

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#1 jane



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Posted 01 May 2008 - 09:39 AM

Today is my 8th day of quitting Cymbalta cold turkey after one year of use. Started on it for extreme anxiety caused by simultaneous effects of violence, sudden loss of two family members, and loss of employment after 25 "successful" years of employment. This last week I have experienced: severe sweating (all day and all night), chills, nausea, dizziness (including when taking a deep breath), diarhhea, "swooshing" sounds in my ears, vivid nightmares, cycles of vertigo, visual disturbances - flashes of lights and colors -, leg and hip cramping, and lots of irritability.

It's amazing that stopping Cymbalta has resulted in the creation of many new symptoms that I was never being treated for to begin with. What's wrong with that picture?! I WILL deal with all of the side effects of quitting cold turkey, as gaining control of my life and myself is the most important thing.

What has been most helpful to me this past week is being gentle to myself, acknowledging and beginning to accept and process the events that necessitated starting this "medicine", and believing that the physical withdrawal effects will lessen with time. I believe that the only good that Cymbalta did last year was a "bang-up" job in masking my emotions and pain, so as a result, I never addressed these, and only added to them!

Although I am unemployed, uninsured, and out of money, I will survive, because I am finding myself again. I started counseling this week (at a cost of 13% of the usual counseling rate, based on my lack of income!) to deal with the issues. Yes, it is really scary to have to feel these emotions, but it is sooooo much better than living like a zombie. It feels like I lost a year of my life, lost contact with the world, and made bad decisions while on Cymbalta including compulsive spending and apathy, which I will also have to deal with. The good news is, I will do it drug-free. Anti-depressants and drug therapy definitely have a place in our world, but for me, this was not helpful

Also, am heading to a health food shop today for discussion and assistance in purchasing foods to help me lessen some of the side effects. I can't afford herbal supplements, but will begin with making wiser food choices.

I know that life is a long and scary road, and that my choices to first go on Cymbalta, and now to work through its bizarre withdrawal effects from stopping cold turkey, will require me to make tough decisions and do hard work to get through this. And, I hope to be able to soon feel good enough to get a job!!!

My heart goes out to EVERYONE suffering through this. I find a lot of comfort in knowing that I am not alone, and in reading the posts on this site. Thanks for being here.

#2 Sarah J

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 11:25 AM

jane - good luck to you. Wiser food choices can be as beneficial as the supplements. One of the best sources of Omega 3 are eggs. You can cook them really quickly and when you are in the worst of withdrawal, quick and easy is the way to go. Pop open a can of tuna - Omega 3! Good luck with your talk therapy.

Never thought I would get through this, and I am intact and antidepressant free. Know all about the "Cymbalta Withdrawal Empty Wallet Syndrome" but once you are feeling strong and healthy again, that will work out. Be strong! Hang in there and stay positive.

#3 jeff3298


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Posted 01 May 2008 - 12:02 PM

Your words are encourageing to me, thank you for sharing.

#4 jane



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Posted 01 May 2008 - 03:11 PM

Thanks to all of you! Just got back from the health food store. I did purchase some Omega-3, and had a great talk with the staff nutritionist. There ARE A LOT of us out here!!!

She recommended the fish oil omega 3 supplements, for DHA and EPA - her concerns based on my present symptoms were to alleviate the risks of elevated blood pressure and cholesterol, and to help with the dizziness/vertigo.

For food choices, she recommended eggs, salmon and tuna and carrots. Also, she recommends adding fresh squeezed lemon to all water, to increase hydration (not the concentrate), as this will help add fluid to joints and muscles.

Did not relay why I ultimately quit cold turkey. I called my Dr. office for my 3 month visit, and to extend/change my Cymbalta dosage to begin weaning off of the drug, and instead of being transferred to the appointment nurse, I was transferred to the office Collection department!!! How humiliating. She informed me that, until my unpaid balance was paid (did I mention I had cancer surgery in January as well, and have been having to make monthly payments on THAT since I am uninsured), I was not considered an "active" patient, and that the office could not renew my scrip! She also informed me that doctors are not obligated to treat patients, and if I had an emergency, I should go to the nearest hospital, where they would not deny me care!!!

Oh well, enough ranting, will provide more info, support and read forums later!

#5 Lori


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Posted 01 May 2008 - 03:37 PM

Yes, Yes, Yes, I am interested in foods that are rich in things we need for anxiety and depression, and what ever else is needed!!! The reason I say we need a list is because I never take my glasses with me when I go grocery shopping. I CANT READ THE FINE PRINT.....So if anyone wants to start that list, I would be most appreciative. ;)

Very good way of looking at it, Jane. Very encouraging to me and to others. You will also be in my prayers to get through this, also by bringing up hurts you will have to deal with in therapy. I will begin therapy soon, and I am dreading the past coming back to haunt me and having to talk about it, but it beats me allowing my past to control me and to judge others and this is what I need help with.....AND TO GET PAST CYMBALTA!!! I thank God for you wonderful people and for Babby for harrassing me until I got on here. I am just picking on you, Babby. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

#6 jane



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Posted 01 May 2008 - 04:01 PM

I will start adding foods and natural supplements on the thread about supplements...not today, too tired!!! (haha - at least I can laugh about that!)

take care, more tomorrow

#7 justintime



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Posted 01 May 2008 - 04:43 PM

I'm on Day 22 of Cymbalta Withdrawal and it's hard. I quit Cymbalta by taking 10 days of Prozac. I've done the C. withdrawal before and you have my heart-felt words of encouragement.

#8 schmb01


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Posted 01 May 2008 - 05:21 PM

Lori, I know you are joking, and I think it is doing you a world of good to be here. You are not only helping yourself, but offering encouragement to others, and that is a big part of healing, in my opinion!

Hang in there guys, it does get better!

#9 tjcara



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Posted 04 May 2008 - 02:01 AM

Newbie.... Day 8 of cold turkey and I feel like the turkey. On the one hand is the painful realization that I have come to this miserable pathetic place in my life... did not forsee this thing happening to me. On the otherhand is the strength I get from taking my life back. Sure, nothing around me is changing - but - at least I feel that i am seeing things for what they are and it is ME seeing it, not some doped up version of me. Sorry for jumping right in without any introduction... I'll keep it brief... (It's 2:30 in the morning and I just had one of "those dreams" that withdrawal brings) So I grabbed my laptop and finally looked for help. I am a 48 year old guy, married with two kids, two dogs and two lizards (No we don't live in an arc). Three years ago I was suddenly diagnosed with a very serious heart condition and given six months. They replaced the right side of my heart and that part seems to be working pretty well. After the surgery I was not the sam guy... shorter temper, irritable - but - I started getting wierd dizziness and my eyes would cross and I would feel like a mini stroke "sort of". These episodes were linked to fatigue and anxiety. The doctors tried effexor, zoloft, celexa and finally cymbalta. It did not stop these issues. Last Monday the doctor told me to stop taking the medication as it was not helping. I asked him if I needed to ween off and he said no. WHOA! what a time I have had... I feel like I am on some evil merry-go-round and I can't get off. My wife, whom I love, is not making life any easier for me... ordinarily I can deal with her sarcasm and moodiness - but - now I can't. The brain shivers or what ever you csll them are enough to make you nuts... sorry for the irony... it is late and I am running on very few cylinders. Diet... I have binged (sorry I can't spell or type very well).. I wake up parched like I have been in the desert. How much more of this? I am strong of spirit and faith, I just want to know... "are we there yet"? HELP!

#10 Lori


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 09:52 AM

Not only does this Cymbalta crap break my heart, but my blood is boiling and this crap just makes me sick!! It is tearing apart families and relationships. This is NOT fair!!! I know its the drug, we tell ourselves over and over and over....til I am sick of it! My boyfriend has been here for me and he reminded me, through thick and thin. He finally had a melt down Friday and has not been the same since. His words hurt me.....let me rephrase that, I allowed his truthful words to hurt me. He was telling the truth as far as what I have been putting him through and I wanted to scream at him, yet again, its the medication!!!!! But they also hurt. He said, I know its the medication but when the false accusations and hurtful words come from YOUR MOUTH, its hard to see that its the medication. I have to admit, I dont know what it is like to be in love with someone who is going through the withdrawals of Cymbalta. I dont know what it feels like to be yelled at and continously hurt but have to keep reminding myself its the medication, or lack of. I feel like I have to either crap or get off the pot. I feel like I have to heal NOW. I know this is time based but yet I am so afraid of our happy family being destroyed.

Is it possible some days we dont try hard enough? Do we give in to the anger and feeling like our world is crashing down around us, and there is nothing we can do about it? Does this crap make us too weak mentally and emotionally that we do NOT TRY HARDER??? These are just questions I am tossing out there and questions I, myself am pondering. I thought our relationship was over Friday and Saturday. I was so numb. But even though things are really strained between us right now, he is outside working on building me a base for my old timey water pump and plumbing it, so it really works....well it will work with a submersible pump. Yesterday, he kept us busy all day, working at my parents house, shopping for a birthday gift for my nephew, then the party, and we ran errands in town til bedtime. I felt like a little youngen running after my parents trying to keep up, but today I am going to fight with everything I have and eveything that God will allow me to have, to stay in a good mood.

My brother in law came outside yesterday, where I was sitting and told me I dont 'look right'. My eyes do not looked focused. I look like I am in right field somewhere. He was concerned by it taking so much concentration to spit out what I would try to say. I felt like I could not think at all!! You know......I know our families are taking a beating. I know that, I see that. Even my dad said, "Are you having a rough day today, Lori?" I dont like hurting my family this way. I am angry, as I have stated so many times before. But I take it out on the one I have taken advantage of. The one that I thought would be here for me. God just reached down, and tapped me on the shoulder Friday..."Hey Girl, he is human, he has feelings, he is afraid of what you have become, he is afraid of how to deal with it anymore....dont you have just alittle more power inside your confused body and mind to ease up him and give him a break?" Yes, I do, Lord, because with You, all things are possible.

I am sorry I went into my own selfishness again.....but sometimes I feel like I dont have anyone to talk to, except you guys. You are living it with me. Kinda'. I overslept this morning and we did not make it to church, we are extremely exhausted, but we are going to hear my brothers since at a Memorial today, at 2:00. Please know that I pray for all of you throughout the day, each time I ask God to help me through another hour, I ask Him to help you too. I have always been a supporter, an encourager, if you will. And when I read the pain in your posts, it upsets me that I can not fix it for you. One of the things my boyfriend threw in my face was me trying to fix others when I cant even fix myself. I showed him the post Babby left me and told him that it helps to help others. It gives us some strength. I helps to make us stronger and gives us a sense of worth.

For all the new ones, please know things will get better, read all the posts here. Not necessairly mine, because I am a rambler....but my heart is good. :lol: But there are so many on here who post really good ideas, and helpful things to get you through this. Take comfort in those who have been where we are and are trying to help you, and that I am praying for you.

I thank all of you who have left websites and great ideas for me. God bless you today.

#11 Betsy



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Posted 04 May 2008 - 05:58 PM

Not sure I have done this correctly,, but reading the experiences of others helps. I am doing this without my doctor's knowledge because I know he will be angry, and that's just more stimuli I don't need. I have been off Cymbalta about a month, with a week of weaning prior. The headaches and dizziness are killing me, but I do feel alive again. Has anyone noticed an increased intolerance to alcohol? I used to drink wine almost every night, but now just one or two glasses severely impairs me the next day. I have switched to herbal teas until I see where I am. Btw, I was on Cymbalta for three years, but have been on one anti-d or another for 20 years. I cannot wait to find out who I really am!

#12 schmb01


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 10:44 PM

Yes, I would stay away from the wine, as there are reports that Cymbalta also causes liver damage. But, to answer your question, I think you would become more senstive to any stumui, I know I had to cut way back of caffeine too.

#13 mkhackler


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 11:11 PM

Interesting and insightful article I just found for those of us that have gone "cold turkey".

The Effects of Antidepressant Withdrawal and Getting Through It!

By Heather Michelle, published Jun 27, 2007
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There is so much talk these days about antidepressants. The pharmaceutical market is flooded with potentials. Doctors have little idea which medication or combination of medications is going to be the right fit for each individual. That makes it a trial and error process. Some will help with the mood disorder, but will have side effects that make it impossible to continue taking. Others will have little to no effect at all. It is like magic when the right medication is found and the world feels brand new again.

There are two potential problems that can occur even when these medications are working. The first is that the antidepressant makes the person feel as if the depression is gone, as if they can carry on their life without taking it. This is often false. It is the antidepressant that has altered the state of mind and made the person feel better. Most people will go off their medication cold turkey when they decide they are fine.

Secondly, people build up a tolerance to medications over time. This is true with antidepressants. Those old feelings may begin to creep back up but are not as intense. This causes worry and a trip to the doctor to try a new medication.

These antidepressants are not narcotics. They are supposedly not addictive, but when your brain is being fed a steady stream of serotonin for several months or years, and then that disappears, what will happen?

Antidepressant withdrawal often presents like the flu. There can be fever and chills. There is usually nausea. There can be diarrhea and vomiting. It is deceptive. What the pharmaceutical companies are not telling the public is that this withdrawal escalates. It can cause a complete relapse and even suicidal thoughts. When someone is in so much pain physically and mentally, they just want it all to end. This can last several days or even weeks depending on how long the person was on the medication and how long the medication stays in the body.

Nobody should have to go through this. If someone chooses to go off of their antidepressants, then they need to consult their doctor. They can wean off of the medication gradually. This usually prevents the onset of withdrawal.

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