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Can I Hide It? Should I?

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#1 joe7kids



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Posted 27 June 2012 - 08:29 AM

Ok. So In 1991 I was happily married with 4 kids a nice home, 3 nice cars. thirteen days before 911 I bought my own business. Two years later I was homeless and banckrupt and obviously very depressed. So I was prescribed Cymbalta.

Fast forward to the present. Remarried, two new kids a good job. Life is good. I've continued taking Cymbalta because 1) had insurance that paid for most of it and 2) didn't see the need to stop and 3) didn't want to deal with the withdrawal part. Well now, my new job, one I've wanted since I owned my own company like this, doesn't offer health insurance and I can no longer afford to get it.

So now I'm going cold turkey, and really feel like dying.

Here's my questions for all of you:

1) too embarrassed to tell my new job or family of how i feel or why i feel like i do, even though they can obviously see it. I don't want people to think I'm crazy or psycho or anything.
2)are there any known natural supplements or vitamins or anything i can take that will help?
3)i also have a history of high liver counts that prevent me from taking any kind of blood thinner medicine, even for a headache. So i'm truly "coping" or "dealing" with everything.. chemical free.. i need help// advice// something...

any suggetions?

I feel i should win an emmy for being a great actor.. somedays i'm so neauseas i can't hide it, but most days no one knows the pain i'm feeling, the hurting to just move, the brain shocks and all that i feel. i read earlier of squeezing a copper scouring pad in your hand and adding electricity to it and that is a perfect description of how i feel, but i act like all is well and if anyone ask i simply say i'm fine..

i'm the head of my house, a leader at work.. i can't appear to be fragil or weak.. but i must confess.. somedays, i feel like quitting... going to sleep and not waking up.. oh yea.. sleep.. that would be nice too...

any help?

Joe with 7 kids (one of which is the only reason i'm still here)

#2 plezhelp


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    life is not about what happens on the outside, it's how we percieve it on the inside.

Posted 27 June 2012 - 06:56 PM

hi and welcome to cymbalta-hell! i want to encourage you to try splitting your dose to every 12 hrs. tho still experiencing all the withdrawl effects i have noticed a tapering off of the intensity of them (this is my 2nd week) No heroics dude ~ if you have never experienced detoxing of anykind ie: alcohol, narcotics etc. you are in for one helluva classroom! sorry but i suggest you get ready to meet the "ugly twin that lives inside your head" and you might want to apologize in advance to people around you as they too will get to experience that special fella! Be patient, and i mean copious patience...with yourself and hopefully others. i am doing this totally alone and it is hard. remember, you did not cause this {and even if we did No body deserves this kind of suffering...except maybe the arseholes who peddle this poison!} Also as suggested here when hitting a really rough patch take a pill and open lick yr finger and take some right away. joe this is the battle like no other, and i would suggest speaking to those whom you truly respect&trust (and them you) and test the waters there -- but i'm sorry many will fold up like cheap-ass suitcases in the face of this...but really are they people you want as friends? if you have to be someone else whenever you are with them...thats totally exhausting! actually its your family that is the most important, you mention one special child that is keeping you alive ~ try to be open with them first (if age appropriate) and know that your family deserves the real genuine & BEST of you ~ no bs! keep fighting the good fight, i'm pulling for you. peace&compassion

#3 freeme2


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Posted 27 June 2012 - 08:37 PM

I don't know once you are in withdrawal if any supplements help, but I sure it is worth a try.
For the headaches, try taking 400mg magnesium. I know ice cold water made me feel a little better.
For the nausea and dizziness, ginger, dramamine.
You can say you got a flu bug which usually lasts about 2 to 3 wks.
To calm you down or lessen anxiety. Kava Kava, GABA, and passionflower.
B-complex vitamins for stress
Someone said Omega 3 for the brain zaps..
I know I was extremely tired and stayed in bed.

#4 olikunvrhav


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    "where i was born, and where and how i have lived is unimportant ~ it is what i have done with where i have been that should be of interest."

Posted 12 July 2012 - 05:30 PM

@joe7kids...wondering how you are doing? we're here if you need to share(?)

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