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#1 naynay



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 09:21 AM

I have been weaning myself off of Cymbalta now for one month by tapering off of it slowly. I can honestley say that I feel as though I am the closest to hell that I can possibly be! I have had to ask myself several times in certain situations (am I living in hell?)
This drug is SATAN, I am not kidding around this is the most traumatic experience of my life. My scalp is itching to the point I am ctually digging with my nails during my sleep. Night sweats are a BEAST! I am nervous all the time, I cry every day, vomiting is a normal daily occourrance with the withdrawl. I can hardly drive two blocks to the grocery store as I swerve horribly and cannot concentrate on anything around me. I find myself thinking horrble nightmarish thoughts such as how wonderful it would be to be dead! Im not joking, I am argiung with everyone around me and have had trhoughts of putting my hands around someones throat and squeezing. I flinch during the night (ALL night) which wakes me from a sound sleep and scares the crap out of me!
The WORST symtom of all is that I could swear that I have bugs crawing under my skin, I have asked family memebers to look at my skin and tell if they can see what I see and they look at me as though I am crazy!! I literally feel as though I have bugs crawling around under my skin and Im constantly itching or looking for these damn bugs. This PILL CYMBALTA is a BEAST!!! IT needs to be done away with and NO ONE should take it. I am soooo pissed at the doctors who prescribe it to innocent people who know nothing of this drug.

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