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what helped me....

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#1 octobersky



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Posted 18 February 2009 - 05:37 AM

Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin- C, Vitamin D, Fish oil and cranberry pills. I have been taking this combination for about 5 days now and I can honestly say that I feel so much better. I still have the nausea from time to time so I take alka-selzer triple strength and it knocks it right out.

I know exactly what some of you are going through. I only took cymbalta for 1 month and stopped "cold turkey" because I didn't like the effect it was having on my body. I had no idea what laid ahead. I have never been so sick in my entire life and I had no clue what was wrong. my own freakin' doctor wouldn't even help me. so I had to do my own research which brought me here. This place has helped me in so many ways. I just wanted to say thank you to those who have posted with words of wisdom. if it weren't for this place, god only knows....

to those of you who are fighting the battle; hang in there, stay positive, take your vitamins, drink lots and lots of water, no caffeine.... it will get better. I promise you that!

thanks again everyone!
- Rachael

#2 michelleh38



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    I have been taking Cymbalta and have just quit cold turkey and wanted to document my symptoms

Posted 18 February 2009 - 09:07 AM

I drink my water and eat foods that are high in vitamins. Cranberries are so good for the bladder. I am also eating almonds and soup. The potato at night helps the body make its own serotonin and I highly encourage anyone going off to try the potato at night.

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