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Weaning Off Takes Time And Effort!

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#1 Whycee



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    To talk with people and educate people about Cymbalta. We need a place to vent and discuss. Nobody knows what we go through but us.

Posted 04 September 2013 - 09:44 AM

Dear Friends,

      My reason for being on a anti depressant drug was that I was on Prozac from 2004 till 2011. The doctor put me on Cymbalta in 2011 instead of keeping me on Prozac was because of my severe arthritis pains in my knees, spine, hands and because being a teacher was most depressing and an anxiety filled job.  My reason for getting off of the drug was two fold, I retired from teaching and financial. It was too expensive. It also was causing other problems such as mood swings,  head shaking and nervousness that was treated with cymbalta plus ANOTHER psycho active drug. You would think I was a major bipolar case with all the drugs and all I had was mild depression from being a middle school teacher. I started investigating about the problems with this drug, I decided I no longer wanted to take it. I wanted to see how my body would function without drugs. So I consulted my doctors. Both my GP and Psychiatrist said if it works, why do you want off of it. This is the end of July when I started serious withdrawing from this drug. I told the psychiatrist that because of its dangerous nature and the horrible side effects (I experienced by trying to go "cold turkey", I wanted to see what my body does without the drug.

     So I went from 60 MG to splitting them in half to 30 MG.. I had to do this for a week or two then she told me to go every other day. That was a disaster, so she wanted me back on it 30 MG everyday. I did that for a month then took it down to 15 MG.I had to split my 60MG pills in fourths. Tedious work but it worked for me. I bought empty geletin capsules at a health food store and made my own 15 MG capsules. That was 2 months ago. Now I take 15 MG every two days and at the end of this month I will take 15 MG every other day and then 15 MG every three days until I am totally free from the dizziness, brain zaps and fatique.

     I go to the doctor every month so she can monitor my withdrawl however she keeps wanting to put me back on it. WHY? She never listens to what I am telling her. Yesterday to her surprise, I told her that psycho active drugs are not what I need. I need to be able to handle my problems myself. I told her I am doing extensive research on Cymbalta and its not good for me. She keeps trying to push it. WHAT IS GOING ON? I have no more anxieties than the average person. I do not have irrational behavior. I am sleepting at night and enjoying my retirement. My body is feeling the arthritis more but it beats brain zaps! My nervous system is starting to work properly again. I am alert!

So why do doctors keep wanted to put us on Cymbalta?

Now I do realize that some people out there DO NEED psycho active drugs for their conditions. This drug is very, very dangerous. It can lead to seizures and God only knows whatelse.. READ THE PAPER THAT COMES WITH IT. There are other less dangerous psycho active drugs.  By all means follow your doctors instruction  WITH CAUTION.You have the internet, research things for yourself and ASK QUESTIONS. Get a second opinion if you can!!! Doctors are issuing this drug out too much and too fast without considering the negative side effects. I do hope by Thanksgiving I am totally Cymbalta free. Pray for me as I pray for all of you out there.

Mediation and yoga does just as much for the human body as this drug. Find another way if you can.


FYI: Cymbalta is a gold mine for Eli Lilly. It is their top seller. (go figure) Look it up! THINK FOR YOURSELVES!!!

#2 fishinghat


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Posted 04 September 2013 - 11:14 AM

Never has a truer posting been made. Good for you Whycee. Stick by your guns. Here is hoping you get completely off the medicine for good. Keep us posted.

#3 Maryann



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 04:36 PM

Hi Newbie,


I am proud of you for saying you want to get your life back. Just say no to the doctors as I had to do the same thing.

I agree with you concerning the withdrawals, they are terrible. I was only on 30 mg for 3 months and decided it was not helping  my pain,  as I had back surgery, I gained 10 pounds, had terrible nightmares and I felt like I did not care about anything. So I tried twice to stop taking it but could not because of the nausea, vertigo and severe dizzness.

Went back to my doctor and they put me on 20mg for 7 days and said I would feel bad for a few days after. Well it has been over a week and the symptons are still the same - I can't even move my head without feeling spinning in my brain.

I read that it took someone over 19 days to start feeling normal.

I am concerned with you - that you will have withdrawals even thou you are slowly tappering off - just be careful and hopefully your withdrawals wont be nothing like mine. Cymbalta is a terrible drug and I would not wish these withdrawals on anyone.

I will keep you in my prayers and please do the same for me!!

God bless!!!

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