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Listing The Positive Events Daily Through My Cymbalta Withdrawl

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#1651 Carleeta



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Posted 26 August 2015 - 10:55 AM

11:50am. Tuna salad done, and I'm getting ready to deliver it.  Hope you all have a wonderful and find some positivity in your day.

#1652 FiveNotions



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Posted 26 August 2015 - 11:09 AM

Well, I'm positively back to work ... another temp. / work-from-home gig for PBS ... and (I guess this should go in the "negative" thread but I'll include it here cuz it's not that negative) ... the "stomach worms" are making themselves real nuisances ... woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep ... so, I've upped my dose of clonidine again, back to what it was while I was working this spring ...


However, I'm positively going to keep working, in spite of the "worms" ... and, the great thing about working from home ... I can take a nap during the day, and turn on the light during the "night worms" and do some billable work then ! :P

#1653 Carleeta



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Posted 26 August 2015 - 07:38 PM


#1654 Carleeta



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Posted 28 August 2015 - 10:42 AM

11:37 a.m. it's definitely a positively beautiful day outside. My positive today is I'm going shopping to pick up the ice cream cake for my great nephews birthday party tomorrow. This afternoon my niece and I will be decorating the house. My son will be making chicken Rigatoni's and cornbread casserole. Tomorrow I will make the fried rice and fry up the lumpia. Therefore, it's not our traditional Italian birthday party. Hahahahahaha. It's definitely a positive moment in time for all of us here.

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Posted 28 August 2015 - 11:16 AM

Are the trees turning up North where you are Carleeta? Every fall my heart just aches for missing the beauty of it all ... and yes, I need to go up for a visit ... it's on my list of things I'm asking the "Big Guy" to arrange for me  ;)

#1656 Carleeta



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Posted 28 August 2015 - 06:11 PM

FN, NO the leaves are not turning yet. Everything is still very very green. Won't see any leaves start turning for another few weeks. Then from the middle of September till Halloween they will be gorgeous. I'm still enjoying the high eighties this week. I will positively be taking all herbs (for freezing) and flowers off the balcony on Labor Day weekend..Then my fall decorations go up..they stay up till the day after Thanksgiving . yipeeeee

#1657 TryinginFL


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Posted 29 August 2015 - 10:57 AM

man do I ever miss the North Carolina mountains and all the beautiful colors!

#1658 TryinginFL


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Posted 29 August 2015 - 11:02 AM

it sounds awesome Carleeta! hope you all have a wonderful time..

happy birthday to your great nephew!

#1659 Carleeta



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Posted 04 September 2015 - 09:11 PM

It's positively been a work week. I was called into work on Monday and I've worked all week at the lab. Obviously it's what we call vacation week.   1/2 of the micro department has taken a vacation due to the 3day holiday.  I've put in 30 hours this week and that is a lot. lol lol lol.  The work load was horrendous.   Fortunately, and positively, I was able to keep up with the specimens coming in and I don't know where they came from...lol lol lol.  Only kidding I knew what to expect the last week of summer for our area since the kids went back to school today.  Since I do not have to go into work next week (hopefully) I will positively be cooking for others less fortune than myself.  It's been close to 90 here all week and it will only get warmer into next week where it will stay until Thursday when we expect the high 70's.  I positively do not complain when spring, summer, and fall come around due to the fact the winters here could become very cold.  I've started to freeze my home grown herbs and have just a few more to go.  Should finish them up this weekend and store  the summer furniture away. Of course my great niece will help me out with this...lol lol lol lol.  She is getting so excited for the fall decorations to go up, hers and mine.  I noticed how the mums are just starting to come out.  They will be a few weeks late this year due to the hot weather which decided to show up in the last few weeks...lol lol lol  My Fall decorations will go up sometime next week.  They are positively beautiful here in NYS in the fall.  Positively looking forward to the fall. Well it's that time of the night for me to unwind.   

#1660 Carleeta



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Posted 05 September 2015 - 09:35 AM

10:30 am. Woke up had breakfast,  took my bath, brushed my teeth, did my hair, got dressed and ready to get started for the day. I'm positively a bit tired, although I have much to do. Going to be a busy day with little odds and ends to get done.  Wishing you all a day where you can find a bit a positivity and own it, even if it's one thing like brushing your teeth or going to get your mail.....

#1661 Carleeta



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Posted 06 September 2015 - 09:29 AM

10:25 am Off to the State Fair we go shortly. One positive note is the weather is good for the day we picked.  Ready for a very long long long walk...lol lol lol lol.  Today we expect 90 degrees in our area, although we are headed an hour away where we will be near the lake and it should be cooler.  All I knew is my baseball cap will be on my head...lol lol lol.  The best part of the State Fair for me is the agricultural building.  Love the flowers there.  My next favorite is the free milk from Elsie the cow.. lol  lol lol.  All the other building are ok and I'll positively go although I'm not so sure how the anxiety will be waiting in line just to get some food.   Ill either be posting my positive or negative later. Have a wonderful and Blessed day all.... 

#1662 Carleeta



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Posted 08 September 2015 - 08:09 PM

:) :)


:)8:55 pm. It's in the 90's again here and it's hot out there.  Even at this time at night the temp is about 87.  My air has been on straight for about a week now.  I did get out a bit today to pick up some vegetables.  The boxes are all upstairs and the fall decorations are coming out and brightening up my home.  My dining table is done and looks so warming (just what I need on a 90 degree day...lol). Two of my outdoor plants looked like they really needed some sort of help. I knew if I watered them again today they would still wilt tomorrow...lol lol lol.... Therefore I decided they needed to go now... Balcony is almost clear of herbs and flowers. Still a few more to go, although a day at a time. Positively I am doing this a day at a time.  Yesterday I was up in the mountains at my nieces home.  It was positively a beautiful day and a bitter sweet one at that.  Her pool will be closing soon and it was the last day I was able to enjoy it.   Oh NO, I did not go in....ha ha ha ha.  I sat in my chair with my cool drink and watched these beautiful girls enjoy the sun, view, pool, and good food.... No way was I getting in a bathing suit....lol lol lol...I laugh everytime I even look at my bathing suit in the drawer.  It's there for me to look at only...lol lol lol.  I find my positives every day and my laughs which come from security of accepting all my changes (my body......)..  :)

#1663 Carleeta



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Posted 08 September 2015 - 08:49 PM

9.45pm Its that time again.  Just washed my face, brushed my hair and in my night shirt.  My cup of defaf pumpkin coffee is ready for sipping.  Once done with the coffee its off to brushing my teeth and positively getting my rest in. 

#1664 Carleeta



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Posted 12 September 2015 - 07:33 PM

Lets just say it been one or two of those funky days....lol lol lol...My son and his family flew to CA on the same day my niece (the one who lives in the mountains) flies out to FL....it's been a cell phone (texting) lab top, and FB plus my home phone two days.  my son texts short messages upon boarding, switching planes, and landing....my niece texts and calls my cell phone.  Here I am checking flights ,cell phone messages, and have their destinations added to my weather channel app.  My son arrives CA with his ears killing him...lol lol lol.  I told him about the high alltitude..  ha ha ha ha.  No matter how old your children get they have a mind of their own and don't take the advice mom gives them about chewing gum on the flights.lllollol.  Doesn't my niece have 4 delays in two days trying to get to FL..  She changed her rental, so many times they have a hold on her account and releasing these holds one a day.... of course she forgot her credit cards back home.  She now is stuck in the airport with no car (this is a surprise visit to her sister)   She still had to drive over an hour to get to her sister. Here I tried renting a car for her and 'nope' couldn't do it because you need to be present with your drivers license and credit card..(this is a good thing for all credit card users).  So I'm on the cell with her and checking for hotels near the airport.  positively my angels were with me because I found one with a shuttle to and from the airport.  Now I call this hotel and ask them if they would take my credit card (after I explained my nieces situation) and they also needed a license...oh my.... Then they tell me I could fax them all the info they needed once they emailed me the instructions. thank God I had the way to get this info to the hotel (the hotel individuals were wonderful and understanding).  In the meantime my niece is on my cell, the woman from the hotel is on my home phone and I'm on the laptop and printer/fax.   Can I positively multitask....yes....yipeeeeee. During this time the woman at the hotel already send the shuttle for my niece.  My niece gets on the shuttle and I'm still on cell with her and the woman from the hotel...oh my.......lol lol lol.  my niece arrives at the hotel they are waiting for my fax and 'poof' she has her key to her room.....this all happened yesterday.  Today my niece was able to get the rental and once again there is another hold on her card, even though one came off this am....She arrived to surprise her sister (who I was on the phone with who was just wishing to take a vacation and  was very very sort of depressed today).  Here the whole time I knew she was going to get surprised and taken to the ocean for a few day...We hang up and my niece who was driving called me and told me she was on her way and stopped at the Crab Shack to eat some lunch and thought of me because I love oysters.  Now I told her that her sister was down and out and wanted so bad to go to the ocean.  It was difficult to hold this surprise in although I was able to do it.  About an hour goes by and my niece (the down and out one) calls me with such joy and excitement and joking yells at me saying how I knew all the time this surprise was going to happen.....lol lol lol lol.  Here we are on the cell phone an hour with everyone talking as if I was there.lol lol lol....Here I am just positively venting.........yipeeeee

#1665 TryinginFL


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 07:48 PM

Wow Carleeta!


You had me short of breath just reading all of your positives!  You sure are a multi-tasker!


So happy that all turned out and you have some very happy family members! :D  Yipeeeee to you as well!!!

#1666 Carleeta



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Posted 19 September 2015 - 08:54 PM

As well is been its been 7 funky days instead of 2...lol lol lol.   I have my head on straight thank God. Looks like I will be making an upcoming trip to FL.  Purchased my airline tickets last night, now hotels and a rent a car.... :rolleyes:.  Athough first comes my son's birthday party in a week from tomorrow (wanting to order food out....lol lol lol. lets hope he agrees to this....lol lol lol) then a train wine tour on October 2nd, and a wedding on October 3rd the flying out on the 5th.....wow. I positively have lots and lots to do....Ill get everything done with as little anxiety as possible. It's positively going to be a challenge.....yipeeeeee

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 08:47 AM

Wow, Carleeta - your life is never dull is it??


I envy you for all the wonderful things that you do! :)


Where in FL will you be - would be fun to meet you!!


Have a wonderful party for your son...and that train wine trip - fun!

#1668 Carleeta



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Posted 01 October 2015 - 05:37 PM

Parties are over...yipeeeeee Wine tour train in aderondacks tomorrow night. Wedding Saturday and flying out Monday. Positively been busy and now have a slight cold.

TryinginFL. ..I'll be in Destin, too far away from you I'm sure.

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Posted 03 October 2015 - 10:21 AM

Well, Carleeta, your life is certainly anything but dull!  Hope you are having a wonderful time! :D


You are right, Destin is about a 7 hr. drive from here! 

#1670 Carleeta



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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:30 PM

Positively exhausted. Wine tasting Adirondack train was a blast. Took my youngest great niece with me (designated driver...lol lol what a reverse that I was...I drove home...lol lol lol). She meat all my coworkers and had so much fun. Others on the train asked us where we worked...lol lol....I answered them and asked them honestly if they trusted us with their lab results..... lol lol lol....They were totally in awe....lol lol lol....Wedding tonight was absolutely fabulous. At the end of the night a prize of $1000.00 was given to the best dancers on the dance floor...and yep my son and I won....yipeeeeee. imagine that....what topped the cake for the final dance was the Electric Slide...ha ha ha. I remember when my son taught me the steps when he was about 14 years old. From those old dances to the new dances we hit them all on the nail. My daughter in law and son are usually the best dancers on the floor, although she wanted him and I to do our thing.....we nailed them all.....lol lol lol.....I gave them the money and told them to go somewhere for a few days and have fun......well its positively been a fun few days and one day of rest and then my surprise trip to FL on Monday. ... Don't believe in airborne although have been taking it for the trip....I know the flu shot won't be in full effect for another week. I'm positively exhausted. ...I'll check in a few days after landing.

#1671 Carleeta



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Posted 20 October 2015 - 09:11 PM

It's positively wonderful to be  home.  It's been a long trip. I tried to get on my tablet while in FL although I truly didn't have time.  I will admit when I did have a few hours to myself I was caught up in the 49's Giants game...lol lol lol.  Once I arrived home, there was much to catch up on. lol lol lol...You all know the good stuff like unpacking and washing, and making sure my Izzy (my cat) was resettled with my presence again.  The poor little Izzy was suffering from separation anxiety even though my great niece was here 3 times a day. Positively I could not resist babysitting for my grandson, therefore there was another day gone by.  lol lol lol lol....Ill positively do anything which takes my mind off of all the anxiety I suffer from.  It fortunately works for me.  "My anxiety on this trip was from the unfortunate anxiety my niece goes through when she flies. The poor thing hides under the blankets and shivers at every turbulence.  That's ok because I'm positively panic free when focusing on someone else's fears...Once we land here I am again with my own anxiety..lol lol lol.  I positively love flying.  I should just be on a plane everyday to rid my own anxiety....I'm still positively glad to be home and getting back to my 'giving forward to all those in need'.........yipeeee 

#1672 Carleeta



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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:00 PM

It's been a painful anxiety day.  Did leave the house with the pain and anxiety.  Did let my niece drive my car due to the severity of neck, back, and shoulder pain.  I needed to get some serious food in the house due to having my great nephew here on the weekends starving (only kidding) for Italian food lol lol lol.  Little does he know I'm making chicken and peppers for he and his girlfriend...lol lol lol.  All there is for my positive today is I made is out the door, shopped, and needed to take 1/4 of my valium today to do this.  Positively looking for tomorrow.  For now it's watching the Mets and Cubs game just waiting for the Mets to get to the World Series.  I'm positively a Yankees fan, although they didn't make it this year.  Therefore, I'm on for the NYMets. 

#1673 TryinginFL


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:06 PM



Sorry you had the pain and anxiety again.  


I just had acupuncture this afternoon which I find to be of great help.  I understand about the grocery shopping - sometimes it is all I can do but I have no one to drive me!


How was your trip to FL?


Sorry to say, but I am from a suburb of Chicago so am watching this painful game :(  I have been a Cubs fan since I was 6 and would love to see something happen in my lifetime !

#1674 Carleeta



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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:17 PM

TNF, my trip was very time consuming.  I was actually wonderful on this trip.  Was more concerned about my niece who flew with me.  Poor thing fears flying where I absolutely love to fly.  I have no anxiety what so ever when I fly.  I should fly 7 days a week...lol lol lol.  Oh I'm sorry you are for the Cubs, they are a great team.  They are most likely a bit off this series.  My Yankees didn't even come close this year.  I'm not a Mets fan I'm just rooting for them because they are from NYS.


My pain is so frustrating it causes my anxiety to go up. I love to shop although not standing in line.  I get so much anxiety in line.  Yes, I am blessed to have my niece living next door,  and she is here during the day helping me with many things I'm unable to accomplish when the pain flares up.  She is here even if I don't need any help...lol lol lol.  Isn't there anyone who can come and help you?  Does your medical condition and you Insurance allow for someone to come and help now and then?  Like getting you to the dr. shopping, and etc?

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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:26 PM



Wonderful that you like to fly - I hate it!!  And I used to work for an airline!  Wasn't bad when I was younger but at this point in my life that makes my anxiety go sky high! (No pun intended!)


Between the deep tissue massage and the acupuncture (alternate weeks) I feel almost 100% better than I did a year ago!  I have no family here - my 2 sons live on the west coast.  I am able to take care of myself!  I do have someone who cleans for me though.


I have fibromyalgia and arthritis so I am thrilled with how good I feel!


I hope that you have a better tomorrow!  :)


I guess we Cubs fans will continue to wait.... :unsure:

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Posted 21 October 2015 - 09:37 PM

TNF, fibromyalgia is so painful. I'm sorry you suffer from this, and arthritis also.  You have many bad days I am guessing.  I'm glad the massages work for you.  I have the osteoporosis and bursitis so this is uncomfortable for me also.  Having it in my neck and these crazy head vibrations I get are impossible for me to get any massages.  It causes some of my nerves to be affected which give me these head vibrations. No they are not the brain zaps I've had those and this is way different, due to the nerves in my neck.  So the hot baths and warm washcloths seem to work for me.  Not to mention Florida weather works very well for me....lol lol lol..  You are luck for that.... :)

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Posted 21 October 2015 - 10:06 PM

:mellow:Sorry Liz  it appears the Mets do have this one. :)  It's that time of night for me to watch the ending and then brush my teeth and wash my face for bed.  Ill check in tomorrow....

#1678 Carleeta



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Posted 22 October 2015 - 06:52 PM

positively wonderful to have our pets come to life on this thread.  Positively made two pumpkin breads made today with the help of my great niece. Through the pain and anxiety I positively have full in my kitchen....

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Posted 22 October 2015 - 07:02 PM

It is fun to see the pets, Carleeta!


I'm sorry - it doesn't sound as if you are much better than yesterday... Hooray for the pumpkin bread, though!


I tried a new recipe a couple of days ago - Applesauce Bread - couldn't really taste it so threw it out!  I wonder if anyone else has lost some of their taste and smell through all of this crap! :(

#1680 Carleeta



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Posted 22 October 2015 - 07:53 PM

yes, I'm a bit worse than yesterday. Oh my you threw it out?  I bet it was delicious too.  I have not lost my taste buds, although that is a very good question? I wonder that question also.......hmmmmm 

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