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New Want To Be Off Cymbalta!

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#1 Crystalg1973


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 11:05 AM

Hello! I am new here. Been on cymbalta 30 mgs about 10 months was started for some situational anxiety and migraine headaches. Well the situational anxiety went away as the situation went away.. Migraines no. Still on a multitude of drugs in addition to Cymbalta. Anyways want to be off this drug and I do not want to count beads.. Etc. for a week I opened the caps eyeballed it and took less and less. Today I took none. Well see. Been having nightmares that are terrible- vivid 3D gory killing spree type. Is this normal? Other wise some tingling which I know is normal. Fatigue, some irritability and brain fog at work too.
I am a nurse so I gotta be on my toes didn't have a clue this stuff was so potent! Any natural suggestions?

#2 FiveNotions



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 11:32 AM

Hi Crystal, welcome!

Well, my first thought is that as a nurse you cannot afford to put yourself into a hard withdrawal beause you have responsibility for the lives of other people...if you aren't at your best, and I assure you that in withdrawal/discontinuation, no one is at their best .... you place those in your care at risk, and your own professional license and career at risk....one mistake can end a life, end a career....

That said, perhaps because you haven't been on the poison a very long time, and it's been a relatively low dose, you'll be one of the ones who doesn't have a hard, extended withdrawal. If you're young, and in relatively good physical condition, that may also work in your favor. You mention being on other meds, so I'm assuming you may have other serious med issues, so that may complicate getting off crapalta....

I strongly urge you to consider bead counting, over a period of time....slowly reducing, in order to give your brain and body enuf time to adjust to the loss of serotonin via Cymbalta and to begin to regulate serotonin without it....

I quit cold turkey, 60 mg for 7-8 years..... I'm just starting my 8th month off...the first several months for me were hell....now the physical symptoms have faded, and I'm in what I'm referring to as the "2d phase" .... recognizing the messes I made in my life while on the stuff, and recognizing the cognitive issues I've been left with .....

I totally understand that you want off as fast as possible....but fast isn't necessarily the best way to go...

In terms of "natural" suggestions...a number of us here take, have taken, some basic supplements...omega 3, vitamin, b complex, chelated magnesium .... others of us cant use some or all of these because we're sensitive to them or they interact with our other meds... I suggest that you read the "nutritional supplements" forum posts to get a sense of what works and doesn't work for each of us....

Another thing to think about is having something on hand to use to manage the anxiety that may come along with getting off Cymbalta....a benzo, clonidine, etc.

Here are a few questions, the answers to which will help us help you....

What other meds are you taking, and for what conditions? Do you have a GP and a psychiatrist? A therapist? Do they know you want to get off this stuff? Are they familiar with, acknowledge the existence of, Cymbalta withdrawal syndrome? Do you have a support system set up -- husband, family, friends, etc?

Also, have you read as much as possible here on this forum in order to familiarize yourself with what you might experience?

Again, welcome! Please stay with us and keep us posted! We'll do everything we can to help you!

#3 Crystalg1973


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 12:37 PM

Five notions- other meds I am on - nexium(heartburn), verapamil 360 mg , topamax 50 mg, these are for migraines. Crestor 5 mg for high cholesterol which is genetic condition. Imitrex and Cambria, tramadol all for breakthrough migraines. Xanax 1 mg at bedtime for sleep. Nothing else. I was prescribed the cymbalta by a NP , fully trust her but wish I would have known the hard facts of getting off this first.. I'm on 30 mg- 10 months on for a situational anxiety. Situation gone, anxiety gone. I don't see a therapist as I have no psychiatric issues at least that I am aware of.... I am 40 years old. What brought me to this forum was the weird intense vivid dreams, thought they may be related. Last night I drept I was hallucinating and it was so real who knows I may have been I have never hallucinated per se so I don't have a lot of experience ! Started some omega plex advocare today but I may do bead counting... Do I just take the beads alone or do they have to be in some sort of vehicle- pill?

#4 FiveNotions



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 12:53 PM

The intense, vivid dreams are a very common withdrawal effect....many of us here had/have them.....I didn't...but I did have them for the years I was on the poison....

I'll let others who've done bead counting give you the details.....you can also use the search box in the upper right of the home page to search for bead counting....that'll pull up lots of previous discussions of the method....essentially, it involves opening your capsule and removing a small number of beads...or even just one...each day....or every several days....over a period of time....

One thing I can tell you for sure...do not ever take just the beads...they must be in a capsule.....

Does your NP know you're getting off the cymbalta?

#5 FiveNotions



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 01:00 PM

Also, that sure seems like a lot of meds to be on for the migraines....

You do know that there's a connection between migraines and brain serotonin levels, right? And that cymbalta boosts brain serotonin levels by preventing it's "re uptake"?

So, you may find some difference in your migraine frequency, intensity and symptoms while weaning off cymbalta....

I'll find some articles for you that discuss this....

#6 FiveNotions



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 01:11 PM

Serotonin and Headache: Using L-Tryptophan, 5-HTP, and Other Methods to Increase Brain Serotonin Levels
Frederick R. Taylor, MD


"ACHE is an acronym for the American Headache Society® (AHS) Committee for Headache Education. ACHE is sponsored and directed by AHS which is a professional society of health care providers dedicated to the study and treatment of headache and face pain."

#7 Crystalg1973


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 01:46 PM

Thank you! Funny I have felt a definite increase in the migraine since starting the cymbalta. I rarely take the breakthrough meds as I have learned to deal with the migraines at this point. Never had migraines until about a year ago. Ibuprofen spark, from advocare also does the trick. Definite a things I have noticed on the cymbalta- not a lot of desire to do things , I don't clean, don't make meals,don't do thinks I used to enjoy. Thought cymbalta was to help these symptoms. I have noticed an increase in compulsive activity. Spending money unnecessarily- buying things I clearly don't need - gambling, went to Vegas, not huge amounts but I never ever gambled before. Weird. My mother did die this year as well so that may have some bearing on all this. Example- bought a new car, without talking to my husband, had the $ but my old car was perfect and paid for... Impulsive decision. Started smoking cigarettes-(yuck). But the cigarettes I think do help with the with withdrawal and I only use exits now with just a bit of nicotine... Gotta have some sort of cruch. feel like I am/ was not in control of my self. I don't really understand it. I don't deal a lot with psych nursing but good grief I have hundreds of patients on these meds! I work in a busy internal medicine practice. Been a nurse for 20 years. Hate to see all these people on this stuff. And no my NP does not know but the doc I work for does. It doesn't help the migraines so he suggested to wean off it. Don't think he knows the consequences of stopping it. I think tomorrow I will start the bead counting as suggested .. Taking a few advocare mood supplements and maybe that wil help.. I have noticed I have gone to the bathroom daily now.... Usually it was once a week on the cymbalta. Thanks for all your advice. Had NO idea that others were in this situation and it makes me feel soooo much better. I do have a stressful busy job going to the beach for a week in august hoping that will help me destress! Off to take a nap now. Hopefully I don't kill my neighbor with a chainsaw this time....

#8 fishinghat


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:34 PM

Welcome CrystalG. Don't underestimate Cymbalta withdrawal. It can be terrible. Now for bead counting, is where you open the cymbalta capsule each day and remove a few beads, usually 2 or 3. So the first day you remove 3 beads, the next day 6 beads, the next 9 beads etc. This provides for a slow steady withdrawal. If symptoms get to bad you just hold at that dosage for a while until you stabilize. Then start dropping again. Be aware that for most the last few beads give the worse withdrawal. Be prepared to slow down when you get to the very end. Now this is just an example. Some can only remove 1 bead a day and others 7 or 8 beads a day. You will have to play with it a little bit to find what works for you. This doesn't mean you won't have withdrawal but it will be lighter and you will have some control over it.

#9 Crystalg1973


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 11:58 PM

Thanks fishing hat. Bead counting sounds so tedious. So I don't know where to start . Was on 30 mg. the last week I just took about half out of each cap and took that. Today I took none.. Should I start back at the full 30 mg dose and wean down from there?

#10 thismoment



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Posted 05 July 2014 - 12:43 AM


Hi and welcome!

Bead counting is a little tedious, I agree.

Currently you are quitting (essentially) cold turkey by taking half a capsule one day and completely skipping the next day. You may as well just stop taking it altogether because your method will drive you in-and-out of withdrawal and you won't know if you're coming or going. Cymbalta has a short and snappy half-life of 12 hours and withdrawal comes on fast when you reduce in large percentages or skip a dosing.

Better to do a straight cold turkey than to play Withdrawal Roulette by chopping dosage and skipping dosings.

Fishinghat outlined a perfectly sane weaning strategy. Another weaning strategy would be to reduce by 1% per day over 100 days: Day 1 take out 1%; Day 2 take out 2%; Day 3 take out 3% and so on to Day 100. Then you're done with the drug. Discontinuation commences at this point, and symptoms may persist for some months, diminishing slowly over time.

Best wishes with whatever method you choose! Please keep us posted.

#11 Crystalg1973


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 05:31 AM

Don't think I can take 100 more days of dealing with this gsrbage! Think I'm done. Hopefully I can hang in there with the support of others and supplements. On a positive- no nightmare last night!!!

#12 thismoment



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Posted 05 July 2014 - 07:31 AM


You sound strong and committed! That will help a great deal in this undertaking. Hopefully your withdrawal will be short and sweet!

Cold Turkey vs Weaning (bead counting): In general, cold turkey doesn't shorten the process when compared to weaning over 90 or 100 days. But with cold turkey the discontinuation symptoms are more acute and sometimes downright nasty.

There is some new anecdotal evidence that indicates a very long weaning process (like 15 months) can be virtually symptom-free! Hopefully we will learn more about this soon.

There is an ongoing debate on whether the 'quality' of the withdrawal impacts the quality of the healing. That is, does the typically more stressful cold turkey discontinuation affect how your brain heals? I don't think there's any science on this, but it makes for a compelling debate.

#13 Crystalg1973


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 09:41 AM

The symptom free would be nice! Yes I hope I am doing no damage to myself by cold turkey weaning. Just as this point I don't wanna go back to it... Afraid of it really.

#14 Clara


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 01:01 PM

Best of luck to you Crystalg! You are a brave soul! Stay strong and get your doc/nurse coworkers, friends and fam' in on your plan. You'll prob' need their support. We're here for you also ! Keep us posted! God bless!

#15 thismoment



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Posted 05 July 2014 - 01:50 PM

The symptom free would be nice! Yes I hope I am doing no damage to myself by cold turkey weaning. Just as this point I don't wanna go back to it... Afraid of it really.


I totally get it! 


Do what you can to keep your stress to a minimum. It anxiety is an issue have something to keep that down too. You might consider Mindfulness therapy to learn coping strategies to deal with emotional spikes. Also Mindfulness Meditation will create spaces in the verbal automaticity that runs inside your head. 


FiveNotions did cold turkey and she is living proof that it can be done! 


Best wishes!

#16 Crystalg1973


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Posted 07 July 2014 - 06:49 AM

No nightmares! Yesterday was pretty rough day. Slept a lot of it. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but my head felt "fuzzy" and a bit swishy.
Day four today no Cymbalta. Tsking lord of supplements. Hopefully I can work mt mentally demanding job today. I am praying to the good lord above. My son is moving 4 hours away Saturday so will be busy in the evenings packing for him as he is out of town too Friday. Still hoping to stay off the stuff!!

#17 Crystalg1973


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Posted 07 July 2014 - 08:04 AM

Nice today not getting ready in a pool of sweat. Not sure if that is a side effect from cymbalta but that has been my norm for the past several months. No sweating today!

#18 FiveNotions



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Posted 07 July 2014 - 08:32 AM

Hi Crystal, yep, everything you've mentioned...."swishy" and fuzzy head, sweats...all Cymbalta withdrawal/discontinuation effects...I oozed sweat..even when I was on the stuff...and it was worse during the first part of withdrawal...the brain stuff, zapps, swishes, rolling around in skull like a marble...you may have lots of "new and interesting" experiences while you're going through this....it's your brain rewiring itself and readjusting to moderating its own serotonin levels...

Sleep and just rest as much as you can, like TM says, keep your stress levels as low as possible, and don't try to do too much ...just take it a day, an hour, even a minute at a time...

You're doing great so far, just hang in there, and keep us posted!

#19 Crystalg1973


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Posted 07 July 2014 - 10:16 AM

Having a great day!!

#20 fishinghat


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Posted 07 July 2014 - 11:38 AM

Listen to FN and TM. Just because you feel great don't over do it!! It will come back and bite you!!

#21 Crystalg1973


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Posted 07 July 2014 - 06:17 PM

Well I made it 8 hours. Did fine- some fatigue and some head waviness for lack of a better word.. Took a 1/2 Xanax at noon.

#22 Crystalg1973


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 06:04 PM

Another day down!

#23 FiveNotions



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Posted 08 July 2014 - 06:14 PM

Awesome, Crystal! Any particular symptoms today? And, how are you sleeping at night?

#24 Crystalg1973


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 11:31 PM

All in all tolerable. No Xanax today, except for sleep. Some tinnitus. A little eyeball disconnect feeling, fatigue. Shaky putting on makeup. But no sweating. Sounds weird but my eyes actually hurt. Work went fine. Was a little nervous this afternoon but it passed quickly. Busy getting ready to move my son. Haven't had a migraine in a week! Sleeping good. St orm rolled thru last night but otherwise no nightmares!!! Told my doc all about it as his wife is on this crazy drug. Sometimes I feel like my head is disconnected.. That's weird. Taking some supplements so maybe that's helping. Able to wean down on the topamax too. Day 6 no cymbalta tomorrow. Feeling great about that!!

#25 thismoment



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Posted 09 July 2014 - 01:11 AM



"Sometimes I feel like my head is disconnected.. That's weird"


Indeed it is weird. I felt something like that in early withdrawal- kind of like your head is out of phase with your body, slightly out-of-focus. Over time your head will slowly merge with your body and you will once again be as one! Don't worry! It sounds like you are doing well thus far.


Take care!

#26 Limbo


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 09:59 AM

This is really interesting to read, keep updating us! 

#27 FiveNotions



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Posted 09 July 2014 - 10:12 AM

Wow, Crystal, that's wonderful! And how weird/wonderful is it that your doc's wife is on crapalta? Do you know if she's had any problems with it, or has ever tried to quit? Cuz if she does, your doc may be in for one heck of a "refresher course" on "medication management!

#28 Crystalg1973


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 10:29 AM

Ya I told him it was the devil drug. Lol. His wife is doing wonderful on it. Well they can afford it I guess but I feel so much better off it! She's close to 65 or so so will be hard for her to come off. He doesn't believe me on all the side effects. He's old fashioned country doc- he will be in for a rude awakening lol. BTW - feeling great today. CLEAR HEAD!!!!

#29 gail


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 10:48 AM

Crystalg, happy to see you are on the right track.


You and FN made me laugh about the rude awakening. and the refresher course.


My doctor still swears by it, it's the best she says.


Maybe one day, something or someone close to her will go through the withdrawal and discontinuation hell, then maybe she will understand, till then, well, we all have each other to get support from.

#30 Crystalg1973


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 10:56 AM

Ya I told him it was the devil drug. Lol. His wife is doing wonderful on it. Well they can afford it I guess but I feel so much better off it! She's close to 65 or so so will be hard for her to come off. He doesn't believe me on all the side effects. He's old fashioned country doc- he will be in for a rude awakening lol. BTW - feeling great today. CLEAR HEAD!!!!

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