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#1 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 04 August 2014 - 07:57 PM

I have been lucky enough to find this set of forums while beginning and continuing the rough road of healing from the horrid drug Cymbalta. I am sure all of you were told what I was....there is a medication that will block your nerves enough to keep your pain at a minimum or totally gone...or ....you seem depressed or anxious or...

As someone who had to lift her legs into the car just to get in, this sounded wonderful. I had been diagnosed with the invisible disease of Fibromyalgia, that was in 2000. By 2008, Cymbalta was released to treat the nerve pain and the story goes...
I jumped on board and started at 30mg daily. I should have had an issue with the med when for sometime I was manic! Not good.

For all these years I have been 'feeling better', ha! Not ever felt like me but at least I was pain free.

Then the last few years I have had increasingly negative effects from the Cymbalta. Including a time I ran out and was so violently ill all I could think of was, 'get me home to my medicine'!

This year, only 2 weeks ago, I was again presented with the opportunity to rid myself of this toxic substance. I jumped in head first and don't regret it even though the method is not what I recommend for anyone.

I have been writing some 'dailies' on my journey from the nastiness of Cymbalta to a clear head and a healthy me. A few of you have commented how the dailies were encouraging and that brought me to start a new thread ( don't want clog up stuff) and continue with the writing that I seem to be pressed to do.

I hope that my sharing helps you along your road. Thank you so much fishinghat and fivemonets for all you do!!!!

#2 equuswoman


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    In the future want 2B off Cymbalta! The physicians are no help. Looking for understanding, support & encouragement as I know this is a difficult process. Want 2 be of help 2 others who will find this site looking for same things as I.

Posted 04 August 2014 - 09:15 PM

Hi and welcome to the forum. The ppl here on this Cymbalta forum are very supportive and caring.

I found this forum back in October of last year. It was my life saver. I had to ever so slowly wean off the

Cymbalta crap and even today four months later find that it is still residing in my injured brain.

I carry on taking it one day at a time and try to do the best that I can.

Prayers for you from TheEquusWoman

#3 Carleeta



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    Read so many painful stories on here and offering others support while trying to heal myself from cymbalta and other antidepressents.

Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:10 PM

Phefobster...Thank you for starting this thread, where others can come and jot down whatever they want to say daily....Great idea...

#4 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:11 PM



Thank you for the welcome - I started this thread yesterday after realizing that I was clogging up valuable space on another thread.  Without all of support from this forum.......just thanks.  I do hope that this new thread will be of help to someone anyone even me - lol.


I will simply begin at the beginning of my posting on this forum.  Stay tuned.....

#5 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:13 PM

Repost from July 27, 2014:  


July 27 - I have been on Cymbalta for the last 6 years. Started out on 30mg and about 3 years ago bumped to 60mg. It was prescribed for fibromyalgia nerve pain and it worked. I finally had a life again.

A couple of years ago I ran out of this horrible medication and had none for a week. I was so sick! I immediately had my husband go get the Rx filled again.

When I changed jobs about a year and a half ago I no longer had insurance to help offset the cost and not enough income really to 'afford' a monthly fee of over $200.00. We looked for an alternate pharmacy and found one in Canada. All was going well until this month when they quit taking credit cards. Sending a check caused a delay and caused me to run out of this garbage medication again.

I had been thinking about coming off of it anyway and I suddenly had no choice! That was last Tuesday, July 22. This time I was ready for the nausea, brain zaps, fatigue, feeling like I am not attached to my brain. You name it weird feelings.


#6 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:16 PM

Repost from July 27, 2014 after reading some of the entries:


So today, I am officially off now for 5 days! With a supportive hubby, my bed, lots of water and time; I hope to be free of this drug!

Reading the posts here have helped me not be so upset. It has helped to know all of the bizarre thoughts and feelings, even the death and dying dreams while sweat pours out of me, are as normal as I can be right now. 


#7 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:19 PM

Repost from July 28. 2014


Today is day 7 without Cymbalta! Had some paranoia while falling asleep last night but was able to recognize it for what it was.

Today so far my coffee actually tasted good. And the eggs and toast for breakfast never tasted better. Followed with a glass of yummy milk.

With that said....immediately after came the HUGE WAVES of nausea and the headache. Ugh!

As soon as something feels good a bigger feels bad tries to take its place!


Second entry that day/different thread:

Morning to my fellow Cymbalta loathers!

Today is day (just a second while I count again,even tho I just did I forgot already) 7 without Cymbalta.

Had some paranoia as I was falling asleep last night but knew what it was and was able to control the urge to scream and run for help. Although vivid my dreams were not as intense or evil. This helped me actually rest a bit.

My morning coffee (used to have 2 cups-now barely 1) actually tasted good as did breakfast. That is a first since not taking the wicked medicine. Although, immediately afterwards the huge waves of nausea hit and now the headache.

I was telling my husband inside of me I wanted to freak out from the anxiety but won't. I would also really appreciate it if the brain zaps were not so loud and would not cause me to forget what I was doing for a moment.

I have only been out of bed for 2 1/2 hours and want a nap - good grief. Not sure now what might be withdrawals or the fibromyalgia kicking in.


#8 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:26 PM

July 29, 2014:

No post but I have my notes - 

Day 8 - not a bad day really when you compare it with the last few days!  Resting mostly - the bran zaps are bad enough I canceled my volunteer work at CASA.  All I need to do is read something wrong and enter into the computer for the DA to read - GEES.


Later in the evening I posted:  

Ok.....really bad day. Just found myself sobbing because I don't have any potatoes! Ugh! I have been in bed all day trying to communicate with people and not show any signs. 

#9 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:33 PM

Repost from July 30, 2014:


Day 9 today!!!!  Well, after such a horrible day yesterday so far this one is a relief sort of day. Even though the brain zaps and headache is there I was able to make, eat, and enjoy my breakfast! 

Have bread in the bread machine, beans on the stove, and now back in bed by choice! The dogs and I are going to nap or read or both.

Have a dog obedience class this evening, the hubby is going to have to drive; dont trust my brain. The first day off of Cymbalta I literally didn't see a car that was right in front of me.....seriously I never saw it. Thank goodness my hubby did and hollered!

So far only one crying jag and I was able to redirect my thoughts to stop it. Oopps I thought that thought again...tears.

So..onon....moving on....weirdo dreams last night was disturbing to say the least but not waking up drowning in sweat was nice.


Later same day:

Well, took the nap but slept so long I missed my puppy's obedience class. Grrrrr...... Must have needed the sleep though, it is what it is, right?

I am finding myself without any, I mean any patience with people. I know this sounds so awful but I either want to scream at them or slap them. Hopefully that will ease up soon. I kind of remind myself lf a toddler.....if I want it I better get it and get it NOW kind of mentality. 

It is hot flash hour - same time last night too. Dripping sweat - time to vet the cold wash cloth. Ahhhhhhhh, that is better.

Was up from 3:30p to now which is 8:30p. Not bad.

Hopefully tomorrow is as good as today!

#10 thismoment



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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:37 PM



It's like being at the movies with the kids on Saturday afternoon- it's not what you'd choose to watch, but you really have to endure it until it's done.


Keep your anxiety in check with appropriate meds- struggling to keep anxiety down is counter-productive: it makes it worse.


And it's perfectly natural to forget what you were doing when you get a brain zap! Those are spooky cranial pyrotechnics! They will pass in a week or so.


You can't tell the difference between fibromyalgia and discontinuation. You could go to the doctor in discontinuation from a psychiatric drug and be diagnosed with fibromyalgia and be put on another psychiatric drug- that's the vicious cycle of antidepressants.


You have a great attitude and that's half the battle. You have good support and of course we are here. Take care.

#11 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:38 PM

Reposted from July 30, 2014:


Day 10: 


Day 10: Woke up with no headache! Having the usual multiple brain zaps but they didn't start until I had been up and out of bed for about 10 minutes. Progress!

Got my 64 oz of water in yesterday and will again today - gotta flush this system! Weight down a pound and literally doing nothing to burn calories. Which tells me while on Cymbalta causes water weight which also causes discomfort. Another negative about this drug.

Craving dairy and potatoes!!!! What is that all about??????? Breakfast done, lunch prepared so we can eat when we want, dinner from calzones made and frozen some time ago....bake to crisp and tah dah. Throw in leftover salad and - - - - dinner!

Going to rest/nap again today as I feel like it truly helped toward making two mornings in a row be hopeful that there is light at the end of this tunnel! Beginning to feel a bit worn out already but I can deal with that since I have been out of bed for 2 1/2 hours and even during this post.

I hope this post makes sense cause I feel like I have simply been emptying my head of random thoughts.

#12 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:40 PM

Repost from August 1, 2014

Day 11: Never did 'have' to go to bed. I was able to pull some weeds in my courtyard and that made me feel so good. I have always been a type A .... go go go do do do so this whole 'have' to be in bed has been awful. Even though I spent most of my time yesterday in my camping recliner reading, lying down, but at least it was outside!

Wow - my brain zaps are loud sometimes. Anyone else? Having tons of them this am, ugh!

Since we are headed out of town for my sons birthday I am going to take it super easy today. I am not wanting to upset this fragile balance I have had the last two days.

My eyes are driving me crazy! They feel like they are jerking around and they are dry then watery. Oh and my nails are so dry you can see it. I have always had nice nails and suddenly they are nasty! Any ideas??

My thoughts today seem to be at a normal pace and not all manic like. Yesterday, I could not slow them down...wish I had a recording of them, it would prove to be entertaining. A cross between Robin Williams on drugs and Bill Cosby.

Headache is back but at a low rumble. I can deal with that. I sure will be glad when not every sound hurt my being. Guess I shouldn't complain as I am doing pretty well really but OMG......when the hubby out away the silverware I thought I would scream and then for sure my ears were going to explode and I would be deaf!

More of those bizarre dreams. Have a movie going in every night in my head! No sweats before bed just during my sleep.

Still can't drive cause the zaps make me so dizzy and I kind of check out for a second. Hubby noticed it and told me no way was I driving anywhere. Much to my own surprise, I didn't cry, or think he was being mean, or even argue. Haha....that was bizarre in itself since those are all things I have been doing like a crazy woman since I went off of the Cymbalta!

This may be wishful thinking but I am thinking (translation:hoping) the worst of the withdrawals are past.


Day 11 cont....(midnight post):

Lots of brain zaps!!  I had to nap today but it sure felt good.  Had to ride an hour in the car into busy traffic and thought I had went insane.  It took me several minutes (after hitting my hand on my head several times) to even be able to get out of the car.  Once inside my sons I got the shakes.  We told him and bless his heart he was so worried!  We let him know this was actually better this week and this was my first outing.


It did get better and we ended up having a wonderful evening despite my brain zaps, dizziness, and extreme thirst.  Thank goodness for naps!

#13 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:46 PM

Repost from August 2, 2014:


Officially 12 days now without the Cymbalta!!!

Woke up with a horrible headache and some confusion. Laid there for a few minutes while my brain began its slow journey to turning back on after relaxing while I was dreaming all night. Once up out of bed the nausea hit. So yucky! Once I had some breakfast, I started feeling better. I even put on makeup last night and again today.

Dreams last night where one consecutive story. Vivid and wild but mostly funny. This time it was the wedding plans all gone awry. Blue jelly type sandals with straps, purple long sleeve ruffled shirts and these horrible skirts that didn't match but I never saw a color. Such weirdo stuff, we dont even have a wedding coming up.

The drive home was no fun just like the drive last night. The movement of the car and everyone bustling about and it is all so loud! I am home now and want to stay right here for a bit!

Overall, the withdrawal symptoms are getting easier and shorter while they are happening. Even the sweats and zaps. I am having some little involuntary muscle movement that is a bit concerning. I am thinking a nap is in store. Still need a baked potato! Don't understand the cravings at all - milk, water, and potatoes.

Going to start researching some good health options and natural ways to treat my fibro now. Noticed a thread here I will start with.

#14 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:48 PM

Repost from August 3, 2014:


Day 13 and it sucks!!!!!!

I slept ok and am kind of used to the bizzarrioooo dreams. My GSD decided to jump on me to wake me up....said a very bad word....I know she meant well but not the way to start my morning.

Walked into the living room, forgetting to get my coffee, and when I turned around to head toward the kitchen I sneezed. Sounds harmless right? NOT! That sneeze threw my ,lower back out so badly I am in excruciating pain. My left leg doesn't want to work right and OMG just try getting onto the toilet seat to potty! So I guess either the couch or the bed for me again today. Urgh!

Got breakfast made, ever so slowly, forgot to cook the sausage - brain on fart mode - but it finally came together. Once I ate the nausea bit and hit hard. This was the first time I wasn't sure if I could keep my food down, generally even if nauseated I am strong stomached.

The brain zaps are less today and not so loud so tat is a positive. Those zaps can be so disruptive to life.

Tinnitus has set in. Not super loud but enough to be another irritant.

And I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open! But then again when you are having a crying jag I guess it doesn't matter if your eyes are closed, right?

I am sure (the logical side of me speaking) that this is just another phase of the healing process. A deeper step into healing even more of my brain and body.

Just so sick of it all! BTW - if I should be posting these dailies somewhere else please let me know. I promise I won't be offended - I might cry but I do that over everything...lol.

#15 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 01:53 PM

August 4, 2014


Day 14 off of the Cymbalta:


My mental status is not too bad today - the dialog in my head is at a normal rate and not always present!  I am sure a shrink would want me to go on anti-psychotics but ummmmm no!  I am not nuts just in withdrawals. 


The brain zaps are there but not as often unless I try to do something more physical that perhaps I should.  I was able to walk to my courtyard and water it today - have not done that for about a week.  My back is still do bad I am only doing what I have to.


Finally got around to showering and getting dressed in the early afternoon.  I even put on makeup and fixed my hair!!!!  Woo Hoo.


After dinner I got so grumpy my hubby actually shut the door to the office cause I was muttering grumpy things.  I took myself to bed early, like 9ish even.  My back was way to painful to stay up.


Tomorrow is a new day with new challenges and new rewards!   :D 

#16 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 02:01 PM

August 5, 2014


Day 15:

Wow I have just passed the two week mark of withdrawing from this horrible medication.  I am so proud of myself, but I know that without the people on this forum I would have simply sunk into a very dark place; I would have thought it wasn't worth it.


But I am telling you today (other than the back pain) I feel better than I remember feeling in forever!  Yes, I am having brain zaps but they are not making me fall over or get dizzy.  Yes, I am tired but at least when I rest a bit I feel better for a while - that is new.  Yes, I still have nausea but only traces like if you take a vitamin and forgot to eat with it.  My mind is clear and I am remembering things, even my husband noticed that.  I have been able to complete a sentence (mostly) in conversations with him.  I am beginning to want to go somewhere and do something.  I will however keep the schedule to a minimum!


My work at CASA was cancelled today which is good cause a day to continue recuperating is a good day.  We need days like today (of course without the back pain would be best - lol) often.  Our bodies need the rest.  I for one learned if you do too much, even if it feels good right then, you pay the price.


Anyone that may read this if you take anything from it please let it be to slow down, relax, and let your body and brain have the time it needs to heal.  

#17 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 02:08 PM



It's like being at the movies with the kids on Saturday afternoon- it's not what you'd choose to watch, but you really have to endure it until it's done.


Keep your anxiety in check with appropriate meds- struggling to keep anxiety down is counter-productive: it makes it worse.


And it's perfectly natural to forget what you were doing when you get a brain zap! Those are spooky cranial pyrotechnics! They will pass in a week or so.


You can't tell the difference between fibromyalgia and discontinuation. You could go to the doctor in discontinuation from a psychiatric drug and be diagnosed with fibromyalgia and be put on another psychiatric drug- that's the vicious cycle of antidepressants.


You have a great attitude and that's half the battle. You have good support and of course we are here. Take care.

This moment - I like your movie analogy - it is perfect!  My anxiety is doing ok as long as I stay out of Portland, OR traffic - lol.  I am really working on learning what may trigger the anxiety and either work through those or avoid then if they are not necessary.  You have great advice that struggling with it is counter-productive.  My only fear is if I get 'something' for the anxiety to use appropriately will that not set me into that vicious cycle?  If I or my hubby find that the anxiety is affecting me daily then I will seek help.  My MD is amazing and never pushes medication unless it is truly needed and then he monitors you so closely it is almost annoying.  


Thank you for the kudos - you all have helped and just blogging on these forums has helped.  Which is part of why I started this thread - I can blog/journal away.


Now if my back would go back into place I wouldn't have the physical pain to deal with and could really enjoy the day.   :rolleyes:

#18 FiveNotions



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Posted 05 August 2014 - 03:09 PM

Just wonderful thread, Phoebster ... it's so neat to read your daily progress ... look how far you've come in just two weeks! BRAVO!

#19 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 03:25 PM

August 6, 2014

Day 16:

If I hadn't thrown out my lower back I might be ab,e to call this a good day! I actually did not wake up with my hair gross from sweats all night! That is a first in years really.

I went through menopause with grace and ease compared to the withdrawals if this medication. My daughter is not sure why I would out myself through this when even on it the fibromyalgia flares would hit. I explained that it just simply was by no choice and that once I started into withdrawals there was no turning back and I then refused to get back on something that causes such horrific side effects. I did assure her that if I need to get help for the fibromyalgia I would. I don't want to be martyr just healthy.

So, drove the car for the first time since July 22! Just before leaving I had a bit of a temper fit - yep stomping of the foot, slamming the ibuprofen bottle down, and a bit of yelling even. Ugh...felt so foolish. But between being cooped up, nervous about finally getting out, finding my gas tank empty, and leaving too late for the bank just set me up and I jumped right into a full blown tantrum. The driving (once I left) was ok. Only had one brain zap during that time and it was a smallish one. The dog obedience class however, my oh my. My poor pup, she was so confused cause I was. The comotion of barking dogs, trying to listen to the instructor, and holding off a crying jag due to being in public was a bit overwhelming. I finally simply sat down and watched. I did take a few minutes before I drove again to make sure I was able.

Once home, i made a drink and visited with my husband like a grown up. I even went on to make a wonderful healthy dinner! Yea me!

#20 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 03:38 PM

August 7, 2014

Day 17:

Considering my back pain, I slept well. No huge sweats, a couple but nothing in comparison to the puddles I was creating. Still only drinking 1 cup of coffee in the mornings instead of two. But that is good right?

My typing sucks today so this post is taking me way too long and things like that get me all irritated. Yesterday I really felt, snappish and edgy. Today not so much. Nowhere I have to be because I got pro-active and cleared my schedule - see I was paying attention to all the wonderful advice on this forum.

I am still getting some brain zaps but they seem to only happen now if I am doing too much. I am going to continue to use those as a sort of 'cue' to sit down or rest for a bit.

Feeling some sleepiness, not fatigued, so may nap a bit.

Had a small bout of nausea but it went almost as soon as it came.

I am really finding it difficult to have compassion for people that are whining at me. I just want to tell then to grow a pair and shut it. Not sure where all of this irritation is coming from. I don't mean people that have legitimate issues, I mean the ones that WHINE. He said and then she went.....you know?

Making stuffed zucchini for dinner....hope I can focus long enough.

#21 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 01:34 PM

Days 18 - 21:

Since my recovery from the drug Cymbalta is physically now at a snails pace, there was not much to post. I am still having a few brain zaps but mostly if I get even slightly dehydrated. So, for me it is those 8 8s every day.

I have also noticed that if I eat too heavy that the nausea returns. This is something new for me. I kind of got used to just eating because it made me feel better. Now I am only able to eat to nurish my body. Ha, what a concept!

I am sleeping deeper, less vivid dreams, and most nights I am aware I am dreaming but can't tell you what it was. That is all new....used to be that my dreams were vivid, action packed, and I could recite everything that happened during them for days even.

My energy is getting better. I still want a nap but if I just rest a bit that usually goes away.

Here is the best part.....
My cognitive skills/functions are beginning to work! Yep, I have a brain! The forgetfulness is doing so much better even my hubby noticed. I am able to focus on tasks. I am able to have conversations and stay on track. So excited about this part of the recovery phase!!!!

Getting ready to go back to work part time. Let's hope the healing continues to progress!

#22 brzghoff


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 05:02 PM



congrats with your continued healing! its a cyclic thing and we are all different, but it sounds like you are making progress. can relate with the eating thing. even after the nausea subsided my appetite shrank. cymbalta and other ssri/snri's slow metabolism down which is why weight gain is a common side effect. i lost about 20 pounds in the first 3 months off the C. i didn't mind in the least, but am trying to make sure i don't lose anymore - it went really fast and scared some folks. 


for your cognitive functions to improve after three weeks is awesome. it took me a lot longer but i am now getting similar results - i am off 13 weeks tomorrow. while on C i would lose my train of thought mid sentence and had huge problems finding the right word. however, all anti-d's have done that to me to some extent with wellbutrin being the absolute worst. i still struggle with it some but not nearly as much as before. 


as for the dreams. yep, on the C i had those vivd action packed dreams that left me exhausted in the morning. they would stay with me all day. i felt like i had a whole other life. they would pick up the next night where they had left off the previous night. totally amazing. they started to diminish once i started weaning, then disappeared once i was totally off the C. however, they are now kicking back in again! not quite as intense, but still vivid. i hope that is a reflection of my brain processing serotonin the way it should and not having to rely on the C. so down the road, you may get them back again!


congrats on going back to work. that's wonderful. i wish you continued success!

#23 Guest_Pheobster_*

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Posted 24 August 2014 - 01:01 PM

So proud that I have made it through to a 1 month mark on the 22nd! So frustrated at some of the symptoms popping up so unexpectedly! This withdrawal thing is truly teaching me some patience!

Here is a list of things I have noticed at the month mark

1. Brain zaps down to only a few a day.
2. Crazy nightmares are almost completely gone.
3. Appetite healthy - not huge but exsistant.
4. Energy lasts through most of the day now.
5. Two full days of unexplained evil anger! Horrible to live with my poor family!
6. Certain foods triggering GI issues that never bothered me before
7. Food cravings gone
8. Cognitive abilities are almost full swing
9. Must drink my 8.8s or symptoms are stronger
10. Still need rest more than I used to

I am so grateful to be over the hump and that it is happening quickly. I need to remember that this journey to health is going to take some time. It took 6 years to become such a mess and every part of me needs to heal and learn what it lkke to be free of this horrible medication. Patience with myself is the most difficult part of this journey.

#24 FiveNotions



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Posted 24 August 2014 - 07:20 PM

out of "likes" for the day .... but LIKE 100% !

#25 Tinker


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Posted 25 August 2014 - 07:09 AM

Happy one month anniversary for one month cymbalta free! You have done soo well sticking it out c/t.

#26 thismoment



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Posted 25 August 2014 - 09:12 AM



"5. Two full days of unexplained evil anger! Horrible to live with my poor family!"


You are doing so well and I hate to sound a sour note, but be careful about #5. You can't get any time back or repair any past event, and forgiveness is never a 100% proposition-- there are always losses.  Your family members may come to fear you. Don't let this happen. Get away from them when you feel anger rise, or brief them to simply get away from you to prevent hurt that cannot ever be fully taken back.


It's often preached that we can love that which we fear, but it simply isn't so.


Take care.

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