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Us Judicial Panel On Multidistrict Litigation Refuses To Consolidate Cymbalta Cases

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Posted 22 December 2014 - 09:15 PM

I'll contact Zachary Johnson at Knox Ricksen tomorrow to get more information about this, and what it means for KR's representation of those of us on the forum who are their clients.

JPML Refuses To Consolidate Cymbalta Cases
Law 360, 12/10/2014

From the article:

Law360, New York (December 10, 2014, 6:36 PM ET) -- The U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation on Wednesday rejected a bid by plaintiffs to consolidate more than two dozen suits over Eli Lilly & Co.'s antidepressant Cymbalta, which they claim causes serious health problems the drugmaker misled consumers about.
The JPML rejected the plaintiffs' bid to consolidate the suits in California, finding that centralizing the cases would not be efficient with cases that were in different developmental stages, according to its opinion. Some of the earliest cases in the dispute were filed around mid-2013, and are dealing with discovery matters, while several of the newer cases are "still in their infancy," the panel said.

"Unquestionably, these actions share factual issues concerning Cymbalta's development, marketing, labeling and sale," the JPML said in its opinion. "Nevertheless, we are not convinced that centralization under Section 1407 is warranted in these circumstances."

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