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Need To Vent

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#1 fishinghat


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Posted 21 July 2015 - 02:20 PM

Just need to complain some.

I have had psoriasis (a skin condition) all my life. It has been controlled by an ointment but in the last year it has moved into my ear canals and my tear duct and glands. My ears are so tender that I had to make a special pillow with and "ear whole" in the middle. My ears hurt/burn 24/7 and there is no treatment for either except one chemotherapy drug that seems affective but you ought to read the side effects on that!!

I have high triglycerides (similar to cholesterol issues). Normal is less than 150 and mine typically runs 400 to 800 with occasions of getting up to as high as 2000. In my case it is genetic. I have always followed the prescribed diet for this condition. Even when I was in my 20's and in great shape my numbers were this high. In Dec. 2014, during a cat scan it was determined that I suffered from nafpd (non-alcoholic fatty pancreas desease), This is common in cases of high triglycerides which are stored in the pancreas. I only have 5% of my pancrease uneffected!! Thus the weight loss and a new extreme diet. No red meats at all (beef, pork, red meat on poultry), no seafood except fish (yuck), no root vegatables, no fruit, no seed veggies (corn, peas, beans, etc.) Beans can be eaten but only as a substitute for bread and only 2 times per week. One cup of fat free lactose free milk/day and one serving of fat free cheese per day. (I can eat spinach, green beans and squash). No salt. I can only eat bread that is under 50% carbohydrates. You can't buy that!! So I have to make mine with whole wheat flour, egg whites, whey protein, no oil, salt or milk, just water and yeast. Talk about carboard. My triglycerides are down to 332 which is the second lowest reading I have ever had!!! They say it is possible to reduce the triglyceride build up in the pancreas with time. We will see.

One good thing about the diet is that it has totally eliminated my irritable bowel which I have had for over 30 years. I do not have to take medicine for that anymore.

I have an enlarged left atrium so I am at high risk for a stroke. I take a full aspirin a day as a blood thinner.

Moderate gynecomastia since coming off the Cymbalta. This is when men develop womens breasts along with breast/nipple pain and sensativity. This was caused by the total loss of testosterone production by Cymbalta. Estrogen therefore increases. All that is known is that the ssri/snri interfers with the function of the HPA (hypothalmus-pituatary-adrenaline) axis. No treatment for it as of this time.
PSSD (post ssri sexual dysfunction) - Total loss of all sexual function due to Cymbalta. No erections, no orgasms, little labido, penus anaethesia (no sensation in the penus), penus retraction (it retracts into the abdomin), and loss of testosterone production. I am on testosterone replacement therapy (with its own sets of problems). No treatment has been shown to be successful for the sexual dysfunction at this time.

Minor Hiatal Hernia. Recently diagnosed. So far no ill effects except discomfort when swallowing and a king size case of belching that would embarrass a Marine. Lets hope this stays under control.

Diagnosed in May with hypothyroidism. I recieved 3 iodine contrast imaging in a 12 week period. After talking to the radiologists who did my work and looking at my records I recieved around 250 mg of radioactive iodine during those three tests. It accumulates in the thyroid. Normal recommended daily intake of iodine is 150 micrograms per day which equals .0015 grams. The elimination half life is around 70 days. My original iodine urine test (60 days after my last imaging) was 1258 (normal is 200 to 500). This is termed iodine excess. The American Radiologic Association recommends no more than one iodine contrast every 8 to 12 weeks. Over 80% of the people who have 2 or more iodine imaging tests within 12 weeks develop hypothyroidism. Mostly it is non-clinical (no symptoms) just shows as a high TSH and low thyroid enzyme levels during a blood test. My only symptoms are tingling in the hand and feet. It can take up to 6 years or longer for the thyroid function to get back to normal and individuals have a high risk of developing permanent hypothyroidism in the future. Those who take Zoloft are known to take up to 10 years to get the iodine levels back to normal because Zoloft chelates (binds) iodine in the blood and slows the removal rates. Ahhhh. Don't you just love medicine? I am now on a low iodine diet in addition to my triglyceride diet. No spinach, no beans, no milk or dairy products and no fish. Good Lord am I hungry!!

In the last few weeks I have developed acute viteous detachment in my left eye. It is where the white of the eye pulls away from the back membrane of the eye. It is like looking through a window with dirty areas. Some areas are clean and the sight is good but other areas are dirty and only limited vague vision is possible. My distance vision is a little out of focus as well. I am legally blind in my right eye so vision in my left eye is critical. In early Aug I will be examine to see if it has healed or if surgery is necessary. I have been informed that the "dirty" spots in my vision will be permanent.

Since loosing weight I have suffered from periodic hypotension (low blood pressure). Each time it got too low I would decrease eitgher my atenolol, clonidine or hydroxyzine a little until my bp returned to normal. I have reduced these so much that all I am only on 1 tablet of clonidine and 1 and 1/2 tablet of hydroxyzine. The rest is controlled by the Zoloft I take which my doctors want me off of because of the iodine issue. I went on the Zoloft (like so many others) to replace the Cymbalta with the intention of weaning off of the Zoloft later. Now with the big decrease in my other anxiety meds due to the bp I am having beginning to have light fear and panic like I did during the Cymbalta withdrawal. Tolerable so far and I will see if it passes with time. I took 1000 mg of Vitamin C a day to help with the anxiety and (supposedly) reverse some of the nerve damage caused by the Cymbalta in the hippocampus and amygdala areas of the brain. I liked the effect but I developed chest pain and fatigue (common side effects). I am off the Vitamin C and will try 500 mg/day again in the near future.

Sorry everyone. I am just feeling a little overwhelmed right nmow and had to vent. My wife is under a lot of stress from her own health issues and didn't feel like letting it out on her at this time. Just wanted to vent.

#2 gail


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    5 months on cymbalta, scary side effects, to get help and to return the favor if I can.

Posted 21 July 2015 - 02:39 PM

Oh Fisherman,

And there I thought that I was the only one going through a nightmare!

No that I understand much of medical facts, but if you need to vent it has to be a serious matter.

And to say that you don't drink or smoke and are not overweight.

If I were your doctor, I would say start drinking and smoking and eat hot dogs, pizza and whatever. You are living a perfect way of life and what happens? Love, Gail♥

#3 FiveNotions



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Posted 21 July 2015 - 03:44 PM

oh my, FH, my heart aches for you as I read what you're dealing with ! Vent all you need to, that's what this forum is for ... we love you, we're your friends, and we care deeply about you ... :hug:


I'm so sorry to hear that Mrs. FH is also have health problems ... that makes it all the more essential that you feel free to talk with us ...


I need to re-read what you wrote to sort out all the various issues that are happening simultaneously ... and I'm going to need to do a whole bunch of reading up on these things .... the one that struck me right now is the Zoloft / iodine connections ... I had no idea .... :(


You are in my prayers !

#4 TryinginFL


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Posted 21 July 2015 - 07:38 PM

Dear FH,


I am so sorry to hear of all of things that you are fighting.  Your ears....that sounds so painful.


And then your wife is suffering also - of course you can come here to vent any time - we care and love you and I wish that somehow we could help you.


I wish nothing but the best for you and hope that you will not need to have surgery on your eye. 


You are such a dear friend - I pray that things will improve quickly. :hug:  

#5 lady2882Nancy



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Posted 21 July 2015 - 11:40 PM

My dear friend fishinghat


Does it ever end? I'm not sure that it does as I continue to suffer also and I wonder how many of the problems we are dealing with are due to the additional meds we had to take because we were on Cymbalta. Some of them are quite obviously related and some I can only guess that they may have been the cause.


I don't post much because I still go through those spells were I can't put the words together to make sense out of what I am trying to say. I remember joking about having to proof read everything three times before posting way back in early 2013 with the others who were on here at that time. I still have to do that and it isn't funny anymore. Thank heavens for spell check so I don't have to worry about that part other than when I use the wrong word but I spell it right lol.


I finally got my insomnia issues figured out but my sleep cycle is so screwed up that I am up when everyone else is asleep and sleeping during the mornings. Then there is the depression that I didn't have problems with before I took Cymbalta which now gets so bad that all I want to do is sleep 24/7 and I can't take SSRI's or SNRI's (not that I would take an SNRI) because they now make me manic or just plain off my rocker.


Anyway this isn't about me, this is about you and I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling with yet another series of issues with your health.


Take care of you dear friend and be well. Glad I am not the only one who still feels the need to vent after all this time.


:hug: Nancy and :hug: for your dear wife

#6 hyg



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Posted 22 July 2015 - 11:56 AM

FishingHat, I am remembering all that you and ThisMoment have done for me, and wishing I could just jump through the screen and give you a big hug. Hope you start feeling better. Hyg

#7 thismoment



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Posted 22 July 2015 - 01:49 PM



Dear friend, your litany of challenges seems overwhelming! I never imagined that someone who is so sane, kind, calm, and generous with his time could be suffering so. You're amazing!


You helped me so much when I was weaning off Cymbalta, and I will never forget that! Thank you again my friend!


I wish and hope that your body can someday be as healthy, balanced, and keen as your mind is today.


Take care.

#8 fishinghat


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Posted 22 July 2015 - 06:42 PM

Thank you so much dear friends. I new "my family" would be here for me! Thank you all so much for listening and the prayers. Certainly we all know what life can be like at times. I normally don't whine much about things but it just got to me! I had to let it out.


God bless you all and thank you for all the kind words and well wishes.

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