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My Tapering Tale

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#1 ZapBrannigan



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Posted 09 August 2017 - 05:28 AM

So. I'd been on Duloxetine for a year for social anxiety and due to life circumstances changing for the better decided it was time to come off. Was a bit reluctant since I noticed side effects if I missed my dose by even a couple of hours, so had a look online and found tapering was the way to go. 8 weeks ago the journey started and I'm realising now its going to be a longer one than I'd anticipated. I bought a set of microscales as using the bead counting method just...well... its not for me since I have no patience :) I decided I was going to taper over 6 weeks reducing my mere 30mg down by roughly 5 mg a week. 


By week 3 I was doing good - a few zaps on the change of dose that lasted a day and then it settled. So - can you guess whats coming? I stopped. A day later I went back onto 15mg as holy gods it was pretty unpleasant. Anyways, I went on with the taper until Friday past when I'd dropped down to 5 mg of the drug and approached Saturday with a bit of trepidation. First day of being free from this stuff. However tapering down had been pretty straighforward to be honest - nothing I couldn't handle, so the trepidation wasn't too daunting. Saturday came and went and all was good in the world. Then Sunday hit. 


Now, having been on Prozac about a decade ago I knew about brain zaps, so wasn't too frightened by the whole zap thing. Its unpleasant, sure, but its not going to kill me. However I didn't realise that brain zaps could effectively be full body zaps. down my arms, into my legs into my stomach. wow. If it wasn't so intense it could almost be fun. But it was and remains pretty intense, bringing nausea, headaches and fuzziness in its wake. And all this after stopping such a low dose? Anyways, I'm not going back on the drug even for some short term relief. Just out of sheer bloody mindedness more than anything else. So found this place with some great stories and information and went and got a load of supplements this morning to see if they can help (Gaba, magnesium, vitb6 and omega 3). I've got diazepam as another crutch, but don't take it unless its an emergency as...umm... I have an addictive personality and kinda like the feeling :P


I find the whole thing amazing - it would seem that this medication which sure worked for my social anxiety (since I didn't feel anything anymore) is effective at stupidly low doses - especially in some people. So why the hell is 20mg the lowest dose available? (for stress incont). Talking of which - over the last while I'd noticed that I wasn't passing urine with the freedom which I had in youth. I put it down to getting older (I'm not that old!) - stuff changes i guess. Working it out this started not long after starting duloxetine. So the one happy side-effect of coming off so far is that I can pee like a horse again. Sorry. possibly TMI, however, again, this was an effect I had no knowledge about (I now know its used for stress incontinence).


Anyways - that's my ongoing tale - I'm hoping that things will start to improve over the next few weeks with the supplements and a bit of exercise. Thanks to everybody on here who has shared their stories - some of them put my little struggle into sharp focus. A few common themes do seem to run though - the low grade rage of being put on a drug like this which has obvious side effects that the company are unwilling to help in any way with getting off of. Something that I've taken from it more than anything is that if I have an issue in future with either mental or physical health, I'll be looking into any other possible method of help before medication. Peace y'all.

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#2 fishinghat


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 08:32 AM

Welcome ZB

An interesting but sort of normal story for Cymbalta withdrawal. I might suggest either ginger root (or other ginger products) for the nausea and fuzziness. If that doesn't work try original Dramamine as many have found it helpful. The omega 3 should help with the zaps


I agree with your hesitancy in taking a benzo. They have their own problems but something you might consider is talking to your dr about hydroxyzine or clonidine for the anxiety/nervousness. They have no withdrawal and are not addictive. They may make you a little sleepy at first but that fades. Even old fashion Benadryl can help the anxiety. Again watch out for the sleepiness. It can not be taken continuously as you body will build up tolerance.


Keep us posted and let us know how it goes. Time and patience.

#3 ZapBrannigan



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Posted 09 August 2017 - 08:50 AM

Thanks - I got hold of some Sleepease (Am in the UK) which has Diphenhydramine 25mg in it, but like Diazepam it'll just be for occasional use I think. Will talk to my GP about hydroxine/clonidine Be interested to see how the Gaba et al work. Glad to know I'm normal at least in one aspect of my life :) Would that ginger root be dried compound? Or actual ginger root? Will get hold of some of that too. Time and patience. I'm going to make that my manta for the forseeable future. Funnily I feel mentally better than I have in a long time - its the physical stuff thats painful to deal with and limiting.  
Thanks again for the great resource and advice. 

#4 fishinghat


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Posted 09 August 2017 - 10:36 AM

The Sleepease is the same thing as the Benadryl.
The Gaba may be disappointing. Gaba may relax you some physically but it does not cross the blood brain barrier so has no to little effect on anxiety/depression. The only way to increase brain levels of Gaba is to take a flavonoid. It passes through the blood brain barrier and stimulates Gaba performance. The most commonly used supplement is bioflavonoids from citrus.
Ginger root is usually bought fresh in a market but others have also had success with ginger candy, ginger ale (a type of soda) and ginger tablets.
I would refer you to https://www.cymbalta...ur-question-is/  for further information on both Gaba and Ginger.


Any time, we are here. Just come and ask more questions or just vent. Either way we are glad to help.

#5 ZapBrannigan



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Posted 05 September 2017 - 02:08 AM

Thought I'd update almost a month on. 

Its been interesting. Not fun, but interesting. So the zaps are still here, much reduced thankfully. They were pretty strong for about 2 weeks and then have been reducing for the next couple. Still presetnt, but tend to be worse when I'm tired - early morning and later at night. Talking of which - my sleep pattern is a bit shot at the moment - when I get to sleep, I sleep fine although prone now to nightmares - especially in that hypnogogic state which is pretty unpleasant. Its like a waking nightmare. Getting to sleep is a bit of an issue - my brain isn't wanting to switch off. I did try some Diphenhydramine a couple of times, but didn't like the side effects the following day. Have used Valium just the once which gave me a good sleep, but groggy next day on thatw hich increased the zaps, so have stayed away from that too. Just going to ride the rest out now I think. 

Other interesting side effects have been indigestion and some pretty intense mood stuff. Lack of concentration and just feeling a bit... fuzzy? Somthing liek that. As the zaps have been decreasing the irritability and emotional liability have increased a fair bit. I'm assuming its partly to do with sleep issues. I took the forum and fishinghat's advice and have been supplementing omega3 high dose, as well as magnesium and vit B. 

Today I'm starting an exercise regime to try and naturally rebalance my levels and see if I can't nip the increasing anxiety in the bud. (and to get rid of some of the weight I've put on since starting duloxetine). 

So overall it could be worse, but still pretty unpleasant - a month off after tapering and still feel like I've a bit of a way to go. Really thought it'd be done by now, but trying not to get too disheartened. To be fair I have actual good days now - minimal zap and mood stuff and actually have emotions back - which is really good, if a little overwhelming :) 

Anyways that's it for now. Hopefully next update will be more progress. Just wish it would balance out faster. :)


#6 fishinghat


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Posted 05 September 2017 - 08:30 AM

One thin g about Cymbalta withdrawal...It will teach you patience.  lol


It sounds like you are doing Ok for your point in the withdrawal. The exercise is Ok but do not over do it. Hard exercise can send your symptoms through the roof. I am hopeful that in 4 to 6 weeks you will be seeing some continuous improvement. Just hang in there.

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