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#31 Linda0917



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Posted 16 April 2018 - 06:49 PM

Fisherman, Sir, you never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for that post!

Something in it hit a nail!

I so agree!!! An absolute god send.  Thank you so much!!

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#32 Linda0917



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Posted 16 April 2018 - 08:49 PM

I got my doctor to prescribe hydroxide, I'll pick it up from the pharmacy tomorrow and she gave me a prescription for zoloft and wants me to start that.  I asked her about supplements but she had no idea about them.  I was thinking of trying tranquilence total calm or something like that.  Have you heard of that? There are so many different kinds but this is the one my daughter found for me.  Said it had a lot of good reviews on amazon.  How do I find out if there are any drug interactions if my doctor doesn't know anything about them?  Do you think a pharmacist could tell me?

#33 fishinghat


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Posted 17 April 2018 - 08:12 AM

Linda, I assume you meant hydroxyzine and not hydroxide. What dose did she start you on?

Tranquilene Total Calm is a fairly good looking product but there are Three issues.
First, the vitamin B6 is 15 mg. The RDA for that is 2 mg/day. With time it will build up to toxic levels.
Second, The vitamin D is at the top of the RDA requirements BUT if your Vitamin D levels are good this will also lead to possible Vitamin D toxicity with time. Vitamin D also lowers Calcium levels.
Third, L-Tryptophan should not be taken with an AD as the combination can cause serotonin Syndrome.
Fourth, magnesium competes with calcium and may further lower calcium levels.

This is why there are over 60,000 cases of vitamin toxicity cases a year in ERs. Not only risks of over exposure but vitamin allergies as well. I have spent hours and hours trying to select a "good" supplement for individuals and found that it is almost impossible. For example the RDA for Vitamin B6 is less than 2 mg but I have found vitamins with up to 1000 mg per capsule. Ridiculous. Anymore I just recommend a vitamin profile blood test before considering things any further.
As far as the natural items like L-theanine, gaba, etc. I always suggest adding them one at a time and in the beginning in small doses to be sure there won't be an issue. That thread "and the answer to your question is..." has a lot of details on vitamin toxicity and reactions our members have had to specific items. Sorry to be such a downer on the subject.

"How do I find out if there are any drug interactions if my doctor doesn't know anything about them? Do you think a pharmacist could tell me?"

Most pharmacists would know but I have found https://www.drugs.co...teractions.htmlto be a big help as well as https://examine.com/supplements/.

#34 Linda0917



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Posted 26 April 2018 - 09:47 AM

Is it normal for me feeling like the panic is getting worse?  Now I feel like I've lost all confidence in myself.  I know in my head that this is not me but the feelings are so overwhelming. I feel weak and vulnerable two things which have never been used to describe me.  I have always been a very strong independent woman who never asks anyone for help.  I'm always the one helping everyone else.   I have been taking hydroxyzine 25mg which helps a little but after a short while its back.  I feel like I am constantly battling these feelings.  I have been forcing myself to do things even though I'm feeling uncomfortable and feeling inadequate but I still feel I'm not doing them very well.  I just don't think I can take this any longer.  I do have some very stressful things going on in my life but those things don't even seem like thats whats causing the anxiety.  I have been going to therapy every two weeks, trying to keep myself busy, using every possible coping strategy imaginable but I feel like it only lasts a short time.  I tried to read "and the answer to your question is" only to be massively confused and more scared.  There are so many dam side effects of everything I'm scared to death to take anything because I don't want to get worse.  I'm suppose to take some meds for bone density and they said its important I stay active for 30 min after taking it so it doesn't cause acid stomach and just that scares me so bad I haven't taken it.  I was even scared to take they hydroxyzine but the thought of it helping outweighed the fear.  It does make me so sleepy its hard to go on with my day.  I'm going to have to take something.  I was reading Zoloft could cause problems with people with bone loss, Lexepro with people with bruising easily (problems I have) and Prozac has tons of problems so what do you do? Even the supplements are so scary!!  I know they have to list all possible side effect but how do you know which ones are likely and which ones are rare? Its all so scary and confusing!!! I don't know, I guess I'm mostly just venting on how I'm feeling but seriously I have to do something.  Thanks for listening and all your help


#35 fishinghat


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Posted 26 April 2018 - 12:48 PM

Those feelings of panic and incompetence are very common and can be overwhelming They will eventually fade.
The minimum therapeutic dose is 50 mg on hydroxyzine for anxiety. They usually start you at 25 mg three times a day and 50 mg at bedtime. After a couple of weeks they will move you up to 50.

"I have been forcing myself to do things even though...."

This is not something you can force your way through. Pushing yourself only adds more pressure and stress and will worsen symptoms and lengthen recovery. This is a time to relax and spoil yourself.

"It(hydroxyzine) does make me so sleepy its hard to go on with my day. I'm going to have to take something."

The sleepiness should pass in a week or two.

Your right about things being scary. ANYTHING that is strong enough to effect your emotions, brain and neurotransmitters are going to have significant risk of side effects. There is no safe medicine. Even a simple aspirin can cause Reyes syndrome. All you can do is try and limit your intake of medicine. The good news is that the withdrawal does not last forever. The use of a clonidine or hydroxyzine is low risk and can be decreased or eliminated after the withdrawal is finished. I sympathize. I remember the feeling of being overwhelmed, scared, useless and panic. Go easy on yourself Linda and be patient.

#36 p1nkr05e5



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Posted 26 April 2018 - 07:43 PM

Just know you are not alone. Getting off of antidepressants has a rebound effect. It's been 3 weeks for me and I'm feeling the same things you are. I've been crying alot. And I did feel some happiness the other day. I'm not numb anymore! My stress level is thru the roof right now. Yes, the Cymbalta dulled the stress and made it easier to handle. But, I'm just going one day at a time. Just keep telling myself this too shall pass. I will never take an antidepressant again. They don't help the pain and they make me gain weight which adds to the pain.

Got a gym membership. Gonna start water aerobics. This will help I know.

One day at a time! Hang in there and vent anytime you need to.
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#37 gail


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 06:29 AM


Just read your old posts. In December, you said anxiety 24/7.

We're almost in may, and I would say that it might be time, to try something else.

Yes, all meds seem scary with their side effects, but you are all ready living in a scary place. What's to lose Linda?

Fishinghat and I have different opinions on this subject, I love him dearly, but I would say that there's a limit to patience.

#38 fishinghat


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 08:23 AM

You have a good point Gail. I hadn't noticed it had been that long. I would try a higher dose of hydroxyzine or clonidine before giving in but if it is just too much....well, you got to do what you got to do.

#39 Linda0917



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Posted 01 May 2018 - 04:09 PM

Help! I don't know what to do.  I started taking 1/2 10 mg lexapro tablet at night 5 days ago and I feel like everyday my anxiety/fear is getting worse?!!! Now I'm dizzy and can't eat well again!  I so wanted this to work and take this all away.  God help me I can't take this any longer.  Now I can't even go anywhere without the strong desire to leave.  I almost got up and walked out of my dentist appointment today.  I'm jumping out of my skin.  I'm not sleeping more than 5 hours a night and thats taking melatonin.  I've been taking 25mg of hyroxyzine on a regular 6 hour basis since I got it and a .5 mg lorazapam a day when it gets like this.  I'm afraid to take anything else because I am also on 10 mg of oxycodone 6 times a day for 3 crushed discs in my back.  Which I am so tense the pain has increased 10 fold.  I've tried everything I can to relax and just can't get it to stop. I was so afraid this would happen.   I'm at the end of my rope.  I don't know what to do.  God please help!!!


#40 gail


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Posted 01 May 2018 - 04:20 PM

Hold tight Linda, FH will see your post and give you the best advice he can.

We know that starting a new antidepressant can do this, if I remember correctly, FH mentioned lately something about this.

My advice is to stop the Lexapro, don't take it till FH gets back to you. It just not be the right one for you Linda, I experienced that with Lexapro and was switched to Cymbalta which was worse. Then Zoloft which had no side effects, same with Prozax.

#41 gail


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Posted 01 May 2018 - 04:25 PM

Linda, if you have benzos, don't hesitate for the time being to use them. What a s%#$!

It'll be ok, try not to worry, you'll get past this, question of a day or so.

#42 fishinghat


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Posted 01 May 2018 - 05:21 PM

I agree with Gail. Stop the Lexapro and call your dr. Tell him that the Lexapro has made your anxiety much worse and you had to stop it.

#43 fishinghat


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Posted 01 May 2018 - 05:28 PM

Hey Linda, what happened to the prescription your dr wrote for Zoloft?

#44 sk8rmama24


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Posted 06 May 2018 - 04:52 PM

If hating Cymbalta is a competition, I have you beat hands-down.

Just that off feeling, I forgot about the science behind all of it. Last time I was on Zoloft 2008, seems like it lasted long then too. I was foolish I went cold turkey on Nortriptyline back at Christmas time as well. Today marks one month off Cymbalta, I’ve kept up on exercise, water, trying to sleep good and supplements. Anyone else have any thoughts to what else I can do? Oh and do you guys hate Cymbalta as much as me?

#45 sk8rmama24


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Posted 06 May 2018 - 05:11 PM

I had a similar experience with Prozac when my doctor switched my meds.  I was jumping out of my skin and actually ripped up the carpet in my house and moved all the furniture and re-decorated because I could not sit still, I was more irritable than usual and becoming paranoid.  Someone where I worked walked by my office and looked in, I didn't like the look on their face so I got up and kicked me door shut.  At which point I immediately put myself on medical leave and filed for short-term disability until I was confident I wasn't going to punch my supervisor in the face.  My doctor said it was a hypomanic episode induced by the Prozac.  But I have had undesirable side effects for just about every medication I have ever taken, which is why I am trying to get off the ones I can.  If I am going to be miserable and less functional than before the nervous breakdown happened, I can be miserable without killing my liver.

Vitamins and such can be tricky, because if you are not deficient, you don't really need them, but getting lab tests to see if you have a deficiency is next to impossible without a real good reason.  Plus everything tends to interact with other stuff, and it can be difficult to keep up with the scientific part of it.  Then there is the whole idea about whether or not oral vitamins are effectively absorbed or if they pass through your system as waste, or if they build up to toxic levels.  Mixed supplements can be an issue because components in the supplement might be incompatible with something else you take, or could be a potential allergen if it is something plant-based.  And if you ever need surgery or have an emergency, vitamins should be stopped for at least 2 weeks because of the potential complications with anesthesia.  I'd lean towards avoiding OTC supplements unless absolutely necessary.

Help! I don't know what to do.  I started taking 1/2 10 mg lexapro tablet at night 5 days ago and I feel like everyday my anxiety/fear is getting worse?!!! Now I'm dizzy and can't eat well again!  I so wanted this to work and take this all away.  God help me I can't take this any longer.  Now I can't even go anywhere without the strong desire to leave.  I almost got up and walked out of my dentist appointment today.  I'm jumping out of my skin.  I'm not sleeping more than 5 hours a night and thats taking melatonin.  I've been taking 25mg of hyroxyzine on a regular 6 hour basis since I got it and a .5 mg lorazapam a day when it gets like this.  I'm afraid to take anything else because I am also on 10 mg of oxycodone 6 times a day for 3 crushed discs in my back.  Which I am so tense the pain has increased 10 fold.  I've tried everything I can to relax and just can't get it to stop. I was so afraid this would happen.   I'm at the end of my rope.  I don't know what to do.  God please help!!!


#46 Linda0917



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Posted 09 May 2018 - 06:25 PM

I don't know how posting works but it keeps telling me I can't post.  Doctor didn't want to put me on zoloft because of my osteoperosis.  I don't know if it is the lexapro because it started getting really bad before and that's why I started the lexapro.  Doctor advised me to stick to it since if I try to stop and start zoloft I would have to start over.  It's so frustrating.  I just want it to be over.  Six long months of constant battling 24/7 anxiety and fear its exhausting! Now I can't get more that 4 hours of sleep.  I've been taking my lexapro at night before bed so maybe I'll try to move it to the morning.  The only relief I get is when I sleep and I wake up after 4 hours and can't get back to sleep and that's taking 3mg of melatonin at night. I even tried to take tylenol pm when I woke up at 4 am but to no help what so ever.  The hydroxyzine makes me tired but not enough to sleep and has been drying out my eyes so bad I can't see.  Eating and cooking has become a chore with no pleasure what so ever.  Housework, paperwork etc is all piling up which gives me even more anxiety.  I just can't win.  God I pray please take this away soon.  I'm sorry I sound like such a negative person which is really not me but right now I hate my life!!! I hate feeling like this, I hate having to take meds to feel barely normal.  I'm trying so hard to hold it together for my kids but I wish I could just collapse and let someone else take over.  No such luck in my life.  Anyway thanks for listening and again sorry for all the negativity.  When I feel better I'll post better things.  Its just been such a long battle.  I hate Cymbalta and wish I never started taking it but I keep reminding myself that I can't change the past and just get through another day.  Thanks for giving me a place to express my pain.

#47 Linda0917



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Posted 09 May 2018 - 06:37 PM

I had a similar experience with Prozac when my doctor switched my meds.  I was jumping out of my skin and actually ripped up the carpet in my house and moved all the furniture and re-decorated because I could not sit still, I was more irritable than usual and becoming paranoid.  Someone where I worked walked by my office and looked in, I didn't like the look on their face so I got up and kicked me door shut.  At which point I immediately put myself on medical leave and filed for short-term disability until I was confident I wasn't going to punch my supervisor in the face.  My doctor said it was a hypomanic episode induced by the Prozac.  But I have had undesirable side effects for just about every medication I have ever taken, which is why I am trying to get off the ones I can.  If I am going to be miserable and less functional than before the nervous breakdown happened, I can be miserable without killing my liver.

Vitamins and such can be tricky, because if you are not deficient, you don't really need them, but getting lab tests to see if you have a deficiency is next to impossible without a real good reason.  Plus everything tends to interact with other stuff, and it can be difficult to keep up with the scientific part of it.  Then there is the whole idea about whether or not oral vitamins are effectively absorbed or if they pass through your system as waste, or if they build up to toxic levels.  Mixed supplements can be an issue because components in the supplement might be incompatible with something else you take, or could be a potential allergen if it is something plant-based.  And if you ever need surgery or have an emergency, vitamins should be stopped for at least 2 weeks because of the potential complications with anesthesia.  I'd lean towards avoiding OTC supplements unless absolutely necessary.

Thanks, ya thats exactly how I was feeling, some days are worse than others  but thats where I was at absolutely necessary.  I can't afford to have expensive all natural doctors giving me a bunch of tests and they only seem to want to sell you alot of vitamins and I was too scared and overwelmed to try the supplements.  I had to do something and fast.  I've been dealing with this far too long and I'm losing my mind.  The doctor says I have to stick with it a while because it could be just my body getting used to it.  Its so hard to know what is the meds and what is the withdrawal symptoms.  I just wish it was over.  I'm 13 days in on the lexapro, I'll stick it out for a few more weeks cuz I don't want to start over again.  I just don't understand all the supplement stuff and I don't have the money to get a doctor to help me.  It sucks.

#48 fishinghat


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 08:39 AM

Linda, what dose of hydroxyzine are you on? (I know I probably asked you this before but I am old and feeble minded. lol)

#49 Cheryl123


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Posted 14 May 2018 - 08:46 PM

I couldn't tolerate Lexapro either and I started on 5mg as well. I made it a week and a half on it and had to stop. My doc has me on celexa now but started me on a tiny dose until I've finally worked my way up to 10mg after 2 months.

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