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Impact Of Cruises/water Travel While Weaning Off

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#1 Vinpin


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 11:26 AM

Hi all (especially fishinghat),


It's been a while since I've posted, but I've since begun the lengthy process of weaning off of my 30mg Duloxetine that I've taken for about 12 years, using the bead counting method fishinghat and others have advised on. Its been about 3 months, I am down to about 30 beads/capsule..... which I calculate is 7-8mg. My last drop was two weeks ago, from 35 beads to 30 beads. So not much more to go.....(-'


One unfortunate event has occurred, that I wanted to get everyone's take on. Up till about two weeks ago, my side effects were the typical ones described across the forum - headaches, dizziness, light-headedness, aches & pains and of course lethargy and fatigue (the brain zaps have been held in check, in part I feel because of the gradual weaning). About two weeks, I started feeling bloated, queasy and had some diarrhea bouts. At first, I didn't attribute this to Cymbalta withdrawal - I thought instead it was a stomach bug or some bad food. After being very careful not to eat dairy or rich food, the diarrhea has gone away, but the nausea and queasiness have remained, and the headache and dizziness have intensified.


Today I was suppose to join my spouse and in-laws on a five day Caribbean cruise. I woke up with the same intense headache, bodyaches, nausea and queasiness that I've had recently. I decided not to go, and my spouse went off without me. I was very skittish about trying to fight off my withdrawal symptoms on top of the possibility of enduring some motion sickness on the cruise as well. I only have a history of motion sickness on small fishing boats - but have never been on a larger cruise ship in my life - so I don't know how the motion sickness would have been on the cruise. I was also concerned about a return of the diarrhea.


Its probably a somewhat unfair question, but ......given these circumstances and my predicament, I was wondering what everyone thinks about my decision. Do you guys agree that I'd be "playing with fire" by trying to go on a cruise with these withdrawal symptoms??? Or, maybe I jumped the gun and could have sucked it up and joined my spouse, even if I wasn't feeling my best. I'm going through a great sense of guilt for not joining my wife and bagging at the last moment. Maybe I'm just looking for some sympathy from everyone, lol, ........ but from a more constructive perspective, I am curious if any members have had to bag on a cruise (or even a land-based vacation). Or conversely, wondering if anyone gone on a cruise/vacation while enduring withdrawal symptoms, and how that turned out for them.......


Final question - wondering if I should add some beads back to my dosage, just to get more functional at this point.....


Thanks in advance for your responses! This site is a blessing - so glad to have access to all your wisdom.





#2 fishinghat


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 12:59 PM

"I am down to about 30 beads/capsule..... which I calculate is 7-8mg. My last drop was two weeks ago, from 35 beads to 30 beads. So not much more to go.....(-'"

Those last 30 beads can be tough so be ready to slow down a bunch if necessary.

Well I just read your part on the queasiness and stomach issues, headaches and dizziness. Those are the next stage of withdrawal. You need to stabilize where you are at and then restart the weaning at a slower rate. Ginger products, meclizine (OTC car sickness medicine) should help these symptoms.

I think your decision was the right one. Not only for the reasons you have given but also the withdrawal significantly lowers your immune system and being 'trapped' around that many people is asking for trouble. The cruise would also add stress to your life as well and right now you don't need that. Many on here couldn't even maintain a job or a social life so that would indicate that you made the right decision. Besides, it is not like cruise ships aren't famous for creating stomach ailments. lol

If you are currently pretty uncomfortable I would suggest going back up 2 beads. That is really up to you and how bad it is.

You have come a long ways and looks like you have a good perspective on what you are doing. Time and Patience.
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#3 gail


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 03:22 PM

Hi Vince,

I would have done the same thing as you, stay home.

You're at a stage that is touchy, so be glad of your decision!

Might as well be sick at home than on cruise ship!
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#4 Vinpin


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 05:28 PM



Thanks so much for your response and support. Reading your response made me feel tons better about my decision.


I'm going to get some meclizine, and see if that helps with the headache/dizziness. 


I think I'm going to stay at 30 beads for another week, and see if I stabilize.


Thanks again,



#5 Vinpin


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Posted 18 June 2018 - 05:30 PM



Thanks so much for your response. Now, I do think I made the right decision.



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#6 Vinpin


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 06:19 PM



Just read over your thorough "Answers to your Question Is" post, and read that Meclizine is not recommended together with Duloxetine (which is what I am weaning off). Considering this, what do you think is the best motion sickness/dizziness treatment for me, being on Duloxetine?


Also - you said in the post that there were "no real options" for headache remedies. Consistent with that ..... Tylenol Extra Strength has not helped at all. Can you offer any suggestions for headache remedies, even if they are a long shot?


Thanks so much,



#7 fishinghat


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 08:17 AM

Original Dramamine - Active Ingredient (in each tablet) Dimenhydrinate 50 mg.

Of course check for drug interactions before use.

You might also consider sniffing lavender or peppermint oil.

You might also check your blood sugar levels. Several members developed low blood sugar during withdrawal. An easy test is the next time you are dizzy eat something sweet and see if the dizziness fades. It should take 10 to 15 minutes to tell.

As far as the headaches are concerned...your guess is as good as mine. All of the OTC nsaids were helpful to a few members but not most. Just trial and error to find what works for you. Low blood sugar can cause headaches as well so again you might try something sweet.

Please let me know how things turn out for you so I can update the document.

#8 Vinpin


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Posted 20 June 2018 - 09:13 PM

Hi again,


Yes, will keep this post updated on my progress. Plan is to stay on 30 beads (7-8mg) until stabilized, and then start cutting again - maybe 3 bead reductions at a time instead of 5 at this point.


fishinghat: what does someone do if they suspect they have low blood sugar? That's the opposite issue diabetics have, right????


Took the Original Dramamine (chewable tablets) when I had some mild nausea this afternoon, and the nausea subsided. Count me in as a "thumbs up" on the Original Dramamine!


Not sure the stomach issues will ever stabilize. When I started taking Cymbalta years ago, one of things it helped with was my always nervous/upset stomach and bloating. So it makes some sense that would return during withdrawal - just don't know if its a temporary return due to withdrawal effects, or more ongoing return due to now being left untreated. Either way, I will continue with the weaning off of the Duloxetine ... and if need be find another solution for the stomach issues. Found a ginger/lemon/honey homemade tea concoction I'm trying out - will report back on if it helps with the stomach issues.


Also, I've been a Dr. Pepper drinker over the years, so I'm giving that up in hope to aid the stomach issues. Of course, that will lead to caffeine withdrawal on top of the Cymbalta withdrawal if I forget to do my energy supplement shot .....(sigh)...................


Thanks again,



#9 gail


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 05:07 AM

Hi Vince,

I truly think that 3 beads is too much considering you are nearing the end.

I would rather go with 1 bead, safer. We have seen so many people suffering near the end because of going too fast. I consider 3 being too fast. Good day to you Vince!

#10 fishinghat


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 08:46 AM

"fishinghat: what does someone do if they suspect they have low blood sugar? That's the opposite issue diabetics have, right????"

You are right. Most people go to the dr and have a blood sample done but the easiest is to go to the pharmacy and get a blood glucose test strip and test it yourself. The sugar levels will be at its lowest at least and hour or more after meals. I know my local Walgreens will do a test strip for you (of course you have to pay for the test strip, lol).

I am glad the Original Dramamine helped. These stomach issues usually only last a month or so. I hope it ends soon for you.

"Found a ginger/lemon/honey homemade tea concoction I'm trying out - will report back on if it helps with the stomach issues."

That might help with the low blood sugar issue as well (if you have low blood sugar).

In the long run caffeine, coffee, dark chocolate, soda, high sugar foods, and energy drinks bad for the withdrawal.

Also I am going to agree with Gail. If you are doing 5 bead drops a week and already having stomach issues going to 3 a week may not be slow enough. And for sure you need to pause right now until the symptoms subside. If you do any more weaning the symptoms will just get worse.

#11 Vinpin


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Posted 22 June 2018 - 08:50 PM

Gail & fishinghat,


Thanks again for more incredible insight and advice. There is a special place in heaven for both of you :) :) :)


Based on fishinghat's last response, I suppose its in my best interest to let go of BOTH the Dr. Pepper and energy shots. I'm just trying to avoid any simultaneous "double" withdrawal of Cymbalta and caffeine at this particular time. I think this is why my headache is sooooooo..... bad right now.


Tea has never been a friend of mine - in fact, my ginger tea concoction didn't help with my stomach issues and nausea.However, I dis try the Fierce Green Apple Gatorade and oddly enough, it does seem to help with the nausea (genius?).  (Genius!!!! .... again, the forum's worth rings true.....). I may also try some Ginger Ale (Boylan's), which has real ginger in it, along with lemon and lime oil. Just bought it - will report back on how well that works.


Fishinghat: I have a Walgreen's around the corner, so I will get that blood glucose test done that your recommend. Will report back on that.


Gail: I would say my weaning off hasn't been quite as fast as 5 beads/week on average. I'd say it's been closer to 5 beads every two weeks, with the last drop from 40-->35 beads (10mg-->~8.5mg) hitting me hard, not stable after three weeks. After taking the Crapola for 12 years, I guess I should have known it would be tough at the end.


I'm thinking of going back up to 32 or 33 beads temporarily, not only to stabilize, but because of ANOTHER (yikes) trip planned from 7/6-7/10. Then, once I get back, maybe start the weaning again - and like you've advised Gail, at a reduced rate. I am fortunate (in some respects, I suppose .....) to be on disability due to hearing loss (nope, can't blame the Cymbalta for the hearing loss; have had the loss for 36 years) - so I don't have work responsibilities to deal with. But, still have household responsibilities that are quite a challenge of late....


One thing I'm curious about - the headache and source of dizziness seem to be centered on top back portion of my neck, going up across the back of my head. Is that where the serotonin used by the brain is normally generated? Just wondering.....


Thanks again to you both,



#12 fishinghat


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Posted 23 June 2018 - 07:19 PM

Hi Vince.

Serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine are some of the most common neurotransmitters in the human body and are found virtually in all parts of the body. Actually the largest concentration of serotonin is in the digestive tract. I can tell you one thing I have learned on this site, the effects of Cymbalta withdrawal can pop up nearly any place in the body.

#13 Vinpin


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Posted 23 June 2018 - 07:44 PM

Thanks FH.


One other question I forgot to ask....


Do you know if the efficacy and/or side effects of Duloxetine vary by the different manufacturers of Duloxetine? During my weaning off, the manufacturer of my prescribed 20mg Duloxetine has changed twice. Other than quality control on the number of beads per capsule differing by manufacturer (which I am offsetting, anyway, by opening the capsules and bead counting), was wondering if there could be any other differences....


Thanks, Vince

#14 fishinghat


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Posted 24 June 2018 - 07:42 AM

Just my observation only but during the first years of Cymbalta generics it seemed like quite a dew folks had issues with its efficacy if they switched brands. Lately I seem to have seen this less often.

#15 Vinpin


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Posted 27 June 2018 - 09:32 PM

Just to update you folks, (and the watchers of this thread).....


I decided to bump up my dosage from 30 beads (~7.5mg) to 32 beads (~8mg). Just that little bump seemed to make a difference....2nd day after the bump up, the massive migraine dulled to more of a headache, and from 3rd day on I barely am noticing any headache at all. Dizziness also subsided as the migraine reduced in intensity. Only thing still not to great is my stomach - but its still not as bad as about a week ago. I'm not eating rich foods, and I'm eating in small quantities ... mostly soups, breads, cereals, fruits & veggies.


Only other thing I can attribute my improvement in wellness overall to is a change in my exercise. Based on fishinghat's lengthy research and more online reading, it seems as though getting direct sunlight via one's eyes aids in the production of serotonin. Never knew that. So, I decided that at least some of my "walking" should be off the elliptical and outside in my neighborhood.  In the past, I've avoided walking outside because of our hilly terrain here, and because I'm very prone to plantar's fasciitis (foot arch problems) on the hills. But for now, I'll see if I can handle the outside walks. If not ... they'll be time spent on the deck looking skyward! I also bought a Circadian Light Therapy Lamp, but haven't had a chance to try that out yet.


The Fierce Green Apple Gatorade, Dramamine and Boylan's Ginger Ale seem to help out as well .... and I'm also going to bed earlier (by 11pm instead of by midnight). But .... I do think its the combination of the bump up to 32 beads, and not having had any dosage reductions in almost one month that have helped me stabilize.


Fishinghat: Had my blood glucose tested. It was normal. So I don't think low blood sugar has been the cause of dizziness.


One final note: Before the migraine subsided, I bought Dolovent, which is suppose to reduce both the frequency and severity of the migraines. Dolovent is basically a powerful regimen of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Magnesium and Coenzyme Q10. The combination of these three ingredients were found (in a 2015 NIH Study) to show promise in reducing  the frequency and severity of the migraines vs. a placebo group. Study summary can be found at:




Since the migraines haven't subsided, I haven't tried it yet. But .... once I get back from my early July trip to Vegas, I will start reducing again .... and I'm sure the migraines will return then. So, I'll be a guinea pig for Dolovent and report back on it .........(-;


Thanks all (And, good luck to all fighting off this horrible withdrawal) 



#16 fishinghat


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Posted 28 June 2018 - 08:25 AM

Great report Vince.
I am going to incorporate some of that info you provided into my library if you don't mind. I look forward to reading the article as I am not familiar with Dolovent

Maybe by the time you come back from your trip you will be strong enough to do a drop without the migraines coming back. Also the stomach issues should continue to fade over the next few weeks.

#17 fishinghat


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Posted 28 June 2018 - 08:49 AM


4 Capsules

400 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2),
600 mg magnesium,
150 mg coenzyme Q10
750 μg vitamin A,
200 mg vitamin C,
134 mg vitamin E,
5 mg thiamin,
20 mg niacin,
5 mg vitamin B6,
6 μg vitamin B12,
400 μg folic acid,
5 μg vitamin D,
10 mg pantothenic acid,
165 μg biotin,
0.8 mg iron,
5 mg zinc,
2 mg manganese,
0.5 mg copper,
30 μg chromium,
60 μg molybdenum,
50 μg selenium,
5 mg bioflavonoides.

A typical multivitamin. Items to watch for include that magnesium and Vitamin D both will lower serum calcium.

It contains Selenium which is the most common ingredient in multivitamins that people are allergic to.
I do like the fact that the levels of Vitamin B5 are within safe limits. In recent years there have been a rise in severe side effects to Vitamin B6 as megadosing has become popular.

As with any multivitamin I would recommend starting with a 1/3 tablet a day first and lowly working your way up to the recommended dose. Also have your serum calcium checked every 6 months.

#18 Vinpin


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Posted 28 June 2018 - 08:24 PM

Thanks for the response and research, Fishinghat.


I don't mind you cataloging whatever you'd like to take for your library of info ...... it must be hard to provide recommendations when we are all reacting so differently to Cymbalta.......


So .... are you saying Dolovent don't offer any higher dosages of the Riboflavin, Magnesium and even the 150 mg of coenzyme Q10??? Wow ..... that's an expensive multivitamin!


I'll do as you say, FH. Try it slowly and see how it goes .... but will only start if those massive migraines return.


Thanks again,



#19 gail


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 03:59 AM


Yes, great post! Sure glad you stayed home.

#20 fishinghat


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Posted 29 June 2018 - 08:44 AM

I don't know if they offer stronger ones or not. This is the only version I saw on their site.

Lets hope those nasty migraines stay away. They suck!!!

#21 Vinpin


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 09:27 PM

Hi guys,


Here's an update on me........ :rolleyes:


Was doing great on 3 1/2 weeks straight of 8mg (32 beads) of Duloxetine. Was able to pull off a nice 4 day vacation in Vegas with a friend (went to see NBA Summer League --- tons of fun for me because I am a Villanova alum, and Nova had 6 different players playing in the Summer League!). As far as my health, all I experienced in Vegas was just a minor headache, but that was a breeze to deal with ..... and of course, could have been exacerbated by the heat out there....


Came home and decided to resume the Duloxetine drop via bead counting, knowing full well withdrawal symptoms would most likely return. I've done the following taper thus far:


Thu, 7/12 - 31 beads

Fri, 7/13 - 30 beads

Sat, 7/14 - 29 beads

Sun, 7/15, today, and hopefully ongoing for up to 2 weeks - 28 beads (7 mg)


Started feeling a little worse Saturday, then more of a headache on Sunday. And then of course today, even worse with my quintuple whammy of bad headache, dizziness, nausea, bloating and fatigue. Basically, I feel like I'm getting the flu, without the fever/chills.


Started with my late afternoon naps again today, and trying to drink alot of water. Back on the Green Apple Gatorade tonight - didn't really help the nausea, though. Took 2 chewable tablets of Nauzene, and that eased the nausea somewhat. Contemplating whether I can do the Nauzene and Dramamine together - if you guys have any opinions on that let me know.....


My hope is to withstand the current withdrawal symptoms while stabilizing on 28 beads for 10 days to 2 weeks (we will see) The hardest part is trying to be somewhat functional during this time --- cooking, shopping, bills, etc. I'm so fortunate not to work, but nevertheless, anguishing over having to suspend my building of decorative mirrors as a part-time business for now. It's so hard to put my life on hold during this time - I just want to fast forward to 6 months to 1 year from now, when I am hopefully through most of the withdrawal.


As far as the Dolovent goes - I'm not quite there yet with regards to trying it out for the headache. But if the headache gets any more intense, I'm going to have to give it a try.


Thanks for listening!


-Vinpin (Vince)

#22 fishinghat


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 09:39 AM

Sounds like you are doing OK Vince. Slow but steady. I hope the following information ion helps you some.

A little info on Nauzene. FDA considers it generally safe to consume.

Contains - Sodium citrate dihydrate 230 mg
The following information from ...

A pH buffer used to neutralize acids. Also functions as an electrolyte providing sodium and Citrate ions to the body.
Industry Uses
Agricultural chemicals (non-pesticidal)

Consumer Uses
Agricultural products (non-pesticidal)
Automotive care products
Building/construction materials
Cleaning and furnishing care products

From Wiki


Sodium citrate is chiefly used as a food additive, usually for flavor or as a preservative. Its E number is E331. Sodium citrate is employed as a flavoring agent in certain varieties of club soda. Sodium citrate is common as an ingredient in Bratwurst, and is also used in commercial ready to drink beverages and drink mixes, contributing a tart flavor. It is found in gelatin mix, ice-cream, yogurt, jams, sweets, milk powder, processed cheeses, carbonated beverages, and wine, amongst others.

Sodium Citrate can be used as an emulsifier when making cheese. It allows the cheese to melt without becoming greasy.

As a conjugate base of a weak acid, citrate can perform as a buffering agent or acidity regulator, resisting changes in pH. Sodium citrate is used to control acidity in some substances, such as gelatin desserts. It can be found in the mini milk containers used with coffee machines. The compound is the product of antacids, such as Alka-Seltzer, when they are dissolved in water. The pH of a solution of 5 g/100 ml water at 25 °C is 7.5 – 9.0.

Medical uses
In 1914, the Belgian doctor Albert Hustin and the Argentine physician and researcher Luis Agote successfully used sodium citrate as an anticoagulant in blood transfusions, with Richard Lewisohn determining its correct concentration in 1915. It continues to be used today in blood collection tubes and for the preservation of blood in blood banks. The citrate ion chelates calcium ions in the blood by forming calcium citrate complexes, disrupting the blood clotting mechanism. Recently Tri-sodium citrate has also been used as a locking agent in vascath and haemodialysis lines instead of heparin due to its lower risk of systemic anticoagulation.[3]
In 2003, Ööpik et al. showed the use of sodium citrate (0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight) improved running performance over 5 km by 30 seconds.[4]

Sodium citrate is used to relieve discomfort in urinary tract infections, such as cystitis, to reduce the acidosis seen in distal renal tubular acidosis, and can also be used as an osmotic laxative. It is a major component of the WHO Oral Rehydration Solution.

It is used as an antacid, especially prior to anaesthesia, for caesarian section procedures to reduce the risks associated with the aspiration of gastric contents.

Boiler descaling
Sodium citrate is a particularly effective agent for removal of carbonate scale from boilers without removing them from operation[5] and for cleaning automobile radiators.

Do not use with antacids containing aluminum, aspirin, salicylates, lithium or quinidine.

Check https://www.drugs.co...um-citrate.htmlfor further information.

I could not find a reaction between Sodium Citrate and Dramamine. There are several types of Dramamine.

Original Dramamine - Active Ingredient (in each tablet) Dimenhydrinate 50 mg.
Dramamine Motion Sickness Relief Less Drowsy Formula - Active Ingredient (in each tablet) Meclizine HCI 25 mg.
Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals with Natural Ginger - Active ingredients - Ginger 1000 mg. Take 2 capsules; do not take more than 4 capsules in 24 hours.
Dramamine All Day Less Drowsy Tab Size 8 Ct Dramamine Less Drowsy - Extended release Meclizine 25 mg.

I could not find an interaction with any of these.

#23 gail


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 11:31 AM

Hi Vince,

Nice time in Vegas, good for you. Happy to see your update, as usual.

It's looking good, as Einstein said, slow wins the race.
Lots of info for you, you can't miss with Einstein aka Fishinghat.

Always hoping for your next update. Nice "hobby" decorative mirrors. Make them so we look slimmer by 10 pounds(lol). I have one here, I like what I see. Makes me seem taller also!

#24 Vinpin


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Posted 19 July 2018 - 06:30 PM

Thanks FH - you are a wealth of information! Will not hesitate to take both together if the side effects return.

#25 Vinpin


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Posted 19 July 2018 - 06:33 PM

LOL Gail! :lol: :lol: :lol:


I wonder how they do that, with the slimming look in mirrors ? Even better would be "slimming glasses" that we can offer our friends, and then they can wear whenever they are around us .........

#26 gail


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Posted 20 July 2018 - 06:10 AM

A good one Vince! My first morning smile, thanks!

#27 Vinpin


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Posted 25 August 2018 - 11:37 AM

Hi everyone,


Update on me .....


In general, the slow taper is working. What I've been doing is reducing by1 mg at a time. My 20mg capsules of Duloxetine contain about 80 beads, so each bead is, more or less, about 1/4 of 1 mg. I was down to 5mg last week, then felt I was ready to try 4 mg - so, I tapered from 20 beads to 16 beads, one bead reduction per day, reaching 16 beads two days ago. Now, the leveling off plan is to stay at 16 beads for at least 10-14 days, to get my body used to this new level.


Interestingly, it takes time for the withdrawal symptoms to hit at each new level. For example, this morning I took my third 4mg (16 bead) capsule .... and it took till today to really start feeling my w/d symptoms fully, which are headache, dizziness, disorientation, lethargy and stomach upset. Planned to host a dinner tonight, and I'm still going to .... but I'm so mad at myself for disrespecting the fact that my w/d symptoms were bound to kick in after 72 hours on the new level - its happened that way before for me. Anyhow......I will nap before the dinner, and hopefully that will help.


Although I am managing the weaning process well (I think) ..... I get so frustrated not being able to pursue my new sports analytics venture with the robustness and energy that I would like. I guess its a lesson all of us have to realize - this medicine is very addictive, and coming off of it will be one of most challenging things for us to overcome in our lifetimes.



New Forum Visitors/Readers:


Some readers of this may be new to the forum, and not be aware of the great "weaning off" info "FishingHat" has provided, as well as the wisdom and encouraging thoughts "Gail" has provided as well.  I encourage everyone to seek out their posts and learn.....(-;


Additionally, from my humble perspective, to do wean off Cymbalta successfully, you should consider the following:


1) Consider and implement a weaning off strategy that emphasizes slow tapering and stabilizing at new levels on an intermittent basis.


2) Allow the body to adjust to the new level of medicine, and consider adding back 1-2 beads temporarily, if you cannot tolerate new w/d symptoms that pop up.


3) Be very patient with the process - for some of us, the process is slow and takes months or even longer - especially if you've been on Cymbalta for many years.


4) Make only our life's most important responsibilities a priority, and clear our schedule of the rest of less-necessary junk, to make the transition to a Cymbalta-less existence easier.


5) Eat well, and take note of what foods/nutritional supplements help us best.


6) Sleep enough, and consider Melatonin supplements if you're not sleeping soundly.


7) Exercise regularly (minimal light exertion, moderate if you can handle), emphasizing outdoor, daylight exercise to take advantage of our body's natural Serotonin production capabilities.


8) Lean on loved ones for support (in most cases, they want to help and just don't know how to ... tell them what you need from them).



Take care everyone!!!!!.................................(-;



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Posted 25 August 2018 - 11:58 AM

That is absolutely great advice vinpin and thank you so much for the kin d words. Certainly patience is the key word.


God bless and keep us posted.

#29 Vinpin


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Posted 21 September 2018 - 08:19 PM

Hi friends,


Update from me - down to 3mg (12 beads), have been on this level for 12 days. Waiting to stabilize completely - the 3rd-5th day on this new level were the worst, and since have stabilized somewhat, but not totally. Going on a long trip out West on Tuesday, and hoping to stabilize more by then (if not, I may have to add in 2 beads just for this time away). Suffering with the headache, dizziness, nausea, bloating, fatigue and insomnia - same old story, like so many of us. Also have seen an uptick in bizarre and somewhat scary/fearful dreams toward morning.


And today, I am depressed more than I have been in a while ... maybe because its been such a long withdrawal, and I don't really know how much longer it will be. The withdrawal has consumed me most of this year, and I would say I've been running at 50%-70% efficiency for the entire year. There's so much I want to do, but cannot do it yet .....


Anyhoo...... wanted to see if "Fishing Hat" can point me directly to that comprehensive post on one of the forums he's been stashing all the great info on treatment of withdrawal symptoms, based on members' experiences during withdrawal. I am particularly interested in whether I should add in Omega 3-6-9 supplements, some sort of Probiotic to help my stomach along in stabilizing and producing Serotonin, and also a Magnesium supplement.


FH .... if you can reply with a link to that post, and any other advice on these potential supplements, that would be great.


Thanks all!


-Vin Pin

#30 fishinghat


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Posted 22 September 2018 - 08:46 AM

Hi Vinpin

Glad you are hanging in there. The thread is called Summary of Cymbalta Withdrawal and is in the Medical Support section.


Be cautious about the magnesium as it can cause your calcium to drop. I would do a blood test first to see what your calcium and magnesium levels are.

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