I am trying to withdraw from this awful medicine. I am transitioning to Wellbutrin (at 300 mg now), from Duluxotine, I was up to 120 mg (60 twice a day). I am down to 20 mg once a day, she went from 60 twice a day to 30 once a day, then she stopped it. OMG I had almost every symptom and it was terrifying, as I am normally a easy-going person, working 3 jobs to a non functioning adult...I called and she put me back on 20 mg a day for 2 weeks then wanted me to do every other day. I am waiting for a call back, because I think I need to go much longer, and maybe even go back up to 30? Then start the whole bead removal process? I have been on it for several years, just increasing from 90 to 120 in January. I am on it for depression (2 suicide attempts, been 9 years since hospitalization for that) I need some help transitioning. advice? I am experiencing most of the symptoms and am having trouble with working, concentrating, functioning, etc.
I've been reading through the threads and I am thinking I definitely need to go way longer for withdrawal. Please help...