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#151 truckprincess


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 08:14 PM

ROOARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Reading this makes me so angry! How COULD the doctors keep you on drugs all the time! They seem to be so used to prescribing them that they give them to you like vitamine pills!!
I have been given Cymbalta for depression and the anxiety that came with it but I think it was a mix of burnout, broken relationship and winter depression.
Truckprincess would you be a dear and quickly explain to me what exactly is an RSD? And if depression runs in your family - what do your family members take? Do you believe that it runs in the family or are there just unhappy family matters that burden you all? Sorry for asking you so bluntly, but I remember you writing that you want to be a better mum than your own mum was. You said she never really cared. I tend to think that if I grew up like that I'd be prone to depression, too. So don't give up, and try it without antidepressants, just like you plan to. My family is difficult too. Only that my mother cared a bit too much and kind of kept me away from anything that might be 'dangerous'. No parties, no discoteques, no friends who already had a steady bf and took the pill, no friends who smoked, and I took me so very long to find out who I was. I'm a bit like you now, but with respect to my pupils at school. I try to help them find their own ways, and ways of thinking, give them room to breathe. Unfortunately I don't have any kids of my own yet because my relationship broke :( What I want to say is that there are so many reasons for getting depressed and it needn't be an inherited fate.
Will quickly send this off and brb in a min.

Not sure what my family members take for their depression. RSD is reflex sympathetic dystrophy or CRPS chronic regional pain syndrome they changed the name it goes by both. There are two types. Type 1 without nerve damage and type 2 with nerve. I have type 2-well depending on which doc you ask sigh such a joke. I call it a cursed blessing disease. It's both because no one can physically SEE what's wrong with me other than one leg has gotten smaller than the other due to muscle loss. Any how it's a neurological disorder. The brain is telling the body something is wrong there is pain. So in a funny way you could say it's "all in my head" haha. It causes chronic pain, hypersensitivity, the skin will either be super cold or warm, causes muscle and bone loss, changes in skin or bone, swelling, sweating, muscle cramps, spasms, aches I can go on but you get the idea. There are also different phases or stages of the disease. And I can tell you the burning pain is not the type of burn you feel when you worked your muscles too hard. It's the kind of burning that literally feels as if you are on fire. Shaving your legs can feel like it's being ran over by a lawn mower. This is a crazy up and down back and forth kind of disease. I do the best I can and do what I can to stay as normal as possible. Yes there are things i have given up but as far as daily life I do my best. If I let myself give into every tiny little pain I would never get out of bed. There are times where the sheets hurt. Only socks I can tolerate are the super soft fuzzy ones, can't wear shoes with backs on them but other than that I do my best. I just refuse to give in and let it win me over. I won't be like those others that i have read about. They have had me on Lyrica, Neurontin, Trileptal, topamax, etc. Ive been offered oxy and what not. It took a long time for me to agree to switch from the zanaflex for the muscle cramps to valium and even then I said I would only take the bare minimum and had been cutting those in half until the last couple of months. Only pain med I will accept is vicodin and for me it's like tylenol just because I refuse to be doped up. And I do take a sleeping pill to help but it doesn't always. And believe it or not Im an introvert (but I can write like no tomorrow lol) so even in my deepest pain I typically keep it to myself. Soo that's that ;)

#152 truckprincess


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 08:28 PM

Oh sorry forgot to answer about the ALA actually I believe it was the Rugby that did help with the weepiness because I didn't have any at all. I was taking the Rugby before I started the ALA. And so freezing tonight. It's about 75 in here and I still sit in front of the little heater. I had to have the car heat up to 90 before I was comfortable. How crazy! It's NOT that cold out yet.

I hope you girls have a good peaceful and restful night! I'm off to watch Criminal Minds mwuahahahah ;) LMAO

<3 n HUGS ladies. Check in tomorrow.

#153 Jnine


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 08:57 PM

Oh truckprin I hear ya. Imetioned RSD and Fibro to my doctor and she said I have other patients that have that and you arent like THEM. Really I hope so I am Jnine, not every case is the same. My GP seemed closed off to everything and all I wanted was an answer so I could deal with it and move forward.

#154 Jnine


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Posted 08 November 2012 - 08:57 PM

Oh truckprin I hear ya. Imetioned RSD and Fibro to my doctor and she said I have other patients that have that and you arent like THEM. Really I hope so I am Jnine, not every case is the same. My GP seemed closed off to everything and all I wanted was an answer so I could deal with it and move forward.

On another note I had a day fro hell. It was the most busiest day I have had since I returned to work in February. Right now I am sitting here and my feet and legs are screaming. I sat down for a whole 30 minutes today and by the end of the day I had bad zaps really weird saps. Everytime I put one foot in front of the other it felt like it was a mile ahead of where it really was. Cool/Weird and unpleasant all at the same time. reminded me of the 80's but that is another story for another forum....lol

I have taken my shower, habe my jammies on and am about to go go to bed ladies.

Regarding a meeting on facebook I am cool with that. Just have to let me know as I have my privacy setting set really strict on there.

Good night ladies slept tight I hope ((hugs))

#155 truckprincess


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 08:23 AM

Morning girls,

Oh Jnine, I'm sorry you were feeling so bad last night. Sounds awfully unpleasant. Although you really had me laughing about your 80's comment. Have you seen a neurologist at all? I found one I really love just by searching online for one who specified in RSD but she is two hours away and I haven't seen her in over a year now. But she is the one who said I had the three damaged nerves. I believe her over this new Pain Management dr I have. He seems like a nice guy but think he is a moron. My first appt he tried to tell me he thought my RSD was gone. Um hello it doesn't just go away idiot. Only reason I kept going was because I was seeing him for my shoulder/neck pain. And some how my muscle relaxer med has been taken over by him so it's like oh great now what do I do? I hate that when docs keep switching who prescribes what. I much rather keep them all the same place as it makes it easier for refills. I have to go in the morning to see the medtronic person at his office to get it adjusted again to see if I can feel it better. Not in the mood. Any time I get it adjusted it always seems fine when I'm there because of the way I'm sitting or standing there. Then I come home and it's like damn it. Pretty much have made up my mind to take it out. I truly feel it's the cause of the shoulder/neck pain and it simply hurts rubbing on my bone. So I am going to get info on that. And I'm going to tell them I want to know ALL the info. Not just the how great this is and that is b.s. No one ever wants to tell you any of the bad and you are left on your own figuring it out as we all know with the cymbalta.

Slept pretty good last night and feel good so far this morning. Going to see how I do over the weekend and if still pretty good then I'm dropping to 20mg Sunday night. I will probably stick with 20mg for a couple of weeks like I did before. I told my husband last night I'm so scared of what it will be like when I am completely off this drug. Worried how long it will take my body to adjust and my brain to balance out and get back to normal (whatever normal is haha). I know it will be hard and am afraid with holidays coming up and I can already hear my mom harping on me about my mood or some crap that will set me off. I also told him if I get stuck on any dose from here on out I am not going to be upset with myself as no matter what it's still better than 60mg. Yes I would like to get off of it completely but I am proud I have made it this far.

I hope you girls are doing well today. Jnine, I hope you have an easier day today. I will check in later.

HUGS girls.

#156 Jnine


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 08:51 AM

Morning; I mentioned RSD to my doctor and she dismissed that even after I told her I talked to the RSD foundation here and they thought it was exactly what I could have. They were really nice supportive people and I was hoping to have been referred there. The thing that is the most trouble is that every morning I still can't feel the bottom half of my legs for about 2hrs. It is a really strange feeling and started right after i injured myself.

Well, I am already at the office and it is hopping already. I am really sore from all the walking & stairs i did. I hope I can get some time just to sit at my desk and PRETEND to be busy like so many of my coworkers do daily!!!

Any plans for the weekend ladies???

#157 truckprincess


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:51 PM

You girls can just call me "Oscar" as in Oscar the grouch. OMG IDK what my problem is but I can't even stand myself. IDK if it's the cymbalta or the other issue or both or what. My poor husband wanted to take me out to dinner tonight and I told him IDK depends on how I feel. Just not in the mood for anything at all. I had planned to clean house today but didn't. I'm in that " I don't give a rats ass just let me be mode". :angry:

My exciting plans are dr appt in the morning ( I know on Sat WTH), the neighbor is having a thirty-one party so figured I'd stop for a few after my appt. Hopefully I will be in a better mood and get this house cleaned. <_<

Jnine, do you need to have a referral to go to the RSD center? You are lucky you have one nearby. I would find out what you need to do if you can go there for an eval. I hope you got a chance to just chill at work for a bit.

Bunny, how are you doing with the prozac? I know it's only the second day but was wondering about you.

#158 Bunny515


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Posted 09 November 2012 - 11:37 PM

Hi Ladies;

Sorry for the late post. I actually had a very productive day. I had a therapist appt at 11:30am - Had a breakthrough moment so that was good! Then drove a friend of mine to the airport. On the way home I stopped at Costco.... I LOVE costco. Broke the spending record to day though :) But I was just so happy to be out n about that I didn't care. Bought stuff for my nephews, groceries and I picked up some Fish Oil gel caps and Vit B. Then I came home, put all the groceries away. (I divide all the meet into individual portions and freeze them.) I then made dinner, Did 7 loads of Laundry (we have a laundry room in our condo, and I was behind in laundry... mind you 3 loads were for my step son) I then decided (for some strange reason) it was was the right time to clean our and organize our my bathroom cabinet. and I just finished putting some flowers I bought today, in a vase with pebbles and ribbon for a friend who got a knee replacement done today. Can you say productive!!! However, I think this is partly a side effect of the prozac. I think restlessness is one of the side effects and right now I feel like I"m going to jump out of my skin. LOL One great thing: NO BRAIN ZAPS TODAY!!!!! OMG I am happy about that!

So the prozac is definitely helping in that I'm not getting the withdrawal effects, but I am feeling a bit spacey, agitated, and restless. At the same time I'm tired so I'm hoping I can get a good nights sleep.

Oh ya, I also got the Zumba for WII game at costco. Have you guys heard of Zumba? It's a latin dancing exercise program. I thought this might be a form of exercise I could get into. I should mention that I took ballroom and latin dancing for 5 years (as an adult) and even did a couple of amateur comps. That was back in the day when I was living life to the fullest and enjoying every minute of it! I hope to get that person back soon :)

Tomorrow we are going to visit our friend in the hospital and then heading out to visit my Brother, sister-n-law and 3 nephews. My nephews are 4, 3 and 7 months (the two older ones are 10months and 3 weeks apart) so it's a lot of fun and chaos.

Hope you both get a restful nights sleep and are able to rejuvenate tomorrow. Ok I'm really feeling a little hyper right now. It's been such a long time since I've felt like this. Can't believe it was only 6 days ago when I was in such a dark place.
Ok enough rambling! G'nite

#159 Bunny515


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 12:23 AM

Tprin / Jnine:

I am sure u have googled and researched all the Rsd websites... But just in case, I stumbled upon this site as I googled Rsd last night. www.canadianrsd.com
What I found particularly interesting was the RSDv Questionnaire. It asks a lot of questions including "have you been told it's just in your head" There were some interesting testimonials too.

#160 truckprincess


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 01:55 AM

Hi Ladies;

Sorry for the late post. I actually had a very productive day. I had a therapist appt at 11:30am - Had a breakthrough moment so that was good! Then drove a friend of mine to the airport. On the way home I stopped at Costco.... I LOVE costco. Broke the spending record to day though :) But I was just so happy to be out n about that I didn't care. Bought stuff for my nephews, groceries and I picked up some Fish Oil gel caps and Vit B. Then I came home, put all the groceries away. (I divide all the meet into individual portions and freeze them.) I then made dinner, Did 7 loads of Laundry (we have a laundry room in our condo, and I was behind in laundry... mind you 3 loads were for my step son) I then decided (for some strange reason) it was was the right time to clean our and organize our my bathroom cabinet. and I just finished putting some flowers I bought today, in a vase with pebbles and ribbon for a friend who got a knee replacement done today. Can you say productive!!! However, I think this is partly a side effect of the prozac. I think restlessness is one of the side effects and right now I feel like I"m going to jump out of my skin. LOL One great thing: NO BRAIN ZAPS TODAY!!!!! OMG I am happy about that!

So the prozac is definitely helping in that I'm not getting the withdrawal effects, but I am feeling a bit spacey, agitated, and restless. At the same time I'm tired so I'm hoping I can get a good nights sleep.

Oh ya, I also got the Zumba for WII game at costco. Have you guys heard of Zumba? It's a latin dancing exercise program. I thought this might be a form of exercise I could get into. I should mention that I took ballroom and latin dancing for 5 years (as an adult) and even did a couple of amateur comps. That was back in the day when I was living life to the fullest and enjoying every minute of it! I hope to get that person back soon :)

Tomorrow we are going to visit our friend in the hospital and then heading out to visit my Brother, sister-n-law and 3 nephews. My nephews are 4, 3 and 7 months (the two older ones are 10months and 3 weeks apart) so it's a lot of fun and chaos.

Hope you both get a restful nights sleep and are able to rejuvenate tomorrow. Ok I'm really feeling a little hyper right now. It's been such a long time since I've felt like this. Can't believe it was only 6 days ago when I was in such a dark place.
Ok enough rambling! G'nite

OK HOLY CRAP GIRL!!! Good for you! OMG I can't get over how much happier you sound and your whole post is awesome. I am so happy for you and so glad you got out and did so much today. It had to feel soooooo good! :)

Yep I have the Zumba for Wii. I asked for it last Christmas. I tried it a couple of times and was so lost! Thing is I love to dance too I just couldn't figure that one out. I guess there are a few different ones that are better. I love the boxing on the wii. I have a blast doing that. I really do like to exercise just can't get there right now. I am just so happy for you :) I hope you have a good time tomorrow. SO glad you are doing better.

#161 truckprincess


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 01:56 AM

Tprin / Jnine:

I am sure u have googled and researched all the Rsd websites... But just in case, I stumbled upon this site as I googled Rsd last night. www.canadianrsd.com
What I found particularly interesting was the RSDv Questionnaire. It asks a lot of questions including "have you been told it's just in your head" There were some interesting testimonials too.

Oh thank you I will have to check it out!

#162 truckprincess


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 01:59 AM

Just call me Ms. Crabmaster at this point. The whole sleep thing is ridiculous. Sleep an hour and here I am after tossing and turning I gave up. Just figures when I have a doc appt in the morning. I hate to turn the tv back on and wake up my husband but IDK what else to do to focus and relax. I hope everyone else got some great rest. Will check in later. SIGH........

HUGS ladies

#163 autimom4ever


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 04:03 PM

Hi ladies.. I hope you don't mind me jumping into the conversation..
I've been following and it looks like you are working so well toward your goal!! :)

I just wanted to say, it can be done....

I tried 3 times to wean off of cymbalta after taking 60 mg a day for almost 8 years (3rd was a charm.. but it took a VERY slow taper AND prozac AND supplements AND exercise AND therapy)
This worked for me....

I am a mom of 3, 23 yo girl, 22 yo boy with autism and 14 yo boy.
I also work full time..
So trying to go through these withdraws with all of this was SOOO hard...
Trying to do it without those things above were almost impossible.
I had tremors, rage, crying spells, nausea, vomitting, dread, dissociation, hard to get words out, palpitations, EXTREME anxiety, oh.. not to mention the back pain that started (with no
reason found for it.. lots of tests done.... while weaning the 2nd time

On the third (and last) time, I started with a new psychiatrist that agreed that I should wean with prozac... So I weaned up to 40 mg prozac.. then started my wean down from 60 mg of cymbalta

I was terrified.. even with the prozac... I was scared that once I got to 0 cymbalta, that he@#! would break lose....
I eventually ended up in a rehab.... Their focus is getting off of psych meds with alternative therapies.... I was there for a month (took leave time).
They introduced me to alternative eating habits (low sugar, dairy and gluten.. if possible none of these, but I know in the real world it is almost impossible)
They introduced other therapies (detox sauna, Reiki and massage)
They introduced a whole lot of supplements (to include, but not limited to Fish oil, vit C, tryptophan, Niacin, etc)

I have come to learn (and not from any provider) that a lot of it is also focus... Focus more on YOU.... Us women tend not to do that..
YOU have to come first.. or you cannot help others properly.

I know not everyone can have the opportunity to go to a rehab... But, from the things I have learned, it can be done..

Today, I am 100% off of cymbalta (over a month). I am still taking prozac but weaning (VERY slow). I do take Neurontin for the back pain that is still here (over 1 year later) but a very low dose. I refuse to take pain meds. I do have a prescription for Klonipin but I've had the same Rx for a year (I'm scared of getting addicted to that).

I wish you all luck... I know you can do it!!!! :)

#164 Jnine


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 04:19 PM

Hi Ladies - Well I have been a great big pile of Goo again today. It seems that I feel this way every Saturday and then Sunday I feel better only to start it all over again on Monday. I only have the energy to get through the week which really sucks. I use to have so much energy before I got sick. I know I should give myself a break, I mean with working all week and coming off this med at the same time. Yet I feel guilty and frustrated not having any energy today. There is so much I need to get done , laudry, housework etc. Hey Bunny want to do my laundry....lol.

Tomorrow I have plans to celebrate my guy's Bday which was last weekend. He doesnt know what we are doing as I wont tell him but I sure hope he likes it. We are doing a scenic tour in a 4 seater plane where he will be able to fly it for a bit. Going to fly over the burlington escapement and Niagara falls then dinner out. So today I rest so I can have energy tomorrow. I am thinking of booking Monday off from work just so I can get some stuff done. I have a few Vacation days left to use. It's a sad way to use them but wth things need to get done.

I am so happy for you Bunny that you are feeling so much better, keep up the good work!!!

Truckprin did you go out for dinner last night??? How are you feeling today any better or still crabby???

We have to remember it is a process and there will be ups and downs and I hope that as time goes on the ups will be more often than the downs. Tommorrow night I am going to lower my dose again.. I have been at 3.1mg hoping to lower to 2.5mg. I will keep you posted and will check back later to see how you ladies are going. ((HUGS))

#165 Jnine


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 04:22 PM

Welcome AutiMom. Thank you for sharing. We are abit nutty here but our houmour gets us through.

#166 truckprincess


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 04:46 PM

Hi autimom4ever,

Thank you so much for your input. I'm sorry to hear you had such a struggle with this monster on top of everything else in your life but so glad to hear that you did it! I agree we as women need to focus more on ourselves in order to do this. We are doing it for ourselves but in the long run it's for everyone in our families. We always worry about everyone else just our nature and it's hard to go against that.

Well girls I wanted to mention two things I found interesting today.
1) I spoke with the pharmacist about doing the beads for me and was told no. Why? because ya know it's "bad" to open the capsules and was asked how my dr told me to wean off. I explained it and the pharmacist told me to just take the 30 every other day until I adjusted, then every two days and so on.. after I had already explained the reason WHY I was doing the beads this way in the first place. They really have no clue about the withdrawals do they? I was kind of irritated about it. I figured for one thing they wouldn't get any money by doing that for me so why would they take the time to do it. I guess in a way I can understand that. Everything is about "business" even in health care. That was hard for me to take working in the health care world. I understand they need to make money and it is a business but at the same time this is peoples lives. I found both working and in my health care classes there are two types of people that are in the health care industry. Those who just want to help others and those who are coldhearted and know it's the business to be in. I struggled working with the coldhearted people. I won't keep rambling on about that but though I'd share they said they wouldn't do it for me and how I should taper off. Well I'm not doing it their way. I already know I can't do it and not about to mess up my system any more than already is. So I am on my own and will continue to do as it has worked for me this far. Oh I saw someone mentioned a bead counter (from the craft area) apparently this helps a ton with counting or dividing these little suckers. I don't have one but thought I might look into it.

2) I know I mentioned on a post some where on here about wondering if over the counter PMS medicines would help with brain zaps or dizziness as I sometimes get dizziness with it. Well I took one this morning and guess what? All gone. And no longer grouchy either so this maybe something for you girls to check into? I just have some generic no name cheap stuff. Although I still swear by the Rugby travel sickness med, this could possibly be an alternative to try, it's a thought any how.

Well as far as my doctor appt today I was supposed to meet with the medtronic rep for my stimulator. Well guess what? She wasn't there. Supposedly I guess she was supposed to have called me and set it up. She never did. And that's another thing that pisses me off about these ppl and the docs who put these in. Unless you have another reason to see the dr once they are in ( I had a diff dr at the time)and they set you up they are done with you. Ive tried a few times to have my stim reset, was told to gain weight etc. Well no more. I told him today I'm done, want it out. He is referring me to a dr who will do that since he doesn't. But he did say it was outpatient procedure and has a patient who recently had one taken out and had no issues at all but reminded to ask all those questions of the other doctor. He also agreed it's quite possible the pain in my shoulder/neck could be from the stim pushing on those nerves. Any how I got a bunch of trigger point injections today (more than he usually does) so I am stiff and sore now but did still go the neighbors party and ran to the store for a few things. That will be about it for me today as of now I can barely keep my eyes open and feel I should take advantage of that. He said after I get the stim out he can do some trigger point injections down around that area to hopefully solve that issue (can't do them with a stim in). Too bad they don't help my leg or lower back/hip any but glad he can at least hopefully get rid of some of my pain around there. I imagine to myself how good it will feel to have this stim out. I should share some pictures of it so you girls can see why I hate it so much. I know they help a lot of people and I actually pushed to have mine put in because I was desperate to try anything. My trial was sucky as the first day I had it I fell down the stairs so had no clue if it even helped. And that's another thing for anyone considering these. The trials are very very different than the perm ones.

Ive rambled enough so I will check back in later. I hope everyone is having a good day :)

#167 truckprincess


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 05:02 PM

Hi Ladies - Well I have been a great big pile of Goo again today. It seems that I feel this way every Saturday and then Sunday I feel better only to start it all over again on Monday. I only have the energy to get through the week which really sucks. I use to have so much energy before I got sick. I know I should give myself a break, I mean with working all week and coming off this med at the same time. Yet I feel guilty and frustrated not having any energy today. There is so much I need to get done , laudry, housework etc. Hey Bunny want to do my laundry....lol.

Tomorrow I have plans to celebrate my guy's Bday which was last weekend. He doesnt know what we are doing as I wont tell him but I sure hope he likes it. We are doing a scenic tour in a 4 seater plane where he will be able to fly it for a bit. Going to fly over the burlington escapement and Niagara falls then dinner out. So today I rest so I can have energy tomorrow. I am thinking of booking Monday off from work just so I can get some stuff done. I have a few Vacation days left to use. It's a sad way to use them but wth things need to get done.

I am so happy for you Bunny that you are feeling so much better, keep up the good work!!!

Truckprin did you go out for dinner last night??? How are you feeling today any better or still crabby???

We have to remember it is a process and there will be ups and downs and I hope that as time goes on the ups will be more often than the downs. Tommorrow night I am going to lower my dose again.. I have been at 3.1mg hoping to lower to 2.5mg. I will keep you posted and will check back later to see how you ladies are going. ((HUGS))

When you are done with Bunny can you send her my way? LMAO! I have been so horrible about the house and laundry this week girl and I don't even work! So don't get down on yourself. I think you are doing pretty damn good working and doing this. It's a lot to take on so pamper yourself. Oh that sounds so awesome for you and your guy tomorrow. I hope you guys have a great time! :) Well when does your vaca time start up again? Does it start at the first of the year or no? I know some places do that and others base it on your hire in date. Wait, you are only on 3.1mg or 31mg?

No I didn't go to dinner last night. I felt bad and told him sorry. Then I felt bad as last night he told me he was sorry I was crabby. I said why are you sorry that I am crabby. He said he didn't know, that maybe it was his fault. I got pissy and said OH it's not ALL about you. I know it was kinda rude to say and I know that he meant well but at the same time it drives me nuts. They always seem to turn everything around and make it about themselves ffs. I know it isn't what he meant but still.

My mood is better thanks to the makers of PMS med LMAO! I really don't know if its the cymbalta or not but figured hey worth a shot. It's helped and now I'm just super sore and very tired.

#168 Tinajuli


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 05:21 PM

Hi Ladies - Well I have been a great big pile of Goo again today. It seems that I feel this way every Saturday and then Sunday I feel better only to start it all over again on Monday. I only have the energy to get through the week which really sucks. I use to have so much energy before I got sick. I know I should give myself a break, I mean with working all week and coming off this med at the same time. Yet I feel guilty and frustrated not having any energy today. There is so much I need to get done , laudry, housework etc. Hey Bunny want to do my laundry....lol.

Tomorrow I have plans to celebrate my guy's Bday which was last weekend. He doesnt know what we are doing as I wont tell him but I sure hope he likes it. We are doing a scenic tour in a 4 seater plane where he will be able to fly it for a bit. Going to fly over the burlington escapement and Niagara falls then dinner out. So today I rest so I can have energy tomorrow. I am thinking of booking Monday off from work just so I can get some stuff done. I have a few Vacation days left to use. It's a sad way to use them but wth things need to get done.

I am so happy for you Bunny that you are feeling so much better, keep up the good work!!!

Truckprin did you go out for dinner last night??? How are you feeling today any better or still crabby???

We have to remember it is a process and there will be ups and downs and I hope that as time goes on the ups will be more often than the downs. Tommorrow night I am going to lower my dose again.. I have been at 3.1mg hoping to lower to 2.5mg. I will keep you posted and will check back later to see how you ladies are going. ((HUGS))

Oh Jnine, I know exactly what you mean! I'll go back to work after this week off and I'm dreading it. It was good to have this week to kind of get a feel of what I'm going to feel while weaning off with the help of the Prozac.
I didn't get anything done this week as the fatigue had me firmly in its hands. Jnine, how do you get your job done while weaning off? I am so worried about not finishing my workload (marking of essays mostly) besides preparing the lessons when I'm so tired. You said that your legs were burning, do you have to be on your feet a lot at work?
Just thinking...if you can't feel your legs for some time in the morning and it gets better during the day, then it's the motion that makes it better. I know nothing about nerve damage unfortunately but if it gets better during the day then: Don't you think that there is a chance that there are "just" some nerves that are being squeezed? Sorry if I sound very naive.

Truckprincess, why would it be worse once you're off the Cymbalta? I mean, the brain adjusts to every step down, so it will adjust to the last step to zero, too...I should think? I do think, though, that there are going to be some withdrawals even after months, maybe unexpected ones after months of being fine.
I'm so sorry that you felt too bad to go out for dinner - I mean, did you finally go out after all?
How do you manage in winter btw...as for shoes, they are all quite tight and rub against your legs, it must be horrible!

Bunny, I'm glad you're feeling so good :) Yay, I felt the same when I was able to go down by several mg without the eternal crying spells and anxiety etc!! I had a strange mixture of fatigue and energy kick, though. Like those nights when you are terribly tired but are too excited to sleep. I felt great without the crying spells. But then I had added the other half of the Prozac pill (10mg + 10mg). So much additional med was bound to help.
Now I'm back on 10mg Prozac, and I'm on 33mg of Cymbalta....and I do feel that I'm a bit on edge with my nerves.
Yesterday I hurt my knee and whereas I usually swear in such a situation I broke into tears. Today there were another two situations that created a lump in my throat: I had friends over, a very lovely english couple who moved to Germany half a year ago. He still doesn't have a job because he has only just started to learn the language whereas she speaks really well and has a job. He followed her to Germany. So he is starting to get depressed now because Germany has an employment system that really sucks. You have to show that you have learnt somethings, meaning, you must have done an apprenticeship otherwise they won't accept you...unless you know sb who knows sb etc.
Anyway, he wasn't well, and we were talking about it. Later a friend popped in, which was really nice, but he wanted to know why he had seen so little of me lately, and that's when I was starting to feel actually weepy. I hate neglecting my friends. Depression makes you so lonely, and you feel guilty about it, and yet it's so much discipline to keep up your relations with friends.
What actually creates the lump is - apart from the withdrawals - that I so dread slipping back into a depression.
I have to change my work conditions in order to get out of this vicious circle that creates the burnout. But it is so difficult to do all the application stuff, the interviews etc besides getting your workload done besides weaning yourself off of the meds. And I mustn't tell my boss because once I've got "burnout" in my record no other school will ever accept me, and my applications for other counties and countries won't go through anymore either. I would have to quit the education system altogether. :(
My decision is to reduce my working hours from term on (summer). And then I will try to get a job at another school. My boss and his pals who "rule" the school are a a bunch of chaotic guys, and they don't really care about their employees. Several colleagues have left already.

Welcome autimom :) and thanks for sharing your experience with us. Why did it take you so long to wean off of Prozac? I'm asking because I'm getting off of Cymbalta with it, too.

Keep your fingers crossed that the weepiness goes away, girls :( The coming week will be a hard one, 4 written exams and I have to do the marking of those 120 essays within 1,5 weeks. No idea how I'm supposed to manage that. I'm doing the marking of the two other heaps that I wasn't able to do this week now, and I won't get them finished + the preparation without marking night + day.

#169 Jnine


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 05:41 PM

Truckpriness I meant 30mg.or 3.1 gn on the scale I have so tomorrow night I will go to 2.5 gn on the scale.

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 07:31 PM

Truckpriness I meant 30mg.or 3.1 gn on the scale I have so tomorrow night I will go to 2.5 gn on the scale.

Oh OK I thought I was losing it for a sec. Or maybe I have LOL

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 08:03 PM

Truckprincess, why would it be worse once you're off the Cymbalta? I mean, the brain adjusts to every step down, so it will adjust to the last step to zero, too...I should think? I do think, though, that there are going to be some withdrawals even after months, maybe unexpected ones after months of being fine.
I'm so sorry that you felt too bad to go out for dinner - I mean, did you finally go out after all?
How do you manage in winter btw...as for shoes, they are all quite tight and rub against your legs, it must be horrible!

What actually creates the lump is - apart from the withdrawals - that I so dread slipping back into a depression.
I have to change my work conditions in order to get out of this vicious circle that creates the burnout. But it is so difficult to do all the application stuff, the interviews etc besides getting your workload done besides weaning yourself off of the meds. And I mustn't tell my boss because once I've got "burnout" in my record no other school will ever accept me, and my applications for other counties and countries won't go through anymore either. I would have to quit the education system altogether. :(
My decision is to reduce my working hours from term on (summer). And then I will try to get a job at another school. My boss and his pals who "rule" the school are a a bunch of chaotic guys, and they don't really care about their employees. Several colleagues have left already.

Keep your fingers crossed that the weepiness goes away, girls :( The coming week will be a hard one, 4 written exams and I have to do the marking of those 120 essays within 1,5 weeks. No idea how I'm supposed to manage that. I'm doing the marking of the two other heaps that I wasn't able to do this week now, and I won't get them finished + the preparation without marking night + day.

Awww sweetie :( I was hoping this part would have past and you would be feeling better. Ive not had that issue yet but Ive gone through it last time when I ran out. I felt like literally some one had died, a part of me was just completely ripped out and I couldn't control it. It's so hard to go through. Did you feel better on the higher dose of prozac? It seems you definitely have a lot on your mind right now and I'm sure none of that is helping. Just take baby steps hun, one day at a time. You will get through this. I know you are stressing about work but maybe on the positive side it will help you get your mind else where for a bit? You however did make me realize something. There has been a time or two that I handed in papers that I knew were just crap because I wasn't in the mood for the HW. And I would be so shocked to get them back and have an A or B and think WTH did the instructor even read this or did I just get credit for doing it LOL...now I know ;) But really you have to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. You can and will get through it all, things will get better. Hell beat your chest and scream " I am woman, hear me roar" LMAO. I know the crying spells can't be controlled but maybe try to think positive things when they pop up? Put on something funny to watch, hell go to yahoo news. Good grief I was just there and had a few chuckles myself. I just read the " Wife sleeps in, misses tie-breaking vote" article. Not sure which was funnier the story or the comments.

I know what you mean about friends and depression. Ive asked myself many times did I push them all away, did I say or do something or was it that I wasn't up to doing anything? I have stopped asking. It is what it is. True friends will ALWAYS be there and in reality it's very hard to find ONE true friend in your lifetime. I mean hell I deleted my facebook and not one so called friend has bothered to even email me and ask why or if I'm OK or what is going on. For crying out loud it took my sister 2 months to even notice WTF?? HELLO! People are something else. And it's not like I was one who rarely got on. I was one who was on there every day at least if not several times a day as it was my only escape and a way to talk to other people. I wasn't kidding when I said this has become like my FB. Only difference here is I feel free, I am not being judged and people understand me. I came here for help and insight and hoping I could help at least ONE person. I feel as if I have made 3 wonderful friends in this short time. So despite the unfortunate circumstances that we are here, I have gotten a blessing out of it.

Oh as for shoes that I wear. They are the Sketchers clogs with no backs on them. I swear when these types of shoes first came out I said how can anyone keep them on their feet and they look like slippers-no way I would ever wear those. LMAO one day out shopping I needed new tennis shoes for work and came upon a pair and tried them on and was like oh wow, they are super comfy! Then I found the ones that looked like slippers and I was hooked. Thankfully I did because I found out real fast after my accident I couldn't wear anything else. Once in a great while I can wear the long fuzzy boots as long as they are not tight on my legs but depends on how I feel that day. I was surprise how well the slipper like shoes do in the snow and rain. Never a problem and they keep my feet warm. But they are really wearing out since they are all I can wear and I am not sure I can find the same type again or not.

Hang in there girl, we are all here for you any time please remember that! <3 n hugs

#172 truckprincess


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 08:22 PM

First thing first. I want to thank you girls for being a part of our little mad house with me. I want you all to know how much I really appreciate you even though we don't truly know each other or ever met. I just feel I have bonded with you and it's helped to keep me positive during all of this. <3 And I think we should all go to zombie school. I mean if we feel like zombies why not? LMAO I'm kidding of course but personally would think it would be fun. I could just drag half my body and moan. Easy as pie! ;)

Well silly me decided not to take a nap but to tough it out just for a few more hours thinking maybe I could go to bed early and sleep like 12hrs and feel great tomorrow. Hmmmm of course now I'm feeling wide awake and my pain keeps increasing. Go figure. Just please please if I wake up an hour after sleeping do not there be a Katy Perry song stuck in my head. I have not admitted this part until now but every single time I wake up one of her songs is in my head. Even a couple that I don't even like and I haven't even listened to her lately so I have no clue why that is. But very frustrating to get back to sleep with a song stuck in your head. So I guess that means when I officially go crazy I will be going around singing (horribly at that) and walking like a zombie. I suppose there are worse things lol. Which BTW the pharmacist did look at me as if I was insane when I asked about the cymbalta. I feel like saying "here, go choke on these 60mg caps for while, then go ahead and do what you told me to do. Let me know how that works out for ya".

I think tomorrow I too will drop the C more and go to 20mg. I haven't noticed any super sever side effects other than the grouchiness which may or may not be related so I might as well jump.

I hope you ladies have a good restful night and much better day tomorrow!! I will check back

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Posted 10 November 2012 - 10:56 PM

Darn it! If only I'd had my wits about me along with my crazy sense of humor when the pharmacist asked how I was taking the cymbalta after I dumped all the beads out. I knew what she was asking if I mixed it into anything but I told her I just put them back into the capsule. Now thinking it would have been funny to say "oh I just lick them off the counter or snort them and sometimes roll them up and smoke them". I have no idea why this is striking me so funny right now (probably won't tomorrow) but would have been priceless to see the look on her face LMAO. Of course my luck she would have red flagged me lol. At least I'm still pulling out some silly things even it's slow.

I am considering getting a pill counter tray like I used to use at work. I'm wondering if it would make it much easier to sort these out. I tried looking into the craft bead counter but since I'm not into that type of thing I have no clue what for sure the person who mentioned it used.

OK I'm off for the night. I promise no more crazy ramblings until tomorrow :)

#174 Bunny515


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 11:35 PM

Darn it! If only I'd had my wits about me along with my crazy sense of humor when the pharmacist asked how I was taking the cymbalta after I dumped all the beads out. I knew what she was asking if I mixed it into anything but I told her I just put them back into the capsule. Now thinking it would have been funny to say "oh I just lick them off the counter or snort them and sometimes roll them up and smoke them". I have no idea why this is striking me so funny right now (probably won't tomorrow) but would have been priceless to see the look on her face LMAO. Of course my luck she would have red flagged me lol. At least I'm still pulling out some silly things even it's slow.

I am considering getting a pill counter tray like I used to use at work. I'm wondering if it would make it much easier to sort these out. I tried looking into the craft bead counter but since I'm not into that type of thing I have no clue what for sure the person who mentioned it used.

OK I'm off for the night. I promise no more crazy ramblings until tomorrow :)

Tprin....I love u girl!!!!! The above post had me in stitches! I will post more tomorrow. Had a long day today and am in bed. Hubby is snoring away already. I am laying here readin on my iPad.

Jnine. Hope u have a wonderful time tomorrow. Just wondering which airport you r flying from? Buttonville, or TO Island?

Thanks tinajuli! Sorry u r having a rough time with work!

Welcome Autimom!

#175 Tinajuli


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 08:20 AM

Nooo, don't stop your crazy ramblings, Truckp.! I was giggling away whilst reading these last two. As for songs...don't you think I don't get songs stuck in my head??! I wonder who doesn't?? For me it's usually only one line or the chorus or so, if they are particularly striking or suit the situation or whatever. Maybe it's our head going a bit offline in order to relax :) or making us realise something. If I woke up in pain every morning, hell yeah, I'd get that too. When I fell into depression I woke up with a big rock on my chest every morning and I was desperate to wake up without it. It's just horrible to start a day with sorrows. You'll see, Truckp, you'll find your personal recipe one day. My father used to have migraines, had them all his life since he was little. They became more and more frequent the more he took his pain medicine. There were so many things he tried, an antidepressant, too btw., and nothing really helped. My parents then changed their (already quite healthy) eating habits and he found a phenomenal doctor who did acupuncture and prescribed him certain chinese teas. Don't ask me what was in there but he had to drink a lot of it. And after a year (it did take long), the migraine was gone, and for good, which is still a miracle I don't get. It disappeared little by little. I think that there's much in what they say about toxics in your system or, if you eat too many carbs, overacidification. And it is possible to "clean" your body. My dad wasn't allowed any sweets nor meat for that year. He only had fruit when we had cake, and he suffered a lot, I can tell you. No "yellow cheeses", but only "white cheeses", meaning: no cheddar, no parmesan etc but only camembert, cottage cheese, goat cheese, yoghurt, cream cheese etc. No coffee either.
I'm trying to write it down in detail because it was also about pain management, and maybe it's not only about nerve damage any more in your case but - due to all those different medication - there's also some toxification that adds to it.
Now that the migraines are over Dad can eat everything again. But he sees to it that he doesn't eat many sweets but only one as a treat per day or so. I think he has one or two pieces of plain chocolate or 2-3 biscuits a day, or maybe 2-3 pieces of cake a week, not more. And he hardly ever drinks coffee...and no processed food, no artificial flavors or flavor enhancers, and no sweeteners! That's why he sticks to plain chocolate (as dark as possible because then there's a smaller chance for added stuff like milk powder etc.) for instance.

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 09:08 AM

I'm so thankful, too, that I have you girls :) ! It helps me a lot to keep my head up. No weepiness today btw and I didn't change the dose. I think I'll stick to 33mg Cymbalta and 10mg Prozac for a week to give my brain a chance to adjust to it. Then I'll drop to 25 the next week.

Still not sure if I should quit Cymbalta altogether during winter? What were your thoughts concerning this, girls? I mean, stopping an antidepressant in winter when it's most likely that one gets a bit depressed anyway due to the lack of light and exercise...that's a bit risky, isn't it? On the other hand, oh, I'd be so proud of myself! And it's quite a procedure for my body to go through, too - I mean, I started Prozac to wean off, then I stop weaning off and stop the Prozac, then, in spring, I go on weaning and start the Prozac again. I'll see how I feel when I'm down to 25mg.

So glad for you, Truckp., that you don't really feel the drop below 30mg! And as for being grouchy, are you grouchy all day? I so wish that this goes away, too! As for your answer to your poor husband - you actually made me laugh lol :D Poor guy, he must have been really helpless if he thought of blaming himself. Speaks for him

Autimum was talking about back pain arriving out of nowhere. I'm having strange back pains, too. But I thought it was due to me being so lazy and not exercising enough. I'll try to fit in some exercises for my back and tummy. That's good in any case! ;)

Jnine, have a great time - wow, I envy you the flight over the Niagara falls!! Sure you want to let your bf take over the wheel? :unsure: I mean, the falls would be a splendid last sight before you die but...is it really worth it??? :)

So girls...I have to get back to my marking. Bunny, I hope you slept well!


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 01:16 PM


Sounds like a good plan to give your body another week before dropping again. I'm so glad you have no crying spells today. That's always a HUGE plus :) Happy you are doing much better. I have had the same thought about stopping the med with winter coming up but decided I'm going for it any way. I just figure on exercise and lots of water and maybe the SAD lamp. Ive also been looking into more supplements-yes I know I sound like a vitamin freak lol.

Personally I was thinking I should have asked my husband what it was he did wrong that he felt guilty LMAO!

OMG LMAO @ the comment to poor Jnine over the falls! :blink:

I have decided I need to add back in the Co-q10, probiotic and fiber. Have also been looking into borage or GLA and finally found an Omega 3 with the correct levels of DHA higher than EPA that we truly need. So have been researching on the best for a good price and now it's a matter of getting them.

I still didn't sleep last night. Was up until after 12:30 woke up a few times finally gave up around 6. Figures, if I had to be up I wouldn't be able to get my butt up on time. Too bad all I have done is sit here. That's what frustrating about it all and it's so nice out today. My leg has relaxed some and the left side of the injections is better but the right is still pretty sore yet. I took an extra muscle relaxer today. Thinking of watching TV and maybe if I'm lucky I will take a nap though it seems to never work either. Just have so much I wanted to get done this weekend but would be nice if I could at least accomplish the laundry later on.

No Rugby today either so I am sticking with dropping tonight. The reason I am scared about being completely off is that after reading so many stories of what the C has done to change people. Talking how they never feel the same, etc. I know it will take some time to get back to normal and all that but I can't keep worrying about that until the time is here. I feel pretty lucky compared to others at this point. Many mentioned it wasn't too bad going from 60 to 30 but after dropping the 30 it got harder. Well for me it was hard going from 60 to 30 and wasn't sure I was going to make it. Rugby was def my life savor that's for sure. I suppose the worse is I would have to keep taking it daily after I stop the C to keep the wds at bay. Whatever works right? Just have to keep telling myself I have made it so far and who knows I may feel like a brand new person :)

Will check in on you gals later.

#178 Bunny515


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 04:22 PM

Hi Gals;

So yesterday and today I have had a really bad headache. I feel this strong pressure around my eyes, between my temples. It radiates down to my cheekbones, the roof of my mouth and my teeth. I have been trying to ignore it and get on with the day, but there are moments where the pain gets intense and I have to take a few minutes. I also still get moments of nausea. However, the brain zaps seem to be gone. I don't fee dizzy, and my emotions seem to be stabling out. I also seem to have more energy, it's easier to get up in the mornings too.

Going off Anti-depressants

Here are my two cents: I think it all depends on what triggers you. For me, I have several triggers that are still present in my life. So as long as those triggers still exist (or I have found a way to not let them trigger me) I feel I need to continue on ADs. With SAD, I think light therapy and exercise can help combat it, as long as you don't have other triggers to manage as well. Also, I feel compelled to add, that if you go off an AD and then need it again in the future, it will take longer to get stabilized. So each time you go off and then back on something, it takes longer and longer for the drugs to kick in. I know this for a fact, with dealing with my mother and have had several conversations with Dr's on this subject.

Having said all of the above, Tprn: when you say you went on it for Post Partum, I was surprised you stayed on them so long. Some people are prone to depression in general. Others suffer Depression after a significant event (injury, loss, giving birth), I think this class of people can get away with taking ADs for a short period of time to get through that time period and then they are fine and don't need them again.

so it all depends on your individual situation and what triggers the depression.

Diet & Nutrition

I agree with you Tina! Diet plays a huge factor in this. I went to a Naturopathic Dr who did a blood test and I am intolerant of all Dairy (Whey, Cassein & Lactose), Red Kidney Beans and Soy. it was tough at first but eliminating Dairy from my diet has helped. It is easier in the Big City as my local supermarket has a whole dairy case of Diary Alternatives - Coconut Milk, Almond Milk etc.

For wheat, I try to keep it to whole grains. We buy, ancient grain / flax seed whole grain bread. I cook brown rice mostly (white rice is a treat). With avoiding milk products, this forces me to avoid most desserts. So I do feel better when I follow this diet. If I eat too many sweet things and/or simple carbs, I do feel worse.

So this afternoon I have made a crockpot of Chicken Curry and it's smelling great! I did have to come lay down around 2:30 as my headache got really intense and then a strong wave of nausea hit. Yesterday I got up early and was going to go out but again, head hurt and I was feeling really anxious.

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 05:02 PM

Bunny I wonder are you clenching your teeth? It just sounds from the headache area on down it's what you may be doing.

My grouchiness comes and goes and for the most part I am just trying to keep my mouth shut and stay away from everyone. I think my husband is getting mad that I'm grouchy. But I can't help it. Today has been the worst as far as when it hit. It was PURE rage. I was slamming stuff, tossing things just out of control. I know part of it is just the exhaustion from not sleeping. I wanted to clean but I look around and everything is just pissing me off.

#180 Bunny515


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Posted 11 November 2012 - 05:18 PM

Bunny I wonder are you clenching your teeth? It just sounds from the headache area on down it's what you may be doing.

My grouchiness comes and goes and for the most part I am just trying to keep my mouth shut and stay away from everyone. I think my husband is getting mad that I'm grouchy. But I can't help it. Today has been the worst as far as when it hit. It was PURE rage. I was slamming stuff, tossing things just out of control. I know part of it is just the exhaustion from not sleeping. I wanted to clean but I look around and everything is just pissing me off.

I was wondering about that myself. I have been consciously making my jaw relax all day. So yes perhaps I am, but the question is why all of a sudden? I never used to get these headaches. They started when I started taking wellbutrin, which I only took for 8 days.

I can empathize with you on the grouchiness. I have very little patience for hubby these days. It's like I'm perfectly happy and content when I'm on my own. As soon as I have to interact with other people I get agitated and have moments where I want to lash out (but I don't).

Jnine: We are all waiting to hear how it went today :)

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