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#36312 Listing The Positive Events Daily Through My Cymbalta Withdrawl

Posted by Carleeta on 29 January 2014 - 02:44 PM

Today is day 20 off cymbalta..Thinking of what withdrawl symptoms I'm facing today..It occurred to me most of what I post on here is the awful side effects. Today I would like it to change my post and post the positive progress I've made in some areas of this journey. In doing this, I sincerely hope it will help others to reflect on those and gain their strength to keep going forward because we can and will get through this. I myself feel when I read these forums and read the suffering we all endure on this journey, I begin to feel these withdrawls will never end. Or, we are all looking for the answer to "When will these symptoms end?".
I find myself looking for these side effects and fearing what next symptom will I have.
Therefore, today I will begin listing my progress through one of my symptoms from the horrible withdrawl from antidepressents.

Anxiety/Panic...today I walked out to my car because my battery was dead and the service men came to get it started..It's below zero outside today. Had to wait 30 minutes for it to get started. Once started I was told to have it run for 45 minutes..Ok, I said to myself.."What am I going to do for forty five minutes?" Well I decided to go back in the house and wait...Although was not happy to take off all the heavy clothing, boots, gloves, hats, and etc...just to put them back on to go outside aand turn the car off..Therefore I sat on the couch, fully winter dressed and thought how much I didn't want to get out of these clothes and back into them again because it was to nerve racking for me. I decided to text my son and ask him if he wanted anything from McDonalds..He texted back "huh?"..Yup that's right he couldn't believe his eyes..I hadn't driven in over a month due to extreme anxiety. .I text him back.."Let me give it a try..I'll drive down the road, if I get to panicked I'll turn the car around and just come bacj..He texted back "ok"..I in my winter getup walked out the door, got in my car and started to drive (knowing all the time I could just turn around and go back) and contained to drive and found myself at McDonald's (drive thru of course) giving my order, paying for my order, receiving my order and chatting with one of the workers. I felt such confidence from this whole experience throughout the entire day. My family was so excited they gave me hugs and kisses.
I also told my family to not expect this from me tomorrow because tomorrow is another day and today was my start of doing something I fear horribly.

I am sharing my positive progress today..I do feel empowered.
Tomorrow I will share only my positive progress on this thread. Whether it be the littlest thing..I will share it..

God Bless you all....

#41285 Let's Talk About Suicide

Posted by thismoment on 17 May 2014 - 01:08 PM

The first six reasons come from a book.


The Six Reasons People Attempt Suicide from Happiness in this World by Alex Lickerman M.D.


1. They're depressed. This is the most common reason. The person says, "Everyone would be better off without me."


2. They're psychotic. They hear malevolent voices from within.


3. They're impulsive. Often drug and alcohol abuse lead to a snap decision.


4. They're crying out for help. The person is waving a flag, an alert to their anguish.


5. They have a philosophical reason to die. It's based on a "reasoned" decision- an attempt to take control of destiny.


6. Games gone too far. Often starts out as a fun game- risky, often sex-based. Asphyxiation is one type.




That all sounds pretty reasonable, and clearly it's been well-researched. However, permit me to add Reason Number 7, and Reason  Number 8.


Reason Number 7.

Another reason people arrive as Suicide's Door is due to Antidepressant Zombieosis (I made that term up) where the patient on an antidepressant is left with all emotions stripped away, flat-lined, zombie-like. The patient becomes a vacant shell, a hollow man, form without content aimlessly shuffling off to nowhere. The thought of suicide arrives not on the frothy wave of emotion, but rather on the bleak granite slab of nothingness.


Reason Number 8.

Another journey that transports us to Suicide's Door is Withdrawal or Discontinuation from Antidepressants. It's important to note that it isn't necessarily depression and anxiety that gets us started on antidepressants- many patients are prescribed drugs like Cymbalta for pain, and these folks often end up standing incredulous at that door too! 


We are misled by the propaganda that tells us withdrawal only takes two weeks- no problem. This misinformation is handed out to physicians on a pamphlet with a 100-dollar bill taped to the backside. The physician is happy (and even happier when solicited to present a seminar or write up a "study" for more cash). Likewise the media is compelled to bury the truth about antidepressant withdrawal as long as BigPharma is one of their sponsors: Dr. Phil is sponsored by Pfizer, so you won't hear anything negative about SSRIs on his show.


We are blindsided by hidden information. Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising that physicians often mumble as we're leaving the office, "You could be on these for the rest of your life . . .". The doctor often senses there's an anomaly present, but it's elusive.


We begin our withdrawal in earnest, enthusiastically! (Two weeks- I can handle that!) But soon we feel like something's wrong: "I should be over this by now! These symptoms must mean I've contracted some disease!" 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months- Nausea, vertigo, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, tinnitus, sex life ended, cognitive impairment, loss of sense of smell, anxiety and panic, more depression, memory gaps and so on. It's deep deep water!


It takes months, not weeks; you have to be patient.


Understandably, the patient often ends up on another antidepressant because the physician is convinced this is a NEW condition altogether- especially if the drug had been prescribed for pain: The physician now sees depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, or fibromyalgia! Remember, there's nothing in the literature about this- in fact we are the pioneers, we are writing the history. It's really not surprising the patient finds himself or herself standing at Suicide's Door. 


And it's during withdrawal and discontinuation that we encounter profound rage: mass murders have occurred during discontinuation from antidepressants, and the suicide often follows.


This is what it feels like to be set-up, to be deceived.


But now you know, so don't do nuthin' dumb!

#20382 How Long Does It Last?

Posted by Nurse1963 on 20 July 2011 - 05:31 AM

Hi Grace, I also just found this website and hope to help others. I have come off of Effexor years ago and HOLY COW. Now, I am in the 4th week of weaning off Cymbalta. I have been on Cymbalta about 1.5 years. I decidied to come off of it and talked with my OB/GYN doctor. I am also a Registered Nurse. I was on the drug for chronic hip pain.

I did the following to wean:
Dropped from 60 mg daily to 30 mg daily for about 2 weeks.
Then went to 30 mg every other day for about 10 days.
Then went to 30 mg eery two days for about a week.
Once I made it 3 days and was in the throws of withdrawl, I decided to just stop taking it and ride the waves. I did not go on another drug to help.

Good news: Constipation is cured. I have started seeing the scale change as in losing weight. My libido is back. And I can have orgasms again. Novel concept.

The Tough Part- it is tough because you feel like crap for several weeks. YESTERDAY I acutally felt somewhat normal but still off and on I through the day I had moments.

I described it to my husband and children like this: I feel like I am about 10 weeks pregnant, very hungover but drunk, coming down with the flu, premenstrual with a brain tumor.

Brain electrical volts, hot flashes, cold flashes, head swishing around, motion sick, nausea, decreased appetite, crying, (ya, I can cry on DEMAND. A melting iceburg on TV can make me cry. It is rather comical) laughing, moments of anger, tiredness, and the list goes on. Regardless of the symptoms, I am realy glad I made the decision to go off the drug and am really PROUD that I am doing it with the above symptoms. It is a journey/process but it does end.

I am finally feeling better today. I still have a weird sensation in my head but I do know it ends. MY family was just educated that "this is going to suck" but we all recognize that when Mom is crying because I can;t find my way to a new pool, it is just the Cymbalta withdrawl.

What I have found most helpful:

Educate the people around you
Keep living life - go to work etc, as you feel crappy if at home or if at work
Drink lots of water. Cold water tastes best for me
Eat smaller meals because of the nausea.
Avoid alcohol during weaning.
Get your sleep. Rest. It helps
Excercise or at least take walks outside.
keep your social calendar limited for about a month

Be strong, You can do this. I am proof. Here is to living chemical free!


#98326 I'm A Mess...getting Off Cymbalta And Wellbutrin

Posted by invalidusername on 04 March 2022 - 08:24 AM

Yes Son - you are spot on. The best way to withdraw is to do so with as close to steady stream of cymbalta in your system. To put it in a mathematical formulae;


1 + 2 beads - taking 1 bead at 8am and 2 at 8pm - note that it take 3 hours to reach max serum level

11am - 225% (100% from 1 bead morning dose, 25% left from previous morning 1 bead, 100% from previous evening dose)

11pm - 300% (50% left from morning dose 1 bead, 50% from previous evening 2 bead, 200% from evening dose)


Sorry if the math is a bit confusing, but you can see that you will have a spike in the evening, which will reduce every morning and induce a mini withdrawal of its own


1 + 1 + 1 beads - taking 1 bead at 8am, then 4pm, then 12am

11am - 238% (100% from latest dose, 67% left from 3am dose, 46% left from 7pm dose  25% left from yesterdays 11am dose) 

7pm - 238% (100% from latest dose, 67% left from 11am dose, 46% left from 3am dose  25% left from yesterdays 7pm dose)

3am - 238% (100% from latest dose, 67% left from 7pm dose, 46% left from11am dose  25% left from yesterdays 3am dose)


So evenly spaced beads will give you a steady level of serum throughout the day. You won't have the massive 75% drop in doses (which constitutes a third of the dose) which believe me can make all the difference. So odd doses can be dealt with this way which will help maintain the serum levels and alleviate the associated issues.


Hope that gives you a suitable picture....




p.s. Hat - feel free to check my math!!

#5693 Class Action Lawsiut against Eli Lilly for Cymbalta?

Posted by christie on 10 March 2009 - 03:57 PM

Well my name is Christie. I wanted to let everyone know that yes I am looking for an attorney to sue. I have actually gone 1 round myself with the Eli Lilly Legal dept. heres there number 317-276-5674. I was told by them they dont get calls that Cymbalta gets people sick and that it helps thousands of people. Well I want to thank this site for what I knew when I went my round with her LOL. I tore her apart. She asked me what I wanted. I basically told her this is a dangerous drug and that its going to kill people and started telling her what I knew. The only answer I got was UM pretty much. They have a claim process but they wont guarantee anything. Basically they wanted my Medical records to see why it wasnt Cymbalta.

I actually contacted Erin Brockovich because Im like it cant hurt. Her staff actually emailed me saying they believed she was looking into it because the firm she worked for did LOTS of pharmaceutical cases. Im trying to get people to email her and tell her your personal story of getting sick on and or going off this drug. I figure the more she hears the better the chances are she will get involved. heres her email erin@brockovich.com or you can email me either. Ive decided Im not going to stop till the drug is off the market. I told Eli Lilly the one thing that they didnt want to hear they got the wrong person sick

#5432 Class Action Lawsiut against Eli Lilly for Cymbalta?

Posted by wmaraionet on 19 October 2008 - 08:13 PM

My husband keeps telling me that anyday now we are going to be seeing ads on the tv saying "call us if you have ever taken the drug Cymbalta". I was never warned about the hell I would go through on this drug or getting off this drug.

#42084 Let It All Go

Posted by thismoment on 02 June 2014 - 08:28 AM

Let it all go.


It's natural to want to resist the assault of withdrawal- we hate it! But we soon see that we just can't stay strong forever- it's exhausting, and it spikes up the anxiety. When we fight the withdrawal symptoms, and when we covet a certain expectation of recovery-- the setbacks feel even more profound! 


You are on this merry-go-round and you can't get off until it stops.  You can't shorten this event, you can only make it worse!  Let it all go. Focus on those personal chores that support your dignity and self-esteem: shower; dress in something that makes you feel good; put on your makeup; get outside; and put your need for sympathy on the shelf for an hour and find somebody to thank.


Turn on your engine of compassion and take it out for a spin. 


Let it all go. I know it hurts-- your world has a broken heart. When it's time to cry it's time to cry-- that's one valve you really need to open wide.


The greatest strengths you need in withdrawal are non-judgement and non-resistance-- it is what it is, and it's done when it's done. 

#3106 List Your Symtpoms

Posted by Attorney_Victim on 06 July 2008 - 09:53 PM

There are many different posts about symptoms and side effects of Cymbalta and Cymbalta Withdrawal. I wanted to begin a thread to compile a thorough list of effects and symptoms that are related to Cymbalta. (Pleae list symptoms/effects that are confirmed to be related to Cymbalta via your doctor or you just suspect them to be). Also, break your symptoms/effects into two categories: Side Effects (while taking Cymbalta) and Withdrawal Symptoms (while coming off Cymbalta). Also, please note "Dr" by a symptom that was confirmed by a doctor. I'll start by listing mine.

Side Effects:
Depression worsened
Trouble sleeping
Withdrew from friends and family
Spending/shopping out of control
Overall health declined: sick frequently
Weight gain
Suicidal ideation
Memory problems
Concentration problems
Vision problems

Withdrawal Symtpoms:
Brain “zaps”
Numb fingers
Flu-like symptoms
Sinus pain
Runny nose
Hot flashes
Mood Swings
Suicidal ideation
Cold chills: Shivering accompanied by chest and abdominal muscle tightening
Memory problems
Concentration problems

#59603 Nobody Knows

Posted by thismoment on 20 April 2015 - 08:39 AM

There is no scientific evidence that any mental disorder-- including depression-- is caused by serotonin abnormalities. Dangerously high serotonin levels resulting in serious illness and even death, however, are often caused by serotonin drugs like SSRIs and SNRIs-- especially when a patient is prescribed two or more of these drugs simultaneously.


Dr. Wayne Goodman, Chairman of Psychopharmacologic Committee of the FDA said, "Biological psychiatrists have looked very closely for a serotonin imbalance or dysfunction in patients with depression or OCD, and to date it has been elusive. [They found no link] Although an SSRI or antidepressant may work well in an individual, this doesn't prove there's an underlying imbalance, defect, or dysfunction in the person's serotonin system."


The four current guesses why antidepressants may work are the following:

1.  Changes in neurotransmitters.

2.  Placebo effect.

3.  Neurogenesis (new brain cell growth).

4.  Amphetamine-like side-effects give the patient more energy.


How do antidepressants work? Nobody knows.

Antidepressants physically alter the brain. Once drugs are withdrawn, does the brain fully restore? Nobody knows.

What are the long-term effects of antidepressants? Nobody knows.

#37623 Feeling Lots Of Increased Pain....

Posted by equuswoman on 03 March 2014 - 11:06 AM

in lower back and just my joints in general. I dunno but seems the lower I go the more pain I've noticed however this will NOT stop my countdown. I've lived with pain since the age of 4 years with the diagnoses of Leggs~Calves~Perthes disease of the right hip. I've undergone 3 hip replacements and I wear them out. Having had my first replacement at age 35 and being a sorta 'active' kinda gal that just the way it goes. I feel there should be a life time warranty with this artificial joints but not so...lol


A career of orthopedic nursing and after going into the retirement mode and taking up horseback riding yep I've been pretty hard on these artificial hips....


I will continue to drop one bead per day 'til I'm DONE with Cymbalta, never to take this poison again, ever. It has been a rough road to hell and back but with the help and encouragement from the ppl here I shall make it.


I do plan to hang around to give help and hope to others who are on the forum now and those that will come after. That's what it's all about IMO friends helping friends. I am grateful to the forum and whomever it is that maintains it.


May God bless all of us and all remain in my daily prayers.

TheEquusWoman :hug:

#61567 Going Cold Turkey...

Posted by jdhibbard on 21 August 2015 - 01:35 AM

Hi everyone! I haven't posted anything in a very long time, but just wanted to update everyone on my long term progress. I stopped taking Cymbalta on September 6, 2013. I have now been free of that drug for nearly two years. The first several months were really hard, but I think that I have finally reached the point of recovery where we all want to be. My main goal has been to slowly integrate myself back into society again. Because of the side effects of Cymbalta, I had completely isolated myself for years. Social anxiety was a big obstacle for me to overcome. I think getting back into the workforce helped more than anything else. I purposely got a job in a fast paced office environment, surrounded by hundreds of people. It was terrible at first, but over time it got much, much easier. Now, I'm actually loving it! Over the past two years, I also started dieting and have nearly lost all of the weight that I had gained while taking Cymbalta. (I gained 85 pounds and have now lost 70.) I honestly feel like a whole new person! The best thing is my ability to FEEL emotions again. I laugh when something is funny, I cry when something is sad, I feel excitement when good things happen, and I just can't wait for another new day! I have always had a good relationship with my husband, but since recovering from my Cymbalta addiction, our relationship has grown so much! The transformation is amazing. My precious daughter is starting college this fall, and I am so happy and excited for her! It is glorious to FEEL these things! The only long term effect from the drug that I seem to have is mild forgetfulness. Has anyone else had this issue? All in all, I guess it's a small price to pay considering where I was two years ago. Please don't give up hope. This drug CAN be beaten. For the first time in years, I feel like I'm in control of my life. Good luck to everyone battling this drug, And, GOD bless you all.  :)

#58028 One Year, One Day

Posted by Unknown on 09 March 2015 - 01:49 PM

I meant to write this post yesterday, but then I realized that today is a more fitting day to write it, because I'm now one day on the other side. Eventually, those days will add up to weeks, months, and then years. I want to live to see the day when it's been 16 years since I have taken an antidepressant medication. In 2030, at age 44, that means I will have lived longer without the ugly poisons than I did on them. 


It seems silly to say now, but at one time, coming off of Cymbalta (and, not replacing it with another medication) was at the top of my bucket list. For five years, it topped the list. I saw two doctors in late 2010 who were only interested in helping me achieve my goal by taking equally addicting medication. One even went so far to describe himself as a "pill vending machine." I set the dream aside for more than three years until I dug up the strength to call a doctor who was recommended to me through a friend of a friend. I still knew to not get too excited, to not get my hopes up, because I had it in my mind it would take months to come off of Cymbalta and that I would feel very sick. 


On March 5, I saw my new doctor. She was so nonchalant about the most important change I've made in my life; she'd never heard of patients having trouble stopping Cymbalta. (I told her, there are thousands of people out there waiting and wanting to take on the transition I am getting ready to make.) By March 8, I was finished with both Cymbalta and the temporary dosages of Prozac. My birthday is December 19, but it feels like I underwent a rebirth on March 8, and it is an anniversary I will celebrate for the rest of my life.


Some of you are just starting this transition. Some of you might be in the middle of it. I know it is scary as hell, and sometimes, it doesn't even seem real or possible that it will happen. I didn't think I could do it at one time, either. I went against my parents' best wishes, but I always clung to a moment from years ago when my childhood primary care physician told me that my depression was mild enough that one day I could try life without antidepressants. 


I once read on a post here that the first eight months were the hardest, and that once you hit that eight-month mark, it got a bit easier. Maybe it was a placebo effect, but I found the same to be true, too. Be kind to yourself in the beginning. Know that you are going to cry for what seems like no reason. Cry anyway. Cry and laugh at the same time, like I did. Get the rest you need, and do not feel ashamed or embarrassed to tell others that you need that rest. Eat and drink whatever keeps the nausea at bay -- for me, it was Cherry Coke ice cream floats, sometimes three or four a day in those first few weeks. Be sure to drink lots of water, though, as well. Exercise, even when you don't feel like it; you'll be glad that you did, once you are finished, as you can feel your brain and body in transition. Warm baths and showers help the brain tics -- and, they do go away, at about that eight-month mark. Treat yourself to professional Swedish massages as often as your schedule and financial status will allow. 


I started on antidepressants in 1999, at age 13, as part of a clinical trial, because it was what my mom thought was the most helpful for me. For the next 15 years, I took Prozac, Zoloft, and lastly, Cymbalta, each new drug the result of my body building "immunity" to the previous one I had taken. I thought that I had to be on medication, that others got to write my life story for me. I know some antidepressants are good and helpful and that they make sure some people live the healthy and safe lives they deserve to live. Based on my experiences, though, Cymbalta is not one of these drugs. 


My battle is over, but in some ways, it continues. I have anxiety that I work through daily, with exercise, meditation and drinking lots of water. I read voraciously, and I cling to my hope as an eternal optimist. If you are reading this, please know that I think of you every single day, and I hope that you are able to one day write a post similar to this one, too. I know you can do it. I am rooting for you. Take it one day at a time, and I promise you, before you know it, you, too, will be looking at one year and one day. 

#55966 This Is Horrible!

Posted by fishinghat on 02 February 2015 - 12:24 PM

Sometimes I think the Lord gives use these challenges to remind us we need Him and 'No' we are not in control. Keep praying and being patient.

#53195 Update

Posted by fishinghat on 18 December 2014 - 09:51 AM

Before anyone asks.....Why did I return. It is simple. I just missed my freinds too much!! It just left an empty spot in me. I miss the wisdom of Carleeta (whose Yippeeee I have not heard in a long time), Clara, Five Notions, Renee, TryingFl, Gail, Brzghoff, BelaLugosisDad and so so many more.


Now for the update. I continue to withdraw from the lorazepam. My drs all concur that I will not be able to use it again as the last two times it did little good and is also getting to hard to get off of it. This was the forth time I have used it.


The hydroxyzine, clonidine  and zoloft continue to work well for me and I have been doing fairly well on them.


I still have my pssd. I have spent a lot of time with my pcp, endocrinologist, uroligist and psychiatrist about this issue, they ran some tests and they all agree that there is simply not a treatment for it. Thank yoou Eli Lilley!! May the same thing happen to them!!


Love to all and a Merry Christmas





#47317 Put The Symptoms In Charge

Posted by thismoment on 21 August 2014 - 05:55 PM

During withdrawal (tapering off, bead-counting etc) symptoms emerge and we naturally recoil. We tolerate what we can and try to reduce the symptoms by slowing down the weaning or by going back up a milligram or two. Sometimes we buy supplements and vitamins to see if that will help reduce the symptoms.


The symptom is always the bad guy, the devil at your door. But I think there's another way to look at it-- the symptom is the good guy, the bright angel that appears to help you! The symptom has but one message, and it's meant to guide you-- "You're going too fast!" It's not trying to mess you up, it's simply saying it can't keep up with the repairs at the rate you're removing the drug. And the faster you remove the drug the louder the symptom will shout "You're going too fast!"


Therefore, put the symptoms in charge, and adjust the dosage reduction accordingly. When symptoms appear, listen to them. Go slow; if more symptoms appear, go slower. There's less thinking, less planning, less strategizing, and less stress. If just a few symptoms or indeed NO symptoms whatsoever appear, it's an indication that the repairs are going fine.


Sometimes somebody has to get off the C right now for a variety of reasons, so this isn't for them. The low-symptom or symptom-free withdrawal is long-term- like a year or more, and the 10% Solution is probably the best strategy for this method (more on this later).


Surely a longer, stress-free withdrawal is more healthful and beneficial than a short-and-terrifying, debilitating, and symptom-filled withdrawal.

#43931 Here's What I Think

Posted by thismoment on 30 June 2014 - 11:44 PM

The more I research the subject of discontinuation, the more I am convinced that the best we can do is find a way to live with what we are left with. I am fairly certain that 'waiting to recover', or 'waiting to return to the way I was', or 'waiting for the discontinuation symptoms to go away' is neither accurate nor is it a healthful way to view recovery from neurotoxic medications: we simply must re-build our lives within the framework of discontinuation.

There is no going back-- we must strive to enable the discontinuation symptoms to retreat as much as they will-- reduce stress, keep anxiety down, promote physical health, and promote mental health with the aid of regular professional counsel.

I don't find my point of view negative, and I hope you don't either; in fact I find it empowering and when I arrived at this conclusion I found it profoundly settling, as I sensed it was the truth.

I believe many of you will reject this and conclude that I lack faith. However, I ask you to consider this, and I request comments especially from those with long-time discontinuation experience.

#43500 Everyone Is An Expert....

Posted by FiveNotions on 25 June 2014 - 12:03 PM

Well, Amy, when you "update the staff," just turn around, lift your skirt or drop your trousers and show 'em your rug burn.... tell 'em that's how you feel inside, too....

That may even get you some more paid time off! ;-)

#40923 Military Doctors Had Me On Potentially Lethal Cymbalta Combinations.

Posted by Hickupp on 08 May 2014 - 10:29 AM

A post from msn on potentially lethal drug combinations:

This was a terrible point in my life. I had most of the side effects that you all describe but it took forever for me to tie it to Cymbalta because of everything they had me on at the time. I remember going in to the doctor's office complaining about being so tired all the time. For that he put me on 90mg adderall a day. He even told me the pharmacy might not allow it because it was above the recommended daily dose. Well they did allow it. I was given hydrocodone and Valium as well. I went from a kind and patient person to an angry and hostile a-hole. Looking back I can't believe I never hurt anyone. I'm so thankful that my marriage survived it all. I was so angry all the time. The pain killers made me more patient and less angry so for that benefit plus the physical pain the Cymbalta was causing me I would run out of pain killers early. When I felt I may have been dependent on them I got angry of course and quit them cold turkey. The withdrawal wasn't too bad but when I didn't improve I realized it was the Cymbalta. Stopping that brought a far worse withdrawal. Years later I'm left wondering if I'll ever be right again. On a positive note I realized it was the Cymbalta that made me crave alcohol. I used to hide bottles of vodka everywhere and would drink from the bottles all through the day. After quitting Cymbalta I never feel like drinking anymore. I come close to vomiting just thinking about it. My liver test from the VA came back healthy and I have no idea how it withstood such an onslaught of bad drugs and alcohol.

#40851 Listing The Positive Events Daily Through My Cymbalta Withdrawl

Posted by Wagtail on 04 May 2014 - 08:26 PM

Fishinghat , I have a huge smile on my dial @ your positive post.

I went to our grandson Charlie's 3rd birthday party yesterday & it felt great.
My 3 children their spouses & our 6 grandchildren were all there as well & to have my family all together under the same roof @ the same time is a rare occurrence.
The excitement was contagious .

I have to report that I have had four days in a row of feeling good with minimal s/e's , it makes me tear up just thinking about it .
I suppose the positive to come out of our journeys is that feeling normal will never be taken for granted ever again.

The side effects did return last night when I got home from the party , in the form of burning skin & pins & needles all down my left side & my left foot, also the chemical taste in my throat & mouth but they have gone this morning.
Must have released a lot of adrenalin from my happy excitement .
It's almost 6 months now since I went from 60mgs to zero in 4 weeks so I'm guessing that in another month or so I should be back to my former old self.

I will always be grateful to my American friends who pulled me from the edge & dragged me or I should say carried me through to the other side of Hell.
I will NEVER forget any of you & you all know who you are... I don't want to name names in the fear of forgetting someone . You all played a part & for that I thank you .

I intend to log on regularly just to keep in touch & touch wood that I won't need it but just in case I need help in the future. I know without a shadow of a doubt that you special guys will be lurking somewhere in the background just in case you're needed.

I think with the combined knowledge that you all have , and that is a great deal more than the DOCTORS .. That we owe it to the ones that will inevitably follow us .
I will risk it by mentioning a few of you , fishinghat, Fivenotions, Thismoment , Carleeta, Equuswoman ..... As a group you save lives !.:-)

If I didn't mention you , I'm so sorry but you know I mean everyone ...Gail, Xman ..... Ummmmmmm my brain is still repairing .


#3261 List Your Symtpoms

Posted by Cymbalta Survivor on 11 July 2008 - 03:50 PM

I will simply list all the effect that I had and not label them as good or bad. I will leave that interpretation to the reader since something like effects on mood swings could be good for one person, while bad for another.

Effects that Cymbalta had on me while taking it:
Nausea (first day only) (confirmed by doctor)
Daytime Fatigue/Sleepiness/Laziness (decreased as the days passed, but never completely went away)
Shortened attention span
Decreased irritability/anxiety/stress
Decrease in periodicity and severity of mood swings
Felt very mellow/sedated most of the time
Decrease in social interactions (I became somewhat shy and reclusive)
Decrease in short-term memory capacity

Effects that Cymbalta had on me after I stopped taking it (the withdrawal effects began about a day or so after my last dose and lasted approximately 6 or 7 days. The peak in the effects occurred days 3 through 5)
Drastic and sudden increase in irritability/anxiety/stress
Increase in periodicity and severity of mood swings
Marked swings in "energy" (very energetic at times/very sleepy at others)
Increased attention span
Severe depression
Severe suicidal thoughts/feelings of hopelessness
Time distortion
Audio and Visual hallucinations (only occurred during the most severe time of the withdrawal period)
"Brain Zaps"
Became even more reclusive and shy (I spent large amounts of time in my bedroom [we have frequent visitors as I live in a house with two other bachelors] I did not want to be around people)

After about a week, the withdrawal symptoms faded and I returned to my old self (before Cymbalta). I am generally a happy guy, but I am known for my quick and severe temper. Right before I went on Cymbalra, my business was gong through a rough spot and I was having great difficulty in paying bills and keeping the doors open. I had become extremely irritable and severely quick tempered to the point that I was having multiple fits and tirades almost every day. This made the situation worse (of coarse). My employees came to fear me greatly to the point that their productivity feel which put us in an even worse economic situation. I went to my doctor on the advise of my business partner. My doctor prescribed me Cymbalta to help cope with the situation.

Here I will give my feeling of how Cymbalta treated what my doctor described as an anxiety disorder (this is an opinion and subjective in nature):
As far as reducing anxiety, I felt it did that very well. However, along with that my productivity also fell. I was very lethargic and lazy much of the time. I would spend hours in my office just pretending to work, while actually just surfing the internet. I would go to bed early and sleep late (I would often exceed 10 or more hours of sleep). I no longer felt driven and was just "on cruise control" much of the time, not really giving a crap about much of anything. So for me the drug did what it was supposed to, in fact it did it too well. I have said it before and I will continue to say it, I think Cymbalta may work well for some people. It did not work very well for me personally, but that does not mean it does not do so for others.

My problem with Cymbalta was the lack of communication from my doctor, pharmacist, and Eli Lilley about potential side effects THAT ARE LIFE THREATENING. The only thing I was told is that I may have some nausea the first few days. That's it. With side effects or withdrawal symptoms, the warnings should be proportional to the nature of the potential threat. When the drug has a potential to make people suicidal, a strong warning should be given at each of the levels (manufacturer, doctor, and pharmacist). I am not talking about fine print on some form or a tiny sticker on some bottle, but an honest-to-goodness, clear and strong warning. The lack of this type of warnings says one of three things about the doctors, manufacturers, and pharmacists:

1. They are ignorant about the potential threats. Given what I read on this forum, I believe that if they are still ignorant of the issues, then they are at least somewhat incompetent and not keeping up on the mos up-to-date information.

2. They are aware of the potential threats, but are lackadaisical in their approach to giving warnings. This tells me they are definitely incompetent and are not living up to their responsibilities as health care providers.

3. They are fully aware of the potential threats, but purposely cover them up for the purpose of making money or receiving benefits. This would tell me that not only are they incompetent, but they are evil, vile, disgusting human beings who completely place making money over human life. I sure hope this is not the case. But it certainly may very well be.

Thanks for reading my rant.